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Making the most of my free time
BeowulfDate: Thursday, 2010-03-18, 11:41 AM | Message # 1
Less of a Noob
Group: Users
Messages: 152
Reputation: 1
Status: Offline
Stepping out of the ship Ash looked around the area and smiled as he lifted his arms in the direction of the fallen “trees” and started to blast them with repeated shots over and over again until finally they were each in the rough form of a very sturdy training dummy. Walking over to them he smiled and looked at them one at a time. Perhaps it was just about time for him to start gaining some real power behind his attacks. If he really wanted to protect those he cared about he would have to get stronger, and faster, but above all he would have to remain wise and observant as he watched the enemy, making sure to keep track of their movements.

Stepping up to the dummies he carefully traced his eyes over them, analyzing where vitals would be on humans and memorizing the locations. With each location that he remembered he was felt that he was able to connect one more deadly strike, one more impact that would decimate an enemy because for the most part, when it came to internals, quite a few creatures had roughly the same stuff. Smiling he looked at the dummies and took an open palmed fighting stance and gathered his energies. And then he unleashed his attack. The tips of his fingers jabbed into the soft, fresh materials on the outside and caught the rigid material on the inside. With each strike he doubled up his efforts, hitting harder and faster, keeping track of every last motion that he made until finally the target seemed to explode from all the damage.

Pausing long enough to catch his breath he turned to the next targets, this time he started out with a slight bounce to his step as he approached and suddenly flipped into a downward axe kick on the shoulder of the first dummy but quickly pulled his mind back into focus for the next dummy. Dashing forward, under any attacks that would have come from a real target he made his way to the dummy, sliding and mule kicking it in the jaw, springing off the ground and slamming his full weight onto the shoulders of the final dummy. Smiling as he did so he fired a fully charged ki shot into the dummies face, decimating it. But for some reason none of this felt quite right to him. No, he needed to actually fight something; his adrenaline was pumping far too strongly for him to fight just training dummies.

Jumping into the air he took off at a new, much higher rate than he ever had before, now completely in control of his own flight. Dashing off to the nearest town Ash approached many people, looking for a warrior of sorts. Hoping to get a good fight he came across an arena of sorts where people could test their skills in a type of gauntlet. Stepping into the ring and looking around Ash smiled as he grabbed attention. ~The easiest way to win fame and fortune is by beating the shit out of the guy that has it~ he thought and did his best not to start laughing about it. But he was unable to keep his opponent from noticing who quickly looked at him and said “What are you laughing about Human?” Ash shrugged and looked at the Namekian, he knew that trash talk would most likely send them into blind rage “Your outfit and your face… and with all those lumps you have from previous fights you look quite like a talking pickle.” He said, still suppressing the urge to start laughing.

And just as Ash expected, the Namekian dashed at him in a blind fury, and with the first strike it would disappear. Ash ducked under the green man’s first strike, and then slipped between his legs and watched as he turned around. The man went for a punch but with lightning reflexes Ash jabbed him in the wrist and shoved the punch out of the way. The fight could be over in minutes but for the first time in a long time Ash was actually having physical fun that wasn’t sexual. He grabbed the man’s wrist as it zipped by his face and used their arm as leverage to flip them over on their back. As soon as they hit the ground it was obvious to tell that it was damn near over. He knelt on their back, twisting their arm up and behind and then grabbed the back of their head. He leaned down and whispered in their ear “do you yield?” the fighter only nodded, acknowledging his defeat publicly and Asheron got off of their back. Holding a hand out he helped them up off of the ground and looked them in the eye, shook their hand and sent them off.

Dusting off his clothes Ash looked around to the gathering crowd and spoke freely “There is one warrior down and there are many more to go, who wishes to challenge me and give me an entertaining fight? I could use the practice, as there are many, many battles ahead of me.” He announced as he slowly spun. No one would come forth to face him, they had all watched how quickly he had dropped one of the warriors and that was enough to strike fear in the hearts of just about any fighter, even if it was only the weakest of the group. Scanning the crowd again he finally held up his hands as a sign of victory “Fine, if no one wishes to come and face me, then you all must be cowards and the prize of the gauntlet is mine for the taking.” He said as he walked off the stage towards a man that was obviously in charge of the challenging arena. But just as Ash reached the edge of that fighting ring, a slightly larger green man approached the arena and held up what could only be considered a challenge for battle.

Bowing to his opponent ash started to charge Ki again, this time being very careful as to what he did to this opponent. If he moved too swiftly or took them down in too rough of a manor he would be out of opponents and that just would be fun, not fun at all. Stepping towards his opponent he threw his first punch, clashing fists with them and making sure not to hit too hard so as not to do any overly serious damage. As the punches collided time seemed to freeze and lowered himself into a guard position. Quickly punching again after each contact the two made contact at every attack, both blocking each other’s attack and then recoiled for another strike. The two fighters read one another’s actions before they had even thought to pull them off and just as the fight started to heat up to a new degree, Ash dropped to the ground, spinning into a full blown heel kick into the man’s jaw. The man stumbled a few steps and then fell back, a loud thud reverberated through the arena and the crowd stared in silence. In battle like that it was often that the victor only won by making a single contacting blow. Ash bowed to his now unconscious opponent and looked to the official. “The prize belongs to this man, I have had my fun.” With those words he left the area and went off searching for more ways to train when his mind drifted back to the lonely mountain top and he thought of how much his training would increase in results up there.

