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Sound the Horns, Set loose the dogs, the hunt begins!
JezDate: Sunday, 2010-03-21, 3:22 AM | Message # 16
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The saiyan had thrown his hands out, launching a powerful kaiho in Ander's direction. In doing so, the saiyan had caught some of the suns rays in his eyes. Ander quickly shrank down to his normal size to gain more of an effect but the kaiho had still flown straight towards the namekian’s stretched out right fist. Thinking very quickly, Ander threw out a weaker kaiho from his left hand to intercept both Velen’s attack and his own fist, which was now being forced towards his chest. His defensive attack, however, was not strong enough to completely nullify the offense. So his fist still whipped back into his chest, leaving a slightly darker mark where it hit, and he came to a stop in mid air.

The saiyan had decided to follow up on his attack, capitalising on his opportunity, and was now ready to launch into his own attack. Ander threw out his leg in a classic flying side kick position. Knowing full well that his opponent was much too skillful to be caught by his obvious kick, the Namekian warrior had his right hand ready beside his chest in an attempt to launch the palm towards Velen’s face as he used his current momentum to carry him past the saiyan.

ooc: words - 212

Message edited by Jez - Sunday, 2010-03-21, 5:13 PM
Kyrt_RyderDate: Sunday, 2010-03-21, 5:27 PM | Message # 17
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As he'd burst forward, Velen clenched his eyes, shaking off the painful effects of the sun's rays bending around the large Namek's frame. As he looked up, he saw the namek's flight coming to a stop and launching towards himself, in an all-too predictable flying side kick posture. ~What is he up to...~ pondered the Saiyan warrior, knowing all too well that this Namekian bumpkin had been picking up some of his devious tactics.

At the last second before the side-kick would have hit, Velen through a Kaiho straight down into the roof of the large complex, blasting a hole in it as he applied the full force of his chi to flying upwards, wrapping his arms around the leg that had thrust itself between them as he spun mid-air, shifting his momentum as he thrust downwards, fully intent on 'helicopter bashing' the green Fighter's skull clean through an as-yet-undamaged part of the roof.

OOC: up to you if your punch hit. I'm guessing if it did it would be a glancing blow, but it's your call. If you tell me your decision on MSN I can adjust my post to incorporate it.

JezDate: Sunday, 2010-03-21, 5:45 PM | Message # 18
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The saiyan grabbed his outstretched attack and in the same moment flew up into the air before the second strike could successfully be thrown, putting Ander temporarily off balance. At the peak of the flight they both came to a momentary halt and then he was being dragged down back towards the building. Realising what was happening, Ander quickly formulated a plan in his head. Using the images in his head, this move would work almost perfectly, but as he was constantly reminded, real life is very different from what happened in his head.
The timing of his next move was very important, if he applied the force too early then his opponent would know what was happening, too late and he would miss completely. When he was sure that the saiyan was completely committed to the move, Ander loosened his legs, allowing them to stretch with the saiyan. With that he gained some control of the flight of his upper body as it was under less of his opponents influence. At the very last moment he used both of his legs, the one in the iron grip of the saiyan and the free one, to give the saiyan a little extra push into the solid roof.

ooc: words - 207

Message edited by Jez - Sunday, 2010-03-21, 5:45 PM
Kyrt_RyderDate: Sunday, 2010-03-21, 6:20 PM | Message # 19
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Realizing all too late what had been done to him, Velen had time only to wrap his arms around the extra leg as well and tuck his head in before his upper back slammed clean through the rough, only to have a soft landing on the giant mass of a blob that was Guru. "Nyeeeeg" groaned the rotund Namek, as Velen swiftly sprung off him before either of the Namek's could respond, wrapping the rubbery legs around the great form as he proceeded to tie them together behind Guru's fat back, locking in a tight Knot, an overhand knot to the right, and then, if he had enough time before Ander got back to save his precious leader, another overhand knot to the left, forming a secure, seized Reef Knot.

~Heh, never thought I'd actually use all that knot shit they taught back in first year at the accademy~ he thought, spinning to intercept the Namekian Fighter, who he was confident would be rushing in to save his beloved, fat leader, careful to be sure he kept plenty of distance between himself and the legs, refusing to let himself become entangled.

