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Sound the Horns, Set loose the dogs, the hunt begins!
Kyrt_RyderDate: Monday, 2010-03-15, 5:38 AM | Message # 1
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A glance back showed that the Namekian had powered up and accelerated, catching up to her after she'd taken a lead. ~My my, your just full of surprises aren't you.~ She thought, grateful to at last be free of having her thoughts read. It was useful, but at the same time trying to guard her thoughts against unintended revelations was a heavy burden. Slowly, she accelerated, giving the Namek time to maximize his speed until he began to fall behind, and would then lock that speed as they made the long journey.

Reaching into the breast of her gi, she once more withdrew her dragon radar, checking to ensure that they were properly on course. Once that had been determined, she held onto the device, listening for the tell tale beeping that would signify they were drawing closer. Closer to the balls that could grant her any wish she wanted. And she had a few ideas in mind indeed.

JezDate: Monday, 2010-03-15, 5:52 AM | Message # 2
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They were a few minutes into their flight and the captain had looked back at her namekian companion, probably making sure he could actually keep up with this base speed of flight. Once she was satisfied that he could keep up she started to accelerate slowly, probably trying to test just how fast Ander was. He shrugged, half of his mind wanted to hold back and not show her his true colours yet, but the more innocent half was definitely dominant at the moment and he accelerated with her until he could not possibly go any faster. This was much faster than he had ever flown before and the planet blurred by at an astounding rate. He started to laugh as he pulled a couple tricks in the air, a few flips here and there, even a barrel roll around captain Snow before he reached top speed was in order. This was the most fun he had ever imagined having in his whole life. Now he was finally learning that there was more to life that training and other than shying away from all of these new experiences and feelings, he wanted to charge straight into them head first. He saw a cloud coming up to them but a little bit off to the right, he twisted his shoulders, angling away from the captain and heading directly into the white, fluffy mass in front of him. He wondered if it would feel like he was flying through fairy floss... or if it would taste like fairy floss. The last thing that could be seen from the outside was the namekian licking his lips in anticipation of the taste before heading into the mass of condensation. A second later he emerged out the other side of the cloud, hugging his arms to his chest. It was not warm, or fluffy, or yummy at all. It was just cold and wet. A slight frown crossed his face as he resumed his former position just behind the captain. She could hear him muttering curses at the clouds for looking so nice and inviting under his breath.
Ander started to get a little bit impatient and wondered when they would be at their destination so he asked the much dreaded question.
“Hey Cap'... are we there yet?”

words = 383

Kyrt_RyderDate: Monday, 2010-03-15, 6:22 AM | Message # 3
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Snow turned her head over her shoulder, watching on as Ander screwed around, messing with himself, doing loops and barrel rolls and various other childish shit, slowing them down as he played with himself. A slight chuckle escaped the changeling woman's lips, lost in the wind as she watched him plow into a cloud with an open mouth, only to come out with his arms wrapped around himself, shivering it seemed. "Serves him right for slowing us down." She laughed, her expression hardening as she surrendered to deeper thought, pondering how this Namekian would handle being on her crew. She'd given him instructions, although admittedly she hadn't made it a explicit order, to fly as fast as he could, but now he was screwing around and delaying their arrival at the ball.

Hearing his voice behind her, though she couldn't understand his words, the changeling woman simply accelerated, gradually building her speed more and more, willing to leave him in the dust if he wouldn't be serious. Fortunately however, it wasn't a great deal further, and in a short while she had arrived, floating over a rather large Namekian village, almost big enough to be called a town on earth. Realizing full well it was likely guarded, as the first she had found had been, she waited for Ander to catch up. "Ander, it seems the ball is down there, in that town. The last one we recovered from a settlement was guarded by a number of Namekian warriors. I don't have Ashernon here to sneak in and out with it, so I am hoping I can trust you to retrieve it." Those words finished, she held the radar out to the warrior, showing her trust in him, giving him the opportunity to prove his worth.