And so he left the small village, moving his way slowly but surely all the way to where he had ran into the mountain, where he had gone with snow last and left her to get some food for the two of them. He looked up at the peak and slowly rose to it to begin his practices in balance. He moved up to the very top and slowly set down with his foot on the tip. Pulling his other foot up and crossing it over the knee he slowly and deliberately moved, feeling the energies of the world flowing around him and through him with ever motion that he made. His actions were cool and calculated as he kept his balance with every motion. As time passed he steadily got braver and braver until finally he was doing flips and spinning attacks at full speed. The sheer force of his actions were causing clouds to move in the thin air and as he would slow again the clouds would ever so slowly pull back into the air around him and gather closer than before.

Breathing steadily he moved back into the slow and steady motions that allowed his body to adapt to the flows of the planet and he continued to move slower and slower until finally he stopped in the crane pose at the top of the mountain. He looked around, slowly turning his head as he explored the area in his form until finally he jumped up off of the floor and laughed as energy built up in his hands and he fired a new kaiho with his ever expanding level of power, causing the entire top half of the mountain to crumble piece by piece by piece until finally it had reached its maximum limit and the mountain had finally finished crumbling. Floating there in the air he smiled as he watched the rocks fall into place and watched something rather odd happen. Within the mountain was a gigantic pieces of crystals of all colors. His eyes widened as he saw these crystals and he couldn’t help himself but take one, but before he did he paused for a moment in thought and then with as small of a focus of Ki energy he extracted a small piece of blood red crystal and placed it in his pocket with a smile.

Shortly after collecting the crystal ash left what used to be the mountain and flew to the ship to begin his work on a gift of sorts for snow. After arriving at the ship, Ash quickly walked into the giant sentient machine and quickly set to work, asking for any parts that he needed as he moved. He pulled out a simple eye screw and screwed it into the crystal at a great requirement of strength on his part, but he did manage to do so. Then as he picked up his little creation he paused for a moment and looked up to the ship. “Slyph, do we have any fine chains such as those used on the jewelry that earth women wear around their necks?” he asked and there was another pause as the ship thought for a moment and then responded not with a voice as usual but producing the item he asked for, practically dropping it in his lap. He smiled and looked up and said his thanks, then lacing the thin chain through the eye screw he clasped the chain together, gathered it all up underneath the crystal and made his way to Snow’s room.

Stepping into his Captains quarters while she was gone was probably going to get him in trouble but he just had that urge to do so. He stepped into her room and placed the small, blood red crystal necklace on her pillow and quickly exited. He wasn’t sure if he would be back any time soon, but if he wouldn’t be, this just might be enough to get her to stay long enough for him to return to her. Those were his last thoughts as he left the ship with nothing better to do than go train until the rest of the group returned, and after they returned he may not even be here, but if he was, he would definitely be more powerful than he had ever been before.

OOC: 2000 words exactly, next post is going to be close to this, try not to have a heart attack but I plan to do roughly 15 of these.

Added (03.16.2010, 8:02 PM)
Stepping out of the ship, Ash looked around the surroundings and smiled as he turned to the sylph and slowly charged up his energy “Well sylph, it seems I wont be coming back for a while so if Snow returns while I am gone, please direct her to the necklace and inform her that I will return to the ship as soon as possible and have gone to collect her a valuable surprise.” He said as he looked to the ship and then he floated up and slowly made his way out from the plateau and off to work on some more of the training that he was quickly coming to value. If he didn’t have his allies in the situations that he knew that they would most likely be getting themselves into he wouldn’t have ever been training in the first place.

Floating down to a lower plateau he slowly came down for a landing and began to looked around, attempting to find a clearing where he could actually begin his training. As he landed though he quickly found another large group of trees and smiled as he explored through the trees, investigating this relatively new area. Soon enough he found a tiny enough of a clearing that he could train in. calmly focusing his Ki into his arms and legs as he built up his focus and began to get ready for full combat training. Smiling he spun into a kick and started to spin into the moves that were used in traditional kung-fu films that earthlings loved. He spun into another flurry of attacks and finally landed with a smile and committed himself into a sweep kick.

