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Crash landing
JezDate: Thursday, 2010-02-18, 0:21 AM | Message # 1
Group: Users
Messages: 74
Reputation: 0
Status: Offline
Velen opened his eyes slowly coming to grips with the intense amount of pain that his body was in. Every thing was blurred like nothing else, as if he was looking through his grand mother’s glasses. Slowly colours came into focus, he could see the bright blue of the sky, the green of the land and a few flecks of grey surrounding him. He closed his eyes once more and succumbed to his exhaustion.

A few hours before saw the saiyan safely sitting inside his regulation issue space pod, given by King Vegeta, to his henchmen while they were on a mission. This was definitely not a gift for he expected each saiyan to clean and return them on their arrival back to the saiyan academy on Planet Vegeta. Velen was awoken from his drugged state by the meteor shower that his ship had wandered into on its course to Namek. When the ship’s computer decides that it’s in danger it wakes the occupant up so that they can manually control the ship’s course. Velen had managed to some how blunder through the asteroid field with minimal damage to the ship and himself. But now he was left with the problem of navigating himself to the right planet, let alone the right continent. Stabbing at a couple of keys on the small keyboard in front of him he pulled up a screen showing the view from outside the pod and as luck would have it, Namek happened to be just there in front of him. What the computer did not show him was the last asteroid from the previous field. It was also caught in the planet’s gravitational pull and coming up fast behind him. This chunk of rock was easily ten times the size of his tiny one man, space pod. But still it was out of his line of sight so he had nothing to worry about just yet. He grabbed hold of the throttle control and pushed forward slightly, making sure to enter the planet’s gravitational field at the right speed to avoid being burned up on entry.
Following his training, halfway through entering the atmosphere, the saiyan warrior started to pull back on the accelerator and began to apply the breaks. To his dismay the space pod still accelerated. Velen pushed the brake lever fully down and looked out his little window to see they were open. Everything seemed to be working just fine but still he was accelerating. Suddenly, whilst still accelerating towards the unsuspecting planet, his ship began to spin and his side window began to reveal the massive meteorite that was pushing him faster towards the planet, causing this constant acceleration.
In that moment, he realised that he was going to be crushed into tiny pieces if he did not think of something soon. He only had about sixty seconds before impact. He turned quickly, hoping to catch a glimpse of a full moon but then realised that the moon was full only a week ago, now there would only be half of it left to see.
His mind wondered what any of the stronger saiyans at the academy would do and all he could come up with is a glorious image of a massive beam of energy tearing apart the meteor from the inside. Too bad for Velen that he was still not strong enough to begin energy training. In fact, he was hoping that after he completed his mission on Namek they would deem him ready to learn the advanced stuff.
Coming back to the situation at hand, which seemed more dire than ever, Velen felt a surge of pure frustration bubble up in his chest. This helpless feeling soon turned into anger and then a blind rage. His eyes turned fully red and he punched the wall of his space pod, breaking his fist in doing so.
He felt the pod spin around the asteroid a little bit in the direction he had punched it. It was not much, but still it moved. All he had to do was start it spinning a little bit more and he may just survive this crash.
Letting out a giant scream he rammed his unbroken fist into the same dent he had made before, shattering the bones in his other hand. The ship rolled over a bit more than before still not enough but if he could just hit it once more it should do the trick.
He readied one of his feet, bracing his back against the chair and then,
The meteorite had forced his pod into the surface of the planet.

Luckily for him it hit a big body of water, rather than a solid land mass.
Bits of the ship went flying in all directions. All that was left intact was the reinforced bubble that encased the passenger. This bubble was full of air so as soon as it rolled off the bottom of the meteor, it started to rise towards the surface of the ocean, fast. Fast enough that it broke the surface and catapulted onto land. But the impact of the land on the bubble was the last straw and bits of ship collapsed on the saiyan, shattering into his skin and knocking him unconscious.

The Namekians from the nearby village watched as the meteorite crashed into the ocean, creating a wave that almost engulfed their houses, but they were lucky that the hill it was built on withstood the momentary rise in sea level. They also saw the grey fleck that was Velen’s ship, and felt a life force inside it. Watching from their vantage point they saw it all unfold and rushed to save the saiyan as soon as the pod shattered. Putting him on a stretcher and carrying him to their healers, they began to fix what they could.

ooc: 976 words + weights + near death.
Start pl: 1,000
New pl: 2,598

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