JezDate: Monday, 2010-03-15, 7:41 AM | Message # 4
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The captain pointed out a village to Ander and informed him that the dragon ball was down in that village. She motioned for him to take the small device off her so that he could find it, but a cursory glance down at the village told him exactly what he needed to know. The main building in the centre was where the eldest namekian of them all resided. He was fondly called the Guru and for some special namekians, he would lay his hands on their head and awaken a power that was laying dormant inside them. Every living being had this power inside them but only a select few would actually come to know how to control it. Ander smiled back at the captain and waved his hand in front of the radar she was holding out.
“I do not need your technology, I can see it from here. Can’t you?”
Obviously that last part about seeing the dragon ball from this high in the sky was a complete bluff, but she did not know that. Keeping up with appearances of the bluff Ander chuckled and backsaulted out of the air, towards the front door of the Guru’s house.

ooc: words = 200

Added (03.15.2010, 3:52 PM)
Some time before the namekian and changeling had reached their destination, the village was subject to another visitor and this one definitely had no reason to walk in with a peaceful approach. The saiyan that had recently terrorised a smaller village and taken one dragon ball for his own gains decided that it was finally time that he laid his hands on another of these artifacts. After hiding the first one in a safe place he grabbed his radar and set off in search of the next one. As soon as the radar screen came to life he saw something very strange, there was a massive cluster of four dragon balls in the one spot. Velen quickly put the information together in his head and came to the conclusion that there was some one else that had the same kind of plan he did. Except they seemed to be more successful than he was at gathering the balls. He rushed off towards the closest, single ball to his current location and soon found himself coming up on the biggest town he had seen on this planet. It seemed to all be centered around one building in the middle, that had a massive circular dome on the top. After stealing a middle aged namekian and subjecting him to rigorous ‘questioning’ he found out that this was the capital city of the planet Namek and that the massive building housed their oldest and wisest member. The dragon ball, according to the radar, was housed just under the middle of that building and from the information he forcefully gathered, it was guarded by some of the strongest namekians ever to live. The saiyan was never one for subtleties in battle so his first instinct was to rush the building and take out as many as he could before they even realised he was there. The first namekian went down without any sign of struggle, he had no chance to even attempt to react before his neck was broken from behind. The second one only had a moment to register the fear that came from an attack before Velen’s tail shot out and grabbed him around the neck, slowly suffocating him. The saiyan watched as his victim struggled, then went still and turned a blueish green colour from lack of oxygen. Unfortunately his ego was too empowered by this minor victory over the ‘strongest namekians’ alive and he let out a small evil laugh, alerting every namekian in the building to his presence. Immediately most of them ran to the front line against the saiyan, ready for what ever attack he may throw at them. The same look was on each namek’s face, grim determination, as if they would all rather die than let Velen in to the building. With a shrug the saiyan acknowledged their wishes and proceeded to grant them. Tearing through the line of powerful warriors his mind began to grow almost euphoric with the heat of battle. It had been way too long since he had been able to commit genocide and he would more than happily make up for all the lost time with any and every action on this battle field.
A few minutes later he was absolutely covered in the dark green colour of namekian blood and there was only one warrior between him and the Guru guarding the dragon ball. The saiyan turned his full attention to this final remaining warrior and waited for him to make his move. As soon as the namekian moved towards him, Velen threw both his fists back to his right hip, and launched a massive kaiho attack, projecting his whole strength just outside his body and into the poor namekian warrior. The attack was a direct hit into the chest cavity, literally causing the warrior to explode in a mass of green blood and pink gore all over the saiyan.
The euphoria grew even more and Velen levitated a bit off the floor, slowly gliding towards the Guru, knowing full well that victory was at hand.

