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First Con of Planet Vegeta
ShinigamiDate: Monday, 2010-03-01, 4:49 AM | Message # 1
Group: Users
Messages: 70
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Status: Offline
As Tanrou Yuuji walked around the wilderness he realized that he was growing tired of the boredom. There were no people to talk to, and he both liked and disliked that, but most of all there was nothing to fight, and he had about hit his limits on training alone with the little bit of money he currently had. If he wished to gain strength, to travel the universe in search of better battles and new techniques and great power, he would need money, and most likely a base of operations. It was about time to start the wheels in motion that would put him in the lead of his own organization, and maybe in control of the planet itself. However, first he would need the money to help fund his ambitions and goals. Luckily for Tanrou Yuuji, he already had a plan for how to gain access to a lot of money. Not too far away from his current location, about a few days, was a mining operation, that dug out all sorts of precious metals from the ground using criminals as the labor force. The living guards were often drunk and the mechanical defenses were often poorly maintained robots that malfunctioned. The only reason why the criminal laborers could not escape was the out of the way wilderness location of the mines, a box canyon, and the fact that they were under-nourished to the point they would not survive to arrive at a city. Once every fifteen days, a ship would drop off supplies and return with a cargo of money already processed for circulation, all he would have to do would be to sneak in and steal the cargo out from under their noses, fly off and destroy the ship after taking the cash. A simple plan, but there was no need for anything elaborate here.
Quickly Tanrou Yuuji would gather his things and take off, using his chi to power the bukujutsu or flight technique he had mastered, flying directly in the direction he needed to go instead of taking days of walking to get to the box canyon that the prison mine was built in. He had a few days before the next transport arrived to drop off the supplies and collect the money, but he wanted to arrive there early so that he could scout out the location and make any final adjustments to his plan. Perhaps he could stage a revolt against the guards, or he would have to destroy their security systems main computer, or have to deal with a new upgraded combat robot guard, although hopefully not. Anyway, all those options would be decided as soon as he could get to the prison and examine the conditions, so the sooner that the could arrive and study the surrounding terrain the better off his chances to successfully pull off this con would be. So after a few days of flying, Tanrou would arrive a few miles away from the box canyon that housed the prison, having decided to fly low to the ground the last day, so that radar and the like could not pick him up as a flying object.
Then sneakily he would approach the edge of the canyon and peer down, he would see that the conditions were as poor as the last time he had...stopped by to make a withdrawal. Yes, several years ago when Tanrou had first set out on his training he had joined a band of pirates that had scouted out this exact location and performed the exact same operation, of course the fools had gotten caught afterwards and had been executed, but this time he did not need them to complete this task, the only reason why they had needed more men the first time was because they did not know the set up, and how the money was transferred, and so they wasted time killing the guards and trying to transfer the money to extra transports, wasting valuable time, and then they did not destroy the original transport until after they got to the base, despite Tanrou's protests, so that the authorities had their location. Only a few of the men had been smart enough to leave early and not get drunk at the victory celebrations, so all the others got caught and executed. Of course that was many years ago, and the authorities had hushed it up so that other people did not get the idea that attacking such places was a good plan, of course if there was no official crime, there was no need to put any changes in the security system. You know, if there is not a crime, why does anything have to be fixed? Such a foolish way of thinking, but not surprising at all. Now Tanrou was going to perform the crime again heh, and the fools will not even see it coming!
As he carefully made his way down the canyon wall, being sure not to set off any of the proximity sensors that dotted the area, thanks to the access code from the previous attack, he could cause a temporary malfunction in the sensor net and slip through without being noticed. The same thing could be done with the guard drones that made up most of the security force that guarded this area, the living men of this place were often not far away from their food and drink, especially the drink. Still that was vary useful to Tanrou seeing as how slaughtering all the guards would have been a waste of time. Once down on the canyon floor, he would quietly sneak into the prison barracks and would actually deactivate the security on one of the cells and use it to sleep in. since the security was almost all automated, as a unregistered prison cell, there was no reason to lock it, and while down in the prison barracks no one would even think to look for an intruder, Prisoners attempt to break out of prison, not break into one.
So the next day, the day that the money transport would arrive to collect the bi-monthly shipment, Tanrou Yuuji would be prepared for the theft. Having waited most of the day for the transport to arrive and unload its shipment of supplies, he would continue to wait until the ship was fully loaded with the money shipment for the day. He knew that it was customary that the transport pilots and guards to deliver any news that they knew and would have their meal with the rest of the guards while doing so before their flight out of the prison airspace. It was then that he planned to strike, while they were all distracted with hearing the news, collecting their mail, and eating. It was then that he made his move, by this time having stealth-fully made his way up next to the ship, he was but a distraction away from getting onto the ship and taking off. It was then, having reached that point, that he activated a short range device that he had collected when he first attacked this place and activate it. Shortly thereafter, a loud uproar could be heard as prisoners started to charge out of the barracks. They could do that because the night before he had also got in contact with different people to stage a prison revolt. While having no intentions to share the wealth, they would prove a good distraction causing all the guards to run forward to try and stop them. While the guards were attempting to stop the revolt, something they would do, as the prisoners did not have enough men to succeed, Tanrou would sneak up behind the lone guard protecting the treasure filled transport and snap his neck.
Once the final guard was killed, Tanrou would enter the transport and quickly start it up, taking off before anyone could stop him. Once safely out of danger, he would land, collect the money from his theft, put it in his sauna so it was easier to carry, and blow up the transport at a safe distance before flying off to deposit it in a bank.

words: 1367

I’ll chase you till the end of time. Ill change your fact to myth. To all four corners of the world, and even to the fifth. I do not fear my punishment, by karma or by jury. No tempered wit nor stroke of luck can save you from my fury.
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