Suddenly the smile disappeared and his body committed itself to a volley of attacks. The dead look returned to his eyes and his restrictions steadily lowered more and more until finally his strikes were cobra like. He only moved enough to strike the point he wished and then would snap back and move into another strike. His motions were rapid and untraced, he constantly shifted positions into random strikes and then as an aura covered his body he was suddenly unleashing a kaiho with every punch until he snapped out of his focus. He looked around to find every last one of the trees that had surrounded him were suddenly toppled and laying on the ground. In the moments where he had blacked out he had managed to destroy the entire forest that was surrounding him. Closing his eyes he back his way up to the nearest rock edge which happened to be all over this planet. He pulled himself to the wall and couldn’t help but try to shrink himself to make sure that no one could even get close to him for any reason.

But the more he tried to pull away the more he grabbed the attention of a near by warrior who obviously did not appreciate what Ash had done and came to stop him. The man walked up to him and slowly raised a hand with a ball of ki in it, an obvious challenge. He didn’t have time for this, he wasn’t about to let this man ruin his training but he didn’t want them. And yet at the same time his body told him to do so, told him to kill the man, told him to completely decimate their body, make sure that they would never bother him again. And so he listened to that instinct and grabbed the man by the wrist and pulled them close with a smiled. Quickly grabbing the man by the face he slammed them into the rock wall behind them and he slipped into the battle focus that he had before. He slipped into a shifting stance and quickly slammed his hand into the namekian’s stomach causing them to double over and pushing the air out of them. He twisted around and slammed the side of his hand into the creatures face and continually spun around them, jabbing them where the kidneys would be if they were a human.

He grabbed the creature by the head and kicked them hard in the back and finally grabbed them by the face for the final time, charging a ki blast. The ki enveloped the unfortunate warrior in training and vaporized the chunks of the body left behind after it completely exploded covering him in the oddly colored blood. The dead look faded for a second time and once again ash shrunk away, this time diving into the water to quickly hide from the rest of the world. He wanted to be the peaceful person that he once was but instead he was left with what he was quickly becoming, a sadistic little bastard that only wanted power. He kept trying to tell himself that getting the power was only to help his friends but deep down he just wanted the power for the sake of being powerful, and no matter what argument he could possibly give he wouldn’t be able to prove otherwise.

As he came to this sudden realization Ash felt a flame deep within his body, the heat of ki building and radiating out, and then as quickly as it had built up it went away. The power that had been within him all this time quickly faded and it was all over. Then just as he thought it was all over the energy rebuild and his power multiplied ten fold. An actual aura of ki formed tightly over his body, then expanded ever further, causing water around him to evaporate. The ki actually took the form of a flame and expanded more and more until he disappeared with it. His pure emotion fueled the ki as the geyser of energy shot high into the sky, wave after wave, creating a pillar of pure power from the bottom of the ocean, out into space. His eyes glowed and his body steadily built more and more power until it completely faded and everything was over. Where ash had once been was now a bubble of air, his body had literally transformed into a gas.

Floating there in the ocean he had his own form, no need to breath, no need to even think, his body was completely following any form of instinct. Guided by ki he slowly floated though the water and up to the surface until he formed in a bubble and floated away. If he had a face it would be smiling because with this new form he would be able to cause more damage than ever, but more than that, it meant that no one would be able to see him. Though there was an issue of carrying things, he wouldn’t be able to handle anything in this state. He tossed aside the worry though, if he really needed to carry anything he would just have to use his intangibility form, and so he refocused his mind and shifted back into a solid state but for some reason was unable to hold it as he burst into yet another form of gas, this time it was Helium.

The purple colored gas floated off through the landscape, testing and probing all of its abilities. He reached out with this new form of energy and carefully manipulated his ki as his body expanded to cover a ten yard wide bubble of zero gravity and suddenly every thing that had any form of the tiniest of vibrations slowly floated into the air and completely lost control of its actions. The only way to move within this bubble would be to keep in mind that the only down was the way your feet pointed and to always push off where there was a solid wall to bounce off of. Smirking as he inspected this forms abilities he couldn’t help but be pleased with all of them. Though it seemed that each form had its own little specialty that allowed it to be able to finish a specific job and then shift to another gas that would be able to finish the job if the current gas was unable to. This would be a very useful skill, but for some reason it just didn’t seem to be enough and so he tried to change back into his solid, humanoid body but as he turned human again he once again exploded into yet another gas.

Sighing in anger he looked through the gas form, this time he was actually still in a humanoid shape but his body was a green gas, which meant while he still had full motion control he could deal physical damage or take it. Smiling at the concept he realized that this form must have its own little specialty too. As his mind steadily shifted to fit to the role of the ability he came across the abilities of this move completely on accident. He had knelt down to pet a creature and it fell over, stiff as a board. Quickly checking its pulse he made sure that the thing was still alive, and luckily enough it was. He would have been really upset if he had killed the poor little creature like this. Standing up he smiled in that gaseous form and figured out exactly what it was. This gas was nitrous oxide chloroform which meant it would cause those with humanoid structures to laugh until they fell unconscious. Laughing as best as he could he shifted forms again, turning human and then into the next gas, he was actually starting to expect it now.