ooc: words = 676
learned: Kaiho + flight

Added (03.15.2010, 4:41 PM)
The first thing that came in to focus of Ander’s vision was a mass of purple blood, spilt from the elite namekian guard, flowing out of the door leading in to the Guru’s house. He stopped playing around and flipping in the air so he could fly faster, any group of people that could defeat the elite guard were definitely a force to be reckoned with, and even worse, the Guru could be in danger if the force was strong enough. Ander landed down lightly on his feet, making sure not to slip on the blood of his comrades, and strode in through the door of the building. When it came to protecting the Guru all namekians would gladly give up their lives to protect their elder and thus the green warrior strode in, to face off against this force, what ever they may be.
No matter what instincts told him to protect the Guru with his life, there was no way he could fight against the shock that gripped him when he entered the entrance hall. It was big enough, and came so suddenly that Ander stood there speechless with his mouth hanging open for much more time than he had to spare. There was namekian limbs and blood scattered all over the place, painting the walls and hanging off the chandeliers. He found a head of one of his brethren still intact, the eyes closed in intense concentration as the namekian elite attempted to re grow his whole body from the neck down. Ander stopped for a while next to this one, making sure he had enough energy to complete the restoration, but when he was satisfied that the warrior would make it through, he resumed his search for the people responsible for this destruction. The next room he came in to was a long hallway. It seemed that this whole building was designed around this single hall, with each room centered and accessible from this point. All he had to do was follow the trail of death and destruction, even in the nondescript hallway there were massive chunks of plaster taken from the walls and wooden beams ripped from inside them. One of these beams seemed to have been used as a weapon for it had impaled a namekian. What ever had caused this must have been drunk with power because impaling that namekian was not enough, they had to pick both the beam and the victim up and stick one end of it into the wall, leaving the dead namek impaled and hovering about a meter off the floor.
A very grim look haunted Ander’s face as he moved on wards, hoping that the elder was still alive and that there was a chance he could save him. As he neared the end of the hall, Ander could hear the sounds of battle getting louder, he must be close. The namekian turned the next corner into a room and saw the saiyan that had destroyed his village standing in the centre of it. He was surrounded by broken pieced of furniture and dead namekians. He looked over joyed at the fact that he had caused all of this death and Ander realised that it was his failings that allowed this all to happen. If only he had trained harder in his youth and been strong enough to defeat this saiyan when given the chance. His mind began the depressing downwards spiral of guilt and despair but he stopped it before it held a good grip. This was not the time or the place to play the blame game, no matter what had happened in the past, it was now his chance to make it right.
Ander looked at his opponent who had his back to him.
“You will pay for what you have done, you had no right to come to this planet and take away the lives of so many.”

words: 637

Kyrt_RyderDate: Monday, 2010-03-15, 11:52 PM | Message # 5
Group: Checked
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OOC: As Velen for Jerry

At the sound of that familiar voice behind him, challenging him so openly rather than attack behind his back a malevolent laugh could be heard escaping from the violent Saiyan warrior. "I will have to pay will I? You foolish warrior, you could have nearly anything you wanted on this planet, and yet instead you choose to oppose me when we could work together. No, my green friend, I had EVERY right to do whatever I damn well please with this planet. The only rights are those you take for yourself, the right of might."

Slowly, Velen turned to face the Namekian warrior, making no movement to attack just yet, instead offerring a hand of 'friendship.' "So what do you say... Ander... was it? A partnership? Together we could rule this planet, or butcher it, or whatever the hell else we want! Infact, if you'd help me find the rest of these damned balls I just might grant you your wish and leave this place in peace, I already completed my mission here. Do we have a deal?"

JezDate: Tuesday, 2010-03-16, 0:13 AM | Message # 6
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The first thing that crossed his mind when this arrogant saiyan proposed a ‘partnership’ was that he wanted to forcibly remove his head from his shoulders. But years of training had taught Ander that anger was not the way to fight. Fighting angry ultimately always led to defeat, even if it was not the immediate kind.
He pushed the emotion deep down in to his chest, making sure it would not come back before he was done here. The namekian’s antennae twitched a little bit, belying his nerves. Last time they had fought Ander had bested the saiyan, but then he transformed into a giant ape and wreaked havoc through his village, killing every thing that meant anything to Ander. Now was his chance to right this wrong and allow himself to put the past where it belongs. 
After the saiyan had finished his little spiel Ander realised that he had mentioned peace for namek, but with a catch. If he helped Velen find the dragon balls then the saiyan would make his wishes and leave the planet in peace. Ander took a moment to look Velen up and down and his mind started to wonder if the saiyan had gotten stronger since the last time they had fought. That last battle was insanely equally matched and Velen had eventually lost when Ander grabbed hold of his tail. But the saiyan knew all of this and still he seemed very confident that he could beat Ander.