OOC: Up to you if I had time for one knot or two. Definitely a funny scene though xD

BeowulfDate: Sunday, 2010-03-21, 9:40 PM | Message # 20
Less of a Noob
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Landing in front of the ship Asheron paused and opened up a telepathic connection with the captain ~Snow, I have the Dragonball you wanted the machine to go after, he stayed behind for repairs while I ran off to get it. Originally I just trained but he took longer than I expected so I went off after the ball.~ he said through the link as he walked into the ship looking around partially hoping that he would run into the captain just because that mean her mission had been safely completed and she would have the second to last ball and this entire mission would be over. And everyone would be one step closer to peace.

OOC: 116 words

JezDate: Monday, 2010-03-22, 9:58 AM | Message # 21
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Not being able to see what was going on down inside the building, Ander had to rely on his other senses to tell him what was happening. First thing he knew was that the saiyan had landed in the room that housed the Guru and his first instinct was to rush to the elder's aid, no matter what kind danger he was putting him self in to. He almost made it down to the roof when he decided not to let his emotions get the better of him. It was more important that he won the fight and saved the whole planet from this tyrannical saiyan rather than just throw his life away in an attempt to protect the Guru.
Once this decision was made inside his mind, he forced his body to adhere to it. It took almost all of his will power to abstain from rushing into battle with the saiyan but he managed to hold on. All of a sudden, a strange sensation travelled up his legs and was registered inside his head, it felt like one part of his lower shin was in contact with another part of his knee. It took a couple of seconds to think about what would be causing this particular sensation when he realised that Velen was actually tying his legs into a knot. Struggling to tense his leg muscles as a defense against the knot, Ander realised that not only were his legs weaker for having stretched so far, but also that there was no way he could overpower the saiyan in battle. They were evenly matched in speed but his opponent was a fair deal stronger than he was.
The namekian's whole life had been training and leading up to this point. He had been charged to protect his planet and his elder, but he was going to fail. None of it had been enough. The futility of his actions and frustration at accepting this defeat built up into a ball of emotions inside his chest and the moment he gave up the fight, the ball exploded out of him. His strength, speed and power all spiking in reaction to his situation.

ooc: Used power up.

Kyrt_RyderDate: Tuesday, 2010-03-23, 6:49 AM | Message # 22
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As he waited, staring up at the sky looking towards where he could just barely make out the Namek, Velen could feel...something. It was almost like thunder had cracked outside, though he heard nothing, and the sky was as clear as it had always been since he'd arrived on this planet. Or at least, as clear as it has been every day he'd been awake here. A slight sensation of concern prickled his skin, remembering he'd witnessed a similar sensation when watching a pair of more advanced cadets brawling back at the accademy.

"This worm can't have learned how to power up like that already can he!?" Cursed the Saiyan at this turn of events as he exploded upwards, fully intent on catching the Namek before he'd settled into the full power, arm cocked to catch his chin with a leaping, flying uppercut. If Ander really had learned what Velen thought he did, then the Namek would have him on the ropes as soon as he realized the power he held at his disposal.

JezDate: Wednesday, 2010-03-24, 4:03 PM | Message # 23
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Closing his eyes once more the namekian started to make the void inside his head. The void blocked out all un-necessary thoughts, feelings and emotions and from there, he would be able to fight as hard as he possibly could. Win or lose wouldn't matter inside the void, it was just his next move. As soon as he opened his eyes, however, he realised that he had taken too much time to create the void and his opponent was now rushing towards him with his arm cocked back in a perfect uppercut position. Preferring to take the attack to the stomach rather than the face, Ander moved forward slightly and braced himself for the impending pain. The void would nullify most of it, but he needed the mental strength to maintain this state of mind.
It was only when he attempted to move backwards and take a bit of the force away from the punch that he realised the extent of his bad position. He was fully stretched out, his legs could not stretch any further and he was about to cop a massive blow to the stomach. He winced a little bit as Velen's fist flew in to his stomach, separating the namekian from his legs and continuing on with the force of the momentum, actually carrying Ander further up into the air.