His body shifted for a fourth time, this time he became an icy blue gas that he could only assume was carbon dioxide. In its natural state it stayed as a much cooler form that worked a lot like liquid nitrogen. Ice crystals formed around his body as he walked and every step he took cause a patch of ice to form. His body melded with the ground with each step and it felt like he was cutting off a limb each time he lifted his foot. Taking a mental note of this form he quickly came to realize that he would have to fly for as long as he remained in this state. But as long as he did remain in this form it did mean that he would be able to freeze any poor unfortunate soul and if he was able to prolong the interaction of the ice he would be able to completely freeze the unfortunate subject in question. With a sadistic smile he pictured doing so to the annoyance of an android by the title of AREU. Snapping his fingers he quickly shifted back into his normal state and began laughing. This would all become very fun very soon if he had his way with all of his abilities.

But his human form didn’t last and to his surprise a fifth form came up this one was completely invisible and by the molecular structure he could tell that it would have no taste, no scent, and no visible image. He started to laugh in his mind as he wandered, there was only one gas that he knew of that had these attributes and that was Carbon Monoxide, appropriately nicknamed the silent killer. He spread himself out, his sadistic side coming into action and his deep need to explore this new ability. He quickly came up to an unfortunate creature and let it breath in the gas that he gave off and watched it choke and slowly suffocate to death, having no idea exactly what was killing it. Taking note of the skill he slowly turned back into his normal form and knelt down next to the creature and started to dig a hole. After finishing he placed the little innocent in the burial mound and gave it a just ceremony. With that finished he stood up and walked off, eager to test out his interesting new skills.

OOC: another 2000 words exactly, 4000 words total, finished my racial quest(once it is approved that is)

Added (03.17.2010, 2:23 Am)
Standing before the world and above the burial mound, Ash continued to stand there and look out at everything in this peaceful little planet. He sat down and closed his eyes almost as if he were going to meditate but instead he reached carefully out with his mind, itching to catch a hold of any little thought that could possibly help him gain power and keep his calm. But as he steadily reached out more and more his mind seemed to drift further and further into his past to tell him more about himself, maybe even open up some paths that he had never even truly noticed before. And even though he really wanted to go and wander the minds of all those on the planet he couldn’t help but delve further into his past, reliving events of his life one again, now viewing them from not his mind but a collective of minds. He pulled together all the thoughts that he had collected when had attained his powers and watched his life in motion, occasionally drifting to another person’s view so as to see life through their eyes, and see how he had looked from their point of view.

His life slowly passed before his eyes and it all started back when he was probably less than three years old and since he couldn’t remember back then he was forced to rely on other people’s memories. He had pulled the memories from his parents at first who had managed to find him at an orphanage, not birth him like his mother had always told him. Though that memory was short enough because the paperwork to get a child had already been filled out and he was the most recent child to be placed in. and so the parents filled out the paperwork and handed it over, finally taking him home from the orphanage but his memory didn’t stop there. Instead it twisted to the elderly lady in charge of the orphanage where he had grown up and slowly rewound to when she had found the baby on the porch of the building and from there he followed the memory left by the genetic imprint. His abilities were getting stronger every day but that wasn’t what he was worried about, no, he wanted to see where that person had found him. He never got to see that person’s face; instead he saw what happened through their eyes.

The person who had brought him to that forsaken orphanage looked with a smile down at young Asheron and stroked his hair gently, bringing from the wreckage of what could only be assumed to be a research lab, a hidden one at that, where hundreds of little pods, like the ones humans stored genetic test subjects in on sci-fi movies, had been broken and an old scientist had been killed by at least one of the many shards of glass around him. Or maybe he was crushed, Ash couldn’t tell, and since he was dead he couldn’t see what the man had seen. But the man in the coat had removed Ash from the danger, carrying him gently until they had gotten home and then placed him within a small basket that would normally be used to carry yarn and such things, carefully laying a blanket down first. Then after wrapping Asheron up he took him off to the school, a mere infant really, his mind hadn’t developed enough to even walk or talk yet, just crawl and wiggle. Ash smiled in his trance, at least one person other than his parents had been genuinely kind to him.

Time slowly but steadily passed forward until his own memories developed, and then almost as if in a sudden burst sorrow and fear came forth at once. He had woken up one day, and sat up in his small bed and looked around. He had a feeling that he was always with his parents, always with his mommy and daddy. And as he quickly padded around the house he found that his mom and dad weren’t there. They had gone missing and he had no idea what to do. Without his parents he had nothing he could do and he was just a scared little child. Then his vision blurred and he started to cry, running off to his room and running into his closet full of toys and clothes, and curled up in it, staying safe where no one could hurt him until his parents returned. And at that time he had never really known if they ever would return, he was just scared that he would be alone and he would get hurt, that was all he could remember, fear for his life, and fear for his parents who as far as he knew had just disappeared.