‘Some thing must have happened to make him stronger, or he would not be so smug.’the namekian thought to himself.
‘If he indeed has gotten stronger, as his body language suggested, than he would easily best me in a fight. Maybe it is a good idea to play along with this “partnership” for a little while, at least until he knew his opponent better. It would give him a good chance to keep an eye on the saiyan and maybe even a chance to best him when his guard was down. He had to sleep sometime’
The decision was made inside Ander’s head before Velen had time to realise that the internal dialogue was going on, and the namekian reached his own hand out to grasp the saiyan’s in his reply to the friendship gesture. As he did he began to say something about accepting the offer, but only to protect his people.

ooc: words = 400

Message edited by Jez - Tuesday, 2010-03-16, 0:13 AM
Kyrt_RyderDate: Wednesday, 2010-03-17, 5:55 PM | Message # 7
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As the Namekian gripped his hand Velen tugged him in gently at first as he released the bag in his left hand, completing the motion by yanking Ander face first into a powerful punch that ought to send the Namekian Fighter flying. "Hahahaha, you Nameks are all the same, weak trusting fools!" Reacting instinctively, he brought his hands forwards into the form of the Kaiho, throwing his strength out of his body to augment Ander's flight path, sending the Namekian bursting out of the room.

Reaching down into the rubble, Velen would take hold of a few large chunks of wood, floating up into the rafters to secure his tail in them with the wood. ~This is not going to be pleasant, but it will grow back, and I can't allow myself the weakness that got me beaten last time,~ he thought to himself, levitating as high as he could before exploding downwards, screaming in agony as the tail was wrenched from his body, slamming onto the floor with a loud thump. "That... hurt..." He groaned, rising first to his knees, and then back to his feet, flying out the window in the opposite direction from which Ander had been launched, intent on sneaking around and attacking from surprise. After he'd dealt with the Namekian Fighter he would go back in and retrieve the two dragon balls.

JezDate: Wednesday, 2010-03-17, 7:15 PM | Message # 8
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Ander had momentarily let down his guard and he had been double crossed. It was literally only for a second, but apparently a second was enough. His hand was gripped tighter than any normal hand shake required and he was both pulled in, and then slammed backwards. Just as an instinctual reaction, when he was in the air after being hit, he let loose a medium sized kaiho blast of his own. Unfortunately this met with his adversary’s kaiho and it served to push him away even faster. He hit the wall with such amazing speed that he didn’t even feel the effects it had on his back. The wooden planks and some shards of plaster stuck into his back but he was still traveling in the general ‘up’ direction. A few seconds after being shot through the wall his mind caught up to his present situation, it was all so sudden that he had no time for his thoughts to react, and the first thing he did was take control of his flight. He leveled himself out a few miles above the building and finally came to a halt just as he heard an intense scream come from the building. The saiyan must be torturing one of the few namekian elite guard left, there was not much time until only the Guru was left and Ander had to do something. He flew forward into the building as fast as possible, releasing a kaiho out of his hands, pointed away from him, using the attack for the tiny bit of extra propulsion. He entered the building once more, through the hole he had made when he exited it and landed heavily on his feet in the centre of the room. He was breathing very heavily from the amount of exertion his flight back had required and he spun towards the door to the Guru’s dwelling. Surprise at the fact that it was still intact made him stop and assess the situation again.
Firstly, he had let his emotions get the better of him and used way too much energy flying back into the building. He would definitely need more control if he was going to best the saiyan and protect the planet. Secondly, the Guru was safe, Velen had not left one door intact since he entered this building. Ander looked around for some clue of where the saiyan had gone and found a long piece of fur hanging from one of the rafters, still dripping fresh blood. He pieced it all together slowly, the scream he heard and the tail hanging above him. As the conclusion hit him, his face dropped.
“The saiyan ripped out his own tail... to guard from his previous weakness???”
The insanity of his opponents actions spoke volumes in itself and Ander was just now coming to know that he was fighting a special kind of warrior. One that would apparently stop at nothing for a victory. Now he just needed to know where his opponent had disappeared to, while the saiyan held the element of surprise, he was definitely not safe.