Somehow the void held through all of this and his next move was simple but calculated. Ander threw both his hands back to his side and threw out a kaiho into the saiyan's face. He would not be caught off guard in this battle again.

ooc: words - 270

Message edited by Jez - Thursday, 2010-03-25, 1:39 AM
Kyrt_RyderDate: Thursday, 2010-03-25, 0:18 AM | Message # 24
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OOC: remember our discussion in IM Jerry? About you handling the rest of the fight? If you decide that's not what you want just PM or IM me (depending on whether or not I'm on msn) and I'll post as Velen. Just please save the finally for me to RP him (if your willing of course,) for it will be epic! lol

IC: Waiting where she had, floating in the Sky, Snow watched on as Ander delayed in the building, almost as though he were staring at the sites or something. "You had better not waste my time Ander, I haven't a great deal of it." It was then that she checked her radar, only to find that somehow there were two dragonballs in the building, rather than only the one they had come here for. Before she had a chance to question the situation, however, Ander was knocked flying out of the building, followed by a... human?

The warrior Ander had gotten entangled with had the strangest hair Snow had ever imagined for a human, hair far more fitting for a Saiyan, though he was without the trademark tail of the race. On closer inspection, however, she found a blot of blood on the warrior where a tail should be, proving her initial suspicion had proven correct. "I should have paid more attention when mother was teaching me about our enemies..." she muttered, watching the fight with interest.

She had intended to test Ander's allegiance and abilities, but this was more than she could have hoped for. The pair seemed fairly evenly matched, though the Saiyan warrior did appear to overpower the Namek in close combat. A pity, she'd heard about the rapid growth of Saiyan warriors, it would have been excellent if she could have them both serve her, but the Slyph had space only for four passengers. Of course, it was always possible he would kill her Namekian soldier. He was her crew, true enough, but he was also an alien, one from a place with which she was not familiar, and she saw him as more expendable than the other crewmen.

If this Saiyan managed to conquer Ander, it would prove the Namek didn't deserve his slot on the ship, and the position would be extended to his slayer. So intent was she on watching the battle, that she was startled when she heard Asheron's mental voice in her head, telling her that he had acquired another ball. ~That makes five, and there are two here. Excellent work Asheron. Have the Slyph give you a bag to carry them all, and bring them to my location. There's no need to disturb AREU from his repairs, let the two of them have their time alone and we'll take care of this~

Even as she sent the message, Snow observed as Ander finally managed to take the upper hand, slamming the Saiyan through the roof with his legs. But the victory was not to last. A moment later, a feeling of thunder without sound radiated outwards from the Namek, as he attempted to fly upwards, only to stop short, something stopping him, before his adversary struck him with a mighty blow to the stomach, tearing his legs from his hips.

~Heh, looks like the green man won't be lasting much longer.~ She thought to herself, lifting the radar once more as she flew down into the town, tracking the balls' location via the radar until was inside the building, finding the sac with one ball conveniently on the floor. "Look old man, I've got no reason to kill you, but your fat ass is on top of my dragonball" she told Guru after checking the bag and the radar again. Focusing her strength, the changeling woman released a broad Kaiho blast that slid the great bulk a good ten feet back, granting her the necessary room to retrieve the ball, and stuff it into her sac, flying back out the way she'd come, intent on uniting somewhere with Asheron to make the wish.

OOC: 612 words, found the last dragonball and stole Velen's dragonball, headed out to unite with Asheron and make our wish(es)

BeowulfDate: Thursday, 2010-03-25, 9:31 AM | Message # 25
Less of a Noob
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Nodding and stepping into the ship Ash slowly made his way into the ship to the same area where the ship made different things and looked up. “Slyph? I need you to make me a bag, Snow needs me to take the dragon balls to her so we can make the wish.” He said as he looked around. It was only a few seconds before a cloth bag was created and Ash made his way to the back of the ship, collecting the dragon balls and making his way out of the area and off towards snow, following his dragon ball radar in order to find her.

OOC: leaving where we meet up to you. 107 words

Kyrt_RyderDate: Saturday, 2010-03-27, 0:53 AM | Message # 26
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OOC: I lost the old one, so I'm just going to throw down a basic post to show what I'm doing, and then I'll edit it as I'm able. Since you told me to go ahead and make the summon Asheron, I will.

IC: Now that she had the balls, snow flew back towards the ship, leaving the two to their battle.

At a roughly open field not far from the battle, she found her minion, and the pair set about arranging the balls and invoking the dragon

"I wish for as much money as you can give me." She told him, only to be told they had two wishes remaining.

"I wish.... for my ship to become faster and better however possible. And... I guess you get one Ash."

OOC: Yeah, I know it's crap xD, plan to edit it, but this should be sufficient to let you post

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