It was only minutes later that his parents returned but to him it felt like hours had passed. He had curled up in his closet, under a pile of clothes, and had been crying the entire time. He had even been crying all the way up until his daddy came into the room and called out his name, looking for him. Pushing the clothes off of himself and with tears still streaming down his face he yelled out “Daddy!” and ran up to him, hugging his leg tight. The boy didn’t leave his father’s side for the rest of the day, and every waking moment was spent with his parents, just so he could make sure that they were always safe, and if they were always safe, then he was always safe. The child in his memories may have been weak, may have been one to cry a lot, but at that age little Ash knew exactly what was most important in the world, and that was any time one could get with their family. Joy was starting to fill Ash back in the world of the present as he watched his past slowly unfold before him.

Time seemed to shift again and his mind came into focus on the first grade, out on the play ground. Now for some reason he had blacked this memory out, and he could not tell for any reason what so ever as to why it had happened. He watched the memory slowly unfold as he played on the playground with the other little kids and not carrying the wisdom that comes with age he copied every little move that the other kids pulled, always curious how they did things, and trying to imitate them to get other kids to like him. Walking on the monkey bars was one of the biggest things that he did, and as he walked across them he finally worked up the courage to jump off and onto the soft little smoothed gravel rocks that filled the play ground. And while it did hurt just a little bit it was always best for him to land there rather than jump over the wood edge, fall another foot and a half and land on the very hard, very uncomfortable packed dirt beyond that had been pushed down by the thousands of little footsteps that crossed every day.

Well in this memory he slowly got back up and went back to the line to run across the monkey bars and then jump off and he waited, watching the children as they climbed up the first set, put their hands on the top, and then climbed up. After climbing up each child would run across and jump, so he followed them. And so he slowly climbed up to the top of the bars, placed a hand on each of the thick rails and pushed himself up onto the bars that one would normally hang on. After standing up he looked to the rest of the kids who were now chanting for him to run due to their impatience and wish to run across the bars themselves. And so he turned around and faced the other side, running as fast as he could but in his haste he missed a step and began to fall. Now when he fell the first time he thought he was at the end and had landed within the gravel between the monkey bars and the edge but at this point he shifted to another child’s view. He watched as he himself had missed the bar and began to fall quickly. But just as he was about to slam into the bars he phased through, as if nothing were there. All the children gasped at the spectacle and watched the boy fall completely through and hit the ground with a dull thud. One kid ran off to get the teacher, several minutes later three teachers, two office staff, and the principal were checking on little Ash who had no idea what had just happened to him, who only figured that he had miscounted the steps and had fallen off the end rather than through the middle.

Then things shifted again, another year had passed and Ash stood at the age of seven, now he had become quite the daredevil in order to entertain the other kids and he had begun to chicken fight and climb on top of the hanging ring set, which in itself was dangerous enough. In this memory though he had made the mistake of climbing all the way to the top and to the center, so as he looked down he saw a rather far down set of gravel and the kids gathered in a large circle around the ring set to watch if their risk taking hero would fall and hurt himself or if someone would come and rescue him. Their questions were answered soon enough as a fifth grader dressed in all black came up to the ring set, having heard that a kid was in trouble, and while he couldn’t reach the top and just climb, he had been climbing it for years now and knew how to get up the fastest way. The boy ran forward and jumped, grabbing the rings, flipping up onto the top and walking from log to log. He knelt down and held out a hand to Ash saying “Don’t worry, I got ya, everything will be okay, just take my hand and we will be down in no time.” Eager to get down to the safety of the ground Ash quickly grabbed his hand and the boy lifted him up into a comfortable carrying position where no shock from the fall would hit him and jumped off the top log. The boy landed softly enough, bending his knees on impact since he couldn’t roll and setting Ash on the ground, then patting his head, the boy smiled at Ash, glad he was safe.

From that day forward Ash clung to the boy, always looking up to him like an older brother and in return the boy always protected Ash as if he were a younger brother. The two were inseparable out on the play ground and where ever you could manage to find one, you would always be able to find the other. It was probably a good thing that Ash got close to this boy because he tended to get himself in trouble quite often, but every time he did get in trouble he would always get rescued. As with every school in every corner of the globe there were fights, whether the teacher knew about them or not, and this school was just like every other school on the planet earth. Well since the boy always protected Ash, he always wound up getting himself into fights, even if they happened further down the road. Finally in one battle that Ash would never forget the boy was attacked but at least three other kids. And since he was out numbered he didn’t hold back. The kid left the other three battered and bloodied, for that he was expelled from school.

OOC: batch 3 of 2k words, 6000 word total

Added (03.17.2010, 9:10 Am)
His mind suddenly recoiled back as he remembered losing the person that was probably his first friend and as he did so Ash laid back on the ground and thought once again about his past, trying to figure out exactly what he was, and to an extent who he was. In all of his past he was known as Asheron, and according to this vision that was the names that he had when he was dropped off at that orphanage in the first place. His own past was confusing enough, but with all of these twists it was starting to get harder and harder to tell whether his entire life had been real or just one giant dream of a mad scientist who fucked with DNA one too many times. Sighing angrily he sat up and closed his eyes again, focusing on his past again, this time after his friend had been expelled, because now he was the target of bullies. Since the boy had absolutely no protection from the outside world, he was free game and he was smart, which meant that whichever bully that managed to break him first would have a personal work boy for till they graduated.