ooc: words - 517

Kyrt_RyderDate: Wednesday, 2010-03-17, 7:26 PM | Message # 9
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It was... odd... not having a tail. Velen had trained to fight with it wrapped around his waist as a belt, and as such his balance didn't suffer, but it was still strange not having the familiar appendage. He didn't have time to think about it though, now that he was outside Velen flattened himself against the wall of the building, waiting until he heard the woosh of air as his Namekian adversary flew back into the building.

Levitating smoothly, gracefully up and over the Guru's home, hearing the thud. ~Only gonna get one shot at this.~ He thought, confident as ever that he could pull it off. Reaching the far end he grabbed the hole Ander had made, yanking himself through it as he turned on his afterburners, flying at maximum speed directly at the Namekian Fighter, an explosive burst, augmented by his arms, that should have him slamming into Ander from behind. Drawing an arm back as he approached, Velen snapped it forwards as he drew near, intent on landing the blow, backed by his full speed, on the middle of the Namek's back, targeting his lower spine... assuming he had one....

JezDate: Wednesday, 2010-03-17, 7:53 PM | Message # 10
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The fact that he was not safe was the last thing to run through his head before he felt his opponents next attack. His mind was too preoccupied with every thing else that was going on that he missed every cue that the saiyan was rushing at him from behind. Ander felt the fist dig deep into his lower back and continue through, pushing him a few meters forward. The pain of almost folding in half backwards shocked the namekian’s mind into gear. He was now in the fight, totally and completely.

His mind pushed the most part of the pain away and he planned his next attack. Using the momentum given to him by the saiyan, Ander pushed off a bit and flew forwards, creating a bit of distance between them. He then spun at the waist, using the spin as momentum to throw out a side kick at the saiyan’s face, breaching that little bit of extra distance by making his leg stretch. The kick flew at Velen’s face, but unfortunately due to his strange starting position, he was a tiny bit off balance with the attack, leaving it just a bit weaker than normal for his attacks.

ooc: words - 200

Kyrt_RyderDate: Wednesday, 2010-03-17, 8:21 PM | Message # 11
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Righting himself vertically on impact, Velen followed through with the punch with all his force, feeling it dig into the green one's flesh, feeling almost like it was going to burst through it before Ander flew several paces forwards, giving the Saiyan just enough time to raise his guard and drop grounded securely, feet on the floor.

Up flew his arms defensively, as the Namek was hurled forward, prepared for any of the tricks the Fighter had used before. Sure enough, he spun around, no doubt intent on launching an attack of some sort. ~Oh no you don't.~ Thought Velen, leaping forward and into the kick. Grimacing lightly as the kick struck his side, Velen caught the leg against him, wrapping both arms tightly around it and spinning in the air with the motion, his full grip locked onto the Namek as he twirled his adversary, building up speed till everything all around was nearly a blur, releasing at just the right moment to send the green fool flying directly through one of the corners of the building and up into the sky.

Without pausing, Velen flew after him, a bit dizzy at first, watching for signs of a counter-attack as he departed the damaged building.

JezDate: Thursday, 2010-03-18, 6:38 AM | Message # 12
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After being thrown through a solid corner of the building once again, Ander realised that he would have to pull out some kind of special move or technique for him to best the saiyan in this fight. Apparently his adversary has now figured out how he fought and also ways to effectively counter his particular style. He felt the solid corner of the building hit him hard, but luckily he had the sense to spin himself in mid air after he was thrown so he hit the corner feet first, taking most of the impact through the big muscles in his legs. As soon as he cleared the building he threw out an arm, stretching the limb once more, but this time it was not stretched for an attack. Ander reached out and grabbed a jagged corner of the hole he had just flown through. He would pull himself back towards the building anticipating that the saiyan would follow him out to try and capitalise on his apparent advantage over the namekian. In the short time he had before Velen burst through the hole after him, Ander set his stance and charged his energy into his hands by his side. This would allow him to launch a kaiho attack as soon as he saw Velen fly through the hole, hopefully creating some distance between the fighters, giving the namekian some room to re think his strategy.

ooc: words - 236

Kyrt_RyderDate: Thursday, 2010-03-18, 7:09 AM | Message # 13
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As he flew through the hole, Velen could feel the force of a Kaiho slamming into him from behind, sending the Saiyan warrior flying off over the town. "Greeaaat.... damn Namek is learning to play dirty, looks like this is going to get ugly. You'd think I'd be used to ugly by now, all these damn green people on this stupid rock." Muttering to himself, Velen maintained his momentum, using the extra push from the Kaiho to safely gain distance as he turned mid-flight, remembering all too well the talent these people.... if you could call them that... had for stretching their limbs.

Righting himself mid-air, Velen took a defensive posture, ready for whatever the Namekian Fighter would throw at him.

JezDate: Thursday, 2010-03-18, 7:32 AM | Message # 14
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The attack had the effect he was looking for, now the two warriors were a safe distance apart and Ander carefully planned his next move. Realising that there was still one trick up his sleeve that the saiyan had not been exposed to, the namekian relaxed his stance and smiled. It would be interesting to see how he would react to his opponent growing to almost double his size, but Ander realised that he had to some how hide the fact that he was growing. Because even though his strength would grow with him, his speed would decrease the same amount. If he were forced to grow to full height then every attack launched by the monkey would find its way to hit some part of the namekian. Coming up with a quick plan in his head he executed it with out wasting too much time thinking if it would work or not. Any form of doubt inside a warrior’s head would be crippling to their performance and that was most definitely a weakness that the namekian could not afford right now.
Ander ran a couple of steps towards the saiyan and then leapt high in the air, controlling himself with his energy to make sure that the sun was behind him from Velen’s line of sight. Pushing with his energy once more, Ander flew towards his opponent. While doing so he pulled his right fist back to his side and pushed it forward, aiming just to the right of the centre of the saiyan’s face. Close enough that if the attack were left alone, it would clip his left cheek, but far away enough that all the saiyan had to do was move his head a fraction to the right to dodge it. No matter what the saiyan chose to do, Ander knew his next move. He would pull his knee up to the side of his body as he grew to one and a half times his normal size. Using his stretched out right arm to grab the saiyan, he would use it to pull the saiyan into his knee strike, hoping to catch him in either the face, if he dodged, or the stomach, if his hand missed the saiyan’s head.

ooc: words - 374

Kyrt_RyderDate: Thursday, 2010-03-18, 11:38 PM | Message # 15
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Already in a defensive posture, Velen raised his hands to guard his face against the sun as Ander leaped towards him. ~He's hiding in the sun...~ thought the Saiyan, waiting a moment to be sure the Namek would not be coming into visibility on either side of his hand. When he was sure, Velen through his arms out, as a Kaiho wave exploded from him, carrying the full force of his strength directly at the Namekian warrior, catching his fist mid-flight and sending it flying back at Ander's chest. As soon as the wave reached the Namek, the extended fist would strike along with the wave itself, sending Ander flying back, and giving Velen a chance to rush after the swollen Namek, getting the sun out of his eyes and preparing to launch into a physical assault while his foe was off-balance.

OOC: Sorry if it's a little sloppy, I'm kind of out of it right now, hope it makes sense.

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