Days would pass and Ash managed to avoid fight after fight by simply changing direction and over the many days that he spent dodging bullies he steadily made friends with the other outcasts. Rather quickly he built up allies throughout the many sections of the school until he was able to twist the entire place to his advantage. One distinct day in his memories was when the war broke out in his school, causing his parents to remove him for “his own safety”. Oh how he loved remembering that day, because it was probably the most fun one he had during his childhood. A bully had managed to corner Ash with a gang of their little friends in the cafeteria. The bullies’ gang had him pinned and they were hitting him and then the first major blow was dealt and it wasn’t done to Ash.

On that day the children of the school that had been bullied had united and just as a punch was thrown two third graders grabbed each arm of the kids holding Ash in place and smiled with pride as they looked to Ash, their commander in battle. Walking quite easily out of their grasp he ran his hand through his hair and looked out to all the bullies that were quickly standing and attempting to unite as a group but things were moving far too fast for them to adapt to the situation. Laughing Ash looked out to the group and said “Today, we stand united before a threat that has filled our halls for far too long, let us annihilate this threat and make sure that not one of them has enough strength left to stand once again to oppose us and ruin the peace that we constantly wish for while they raise their fists and beat us.” He said to the group and kids all over the place started cheering. At that moment the Bullies quickly tried to make their move but they were outnumbered and simply overpowered when it came down to it. There were ten kids to every bully and every last one was pinned down by the weight of five kids before they even had a chance to act. On that day little blood was shed, other than Asheron’s…. and a little from the leader of the bullies, but that was simply because Ash saw fit to get revenge.

Laughter was all Ash could remember after that fight, the sheer joy of victory over a vicious force, victory earned not by pure might but through outwitting the enemy and gathering numbers out from underneath them. A lesson in stealth that was well learned to Asheron, you can always find the greatest of allies beneath the enemies boot. And another great lesson to take to heart, numbers will almost always have the most power, even if those numbers are physically half the size and a quarter of the strength of the enemy. He smiled as the image faded, he was filled with yet another great memory that would only fade in his memory and then be replaced by yet another on the line of his life, his mind showing him every last one of his greatest feats whether he had forgotten them or not. It was almost as if his mind wanted to show him something that he was forgetting, but for now he could not spot the meaning of the story, just simply that he was being shown his happiest moments, and almost all of them were moments of victory over enemies that seemed insurmountable but he always conquered.

His trance was now deepening as he delved into the more shallow memories, and then it paused as he finished the elementary level and was shifted to yet another school. Now he was in junior high and in classes with many other people, where he actually fit in, where he could actually goof off, and where no one had heard of him yet because his parents insisted on sending him to a god forsaken private school. How he hated being trapped in this hell hole but at the very least he was able to make new friends without his parents supervision. And since they weren’t watching, he would be able to do many things that they normally would not have permitted. While most people thought that a private boarding school was a safe place to get away from many problems, the truth was that there were potentially more problems at the private boarding school than there ever could be at any normal school. Certain illegal plants and actions always found their way into either dorm and more often than not a specific group of the kids always happened to have a very… well known substance that almost everyone wanted in the school.

Slowly floating in and out of these dream like visions he slowly watched junior high pass by with nothing of any importance happening. He had completely focused on his studies at this time, deeming that becoming popular was actually more of a risk than a reward for himself. He had never wanted to actually be part of this kind of popular group anyway. When he was in high school he would actually make his own popular group, pull all of the attention away from the dimwitted slack jawed fools that would later make a living knocking their heads against one another or for the woman letting men have their way with them for a nominal fee which steadily increased the more disgusting, degrading, dangerous, or pregnancy causing the act was. And at that point he would steadily spread his subtle manipulations and controlling ways over the school and quite easily take over a second school within his reach. It didn’t take much really, the average high school students’ mind was the equivalent of a trained chimp, and the jocks and cheerleaders fell into the more wild side of the category. To put it simply, people are just easy to control.

Life was simple enough for Ash as he entered high school but this was also when his powers started to develop a little more, even though he still didn’t realize it yet, and neither did everyone else. From time to time Ash would be able to tap into a person’s mind, be able to read what they desired most and when he was able to do that he was also able to subtly control every last little thought that they ever had. He twisted other people’s minds so easily and so wickedly that hardly anyone else ever noticed that he was doing it. All it would ever really take was a subtle hint at something or the offering of a gift, but in some rare cases he had to play a card that he was always ashamed of playing. From time to time he would offer a woman that a person cared about, lie to them, tell them that asserting dominance over a group by helping him would get the woman to like them. Actually quite often it pushed the woman away but the person would always come back to him, now wanting to feel the adrenaline of controlling others.

It really was interesting how different people acted under different situations, for each person that Ash ever ran into he would have to come up with a new way to manipulate them, to get them to listen to what he had to say, and then do what he wanted them to do when he wanted them to do it. But it wasn’t long before he had just about the entire school pressed underneath his thumb like little helpless ants and they were all following his every little command, no matter how useless or idiotic the command was. No one ever bothered to try to fight his ruler ship because no one ever knew that he did rule the place and as a consequence, they all acted as if they ruled their own little territory and spoke to him as if he were just a friend when in all actuality they were bending to his will. He would smile every day as he walked in, sit down, and begin working on his newest assignment from his teacher. He would just sit there and spend hours writing away at meaningless little trinkets of thought that the teacher had come up with and thought was brilliant enough to be an assignment.

Life was admittedly easy enough while Ash was in high school. He stood in a lead position on both the student body and amongst the actual students that counted. He also held some pretty high marks amongst his actual teachers too. Such teachers were actually willing to listen to every last little thing that he said too, and before long the entire school was finally bending to his will. Asheron was a straight A student and the top of the class, he was the most popular kid due to simple manipulation and he was also the fastest kid on the swim team, though none of that would matter once he got out of this damn school, which for him it wouldn’t be soon enough. More time passed and more peopled faded from his control until finally the memory accelerated up until the end of his high school career where he was standing up on the stage, accepting his diploma and walking off with a buzzing headache from some medicine he claimed to be taking but wasn’t really. He never knew exactly how he got the information that he did, but he did get it and that was what mattered to him.

And then just as it had before his mind blurred all of the time that had passed for him into one big jumbled and then he found himself staring at his own body. Which was rather odd considering he could feel no presence and he couldn’t possibly be astroprojecting. Smiling he entered back into his own body and stood up again feeling refreshed and raring to go, but he paused and decided to sit down again, he still had more time to evaluate his past just a little more before he left to explore the world ever more, and he still had a lot to do before he could start working on building his power up even more. And so he let his mind wander and then slip down that slope yet again until finally he found himself staring at himself from the year after he finished high school. He had decided not to go to college and instead he went and found a job, working a paperwork filling desk job at a local company where he could make enough money in order to start saving for his life.

OOC: batch 4 of 2k words, 8000 word total

Added (03.18.2010, 8:41 PM)
It was at this point that all of Asheron’s problems started to come up and he started to be recognized as a freak by the general public. Every day that he worked within his little office he organized papers, stamped some, passed on others to his co-workers and generally did everything he could to make sure as little paperwork as possible made it to his bosses, the exact job that he was being paid to do. Days would pass at a time when he couldn’t connect to other people like he had in high school. For some reason he was unable to connect with anyone at all for long periods of time and then everything would come flooding back to him all at once. His latent powers would fluctuate between major points where either he couldn’t read any minds at all or he would be able to read every mind in the area and not block a single one out. And then things steadily got weirder and weirder until finally one day things started to slip. During an office meeting Ash began to think more and more about other things in his life, and before long his mind was randomly wandering.

The most random and inappropriate thoughts were running through Ash’s head as a new power seemed to develop for him, he was able to listen in on other’s thoughts before but this was just strange. Every last one of the boy’s thoughts were broadcasted out to every other person in the room as he sat there and thought. It was about five minutes of these thoughts before he looked around and the group was in a mixture of rage and embarrassment. Looking around the group with wide eyes he was steadily realizing that they had heard every one of his thoughts, standing up he quickly left in a rush and went outside to get some air. Returning to his desk Ash found a pink slip, picking it up he just left the building, his mind focused down into tunnel vision as he walked out into the parking lot, to his car, pulled out a crowbar and smiled as he walked ever so slowly over to his boss’s car and smashed it down onto the window with his grin steadily spreading more and more.

Standing over that little defenseless car he crashed the crowbar through the windshield and then kicked all of the glass in onto the driver’s seat. Slowly moving around the car he steadily smashed in every last one of the windows, being very careful, and going to painful lengths as to not get any blood on the car. After smashing in all the windows he walked back to his car and grabbed a knife, a small thing but more than enough to do what he wished for. Holding the knife blade down he slashed every last one of the man’s tires and then climbed in the car, slicing up the expensive leather seats. He had planned on this every last time his boss came in and ordered him around like he was an idiot. After properly shredding the seats he used the crowbar again to rip the steering wheel off and then break the dashboard off. Smiling he stood on top of the car and then pried open the hood to get to the engine. Looking down at his prize he quickly got to work before anyone came out on break.

Ripping out the engine with all of his strength he quickly started to get to work. Prying pieces off of the car’s engine he figured out how they worked as he looked at them and then made minor adjustments which would cause everything to break down in the car at the exact same time causing smoke to billow out from under the hood and potentially a fire as soon as it would be fixed. Smiling to himself he opened up the top of the engine and used the crowbar to crack one of the pistons and then placed the top back on but not after placing an old can of United States Military bean rations in each of the piston slots just over the actual pistons. Laughing he closed the top, made sure everything was solidly in place, and then put the engine back in place but not before puncturing the battery casing and making a break for it. Jumping in his car and tossing his tools of destruction in the back he started to leave the parking lot but he had just one more thing he wanted to do. Parking in front of his boss’s car he jumped out, climbed on top of the car and started jumping on the hood until it caved in, and then repeated the process on the trunk of the car. Laughing he dove into his car and drove off for home, now with adrenaline pumping through his system.

Laughing as he got home he parked his car and went out to his apartment. He couldn’t believe everything that had just happened, he had focused every last bit of his anger from over the past year down into one series of violent actions all taken out on exactly who deserved it. He wondered for a moment if that all in combination would wind up killing the unfortunate man and then he thought for a few more seconds and realized that he quite frankly didn’t care. That night he packed all of his belongings, called up a friend a few cities down and set up with a moving company to get his stuff down to their place before he moved on to a home in the area, that way he could live in peace for a bit longer and make a little more money as he waited out the storm of anger that was building within him. That day would probably be the most fun for him until he left the planet, because whether he liked to admit it or not he did actually like leaving the planet.

Time passed as every time before and Ash didn’t recap anything, he had seen all his dreams wished to show him and so he sat up and started to ponder everything that had happened thus far. His dreams had showed him different points at which he had used his powers unknowingly and only that, showing him that he had his powers all along. And then after showing him all of that it showed him what he was searching for for the longest time. Ash always wanted companionship, friends, family, and eventually a lover so he could do exactly what his old friend back in elementary school had done for him. They sacrificed everything in order to protect those they cared about and soon enough he would be doing so too. Standing up Ash came to the solid conclusion that he was going to protect Snow; that he was going to care about her whether she was willing to have or even show feelings for him. Standing over the chaos and destruction that he had managed to create before he started to meditate he looked out over the rest of all that existed on the planet and smiled a genuine smile of happiness for the first time in a long time.

Laughing Ash looked out over the water and crossed his arms as he floated into the air and looked out in the direction of the ship feeling the focus of his powers as he stood there. And then after resigning himself to the task of getting stronger he knelt down and started to do the basic exercise of doing pushups. And since he had a clear area and plenty of time to think he just slowly distracted himself with more and more details on how to fight, more and more details on exactly what to do as soon as he returned to the ship. And while he did plan on taking Snow’s advice he would no doubt be unable to deny his instincts on what do from time to time. After finishing the pushups he moved into crunches and then one armed vertical pushups and so on and so forth until he was unable to physically move he was so tired. So instead he kneeled down and started to focus on his gaseous forms again, carefully controlling each piece of his body.

Kneeling there Asheron carefully changed his body from solid into liquid and then into gas, retaining shape and form as he did so, going piece by piece starting from the end digit of each finger and then slowly moving through his body bone by bone until finally it was finished. While kneeling in his gaseous forms he smiled and slowly turned his body from one gas to the next, carefully shifting each one so as not to mix anything that shouldn’t be mixed and once he was finished he stood up again. Looking throughout the area he noticed that things were steadily changing around him and his powers had some sort of effect. Sadly he noticed that all the trees were dying and giving off what could only be considered seeds and so he went around and collected each lonely seed, kneeling down and putting them in his shirt as he collected the little things one by one until he had every last one of them. Then floating into the air he delivered small, pinpoint ki blasts into different points all over the ground and turned himself into his helium form to place all of the different seeds in place.

After every seed was in place he buried every last one of them and slowly floated over above the water and turned himself to face it at an angle where the droplets from the splashes he made would land where all the seeds were. He slowly built up ki into his arms, more and more of it until finally he released a giant blast, one after another until finally he had sprayed water all over the little seeds, making sure they were completely soaked and had enough to grow. Then he went around and covered them all up for the last time and smiled as he looked at all of the wet mounds. With any luck within a few years the damage he had done will have been fixed and he would have nothing to worry about, and the namekians wouldn’t be as mad at him. Sighing he thought again about the namekian that he had killed and decided to get up and actually start fixing things. His life had been sent all to hell once he got here and he had made other beings’ lives hell too and that just wasn’t fair.

Floating across the water he went off to wander again until he would find another place where he could start training. But as he searched he felt something calling to him, as if he should be returning to the ship to make sure that nothing had gone wrong, but at the same time he constantly told himself that he had to get stronger if he was to prevent things like that from ever happening in the first place. Skimming so close to the water that if he had actually made the walking motions he would have seemed like he was walking. Every power that he had come across would be mastered, and every power that he eventually learned would also be the same. His strength was great and his powers vast, but his true strength didn’t lie in real power or real strength, it was all in his adaptability. Ash could adapt to any situation just so long as he had all the right people around him and all of the right tools. Life would always be easy enough for him, just so long as he knew exactly how to manipulation the situation at hand. When it all came down to it, simple observation would win the day.

OOC: batch 5 of 2k words, 10,000 words total for thread.

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