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Assasin Job
KryeedDate: Wednesday, 2010-03-10, 7:05 PM | Message # 1
Less of a Noob
Group: Users
Messages: 125
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Status: Offline
While looting pocket change from the cities of Icer was a nice job once in a blue moon, the daemon Hachi needed something more substantial, and for that he had taken the job of assassin. While talking with the head assassin, gaining his mission, he found that the group accommodated its assassins with equipment for any said mission should they find it appropriate. The chosen target was a former pupil of freeze flash, someone who wanted to alter his races views from a harsh pessimistic evil to something more ‘good’ and just along with gaining dominance on the planet, two things Hachi could not stand for as his main source of expendable warriors and his major source of money.

The mountain itself wasn’t very hard to find, it was the only mountain that bore its rock face rather than a sheet of heavy snow and ice, but the infiltration was much more difficult. The initial pair of guards for the mountain base stood nearly in the same place for two hours before changing shift, when the two were swapped with another set of fresh faces, two quick needle bullets through the neck got rid of them and kept them silent, now he knew he had at least two hours before they knew something was wrong and an intruder was in the base. The gloves seemed useless for his mission but the scouter had helped him locate the general area of the general, or rather the strongest person around in the base.

The vents were his best shot, as even with the rather heated air around, it was still very natural and he was able to form ice around him as he moved to keep him from burning up. Slowly, with care, Hachi moved through the vents to hear what could be said and where he could move, silently, to find the general. Through laborious work, Hachi found and listened to the raving general, at least another hour and a half to spare. The man was talking of reform, of his peoples rise to glory over the daemon which now populated, or in his terms defiled the icer home land, that with the life giving fire he would get rid of the daemon and get rid of the evil icer Freeze Flash’s pupils.

These words struck Hachi a bit, he was considered both, and he wasn’t going to stand for such information, though to be paid he needed to not alert the general in any way, forcing Hachi to listen entirely and then come back later to do what he willed, maybe even send a few of the locals to deal with him as a way of showing his dislike for the plan. When the general finished talking with a number of newer recruits to his cause, Hachi was leaving as well, trying to beat the clock to make sure he left without a trace. The change in guard had not happened by the time the daemon left the vents and got ready to leave, making his escape seamless and undetected.

OOC: 510 words, 300 cash

Added (03.04.2010, 1:40 Am)
Another mission was handed out, this time with no helpful equipment and no need for secrecy, though there would always be a place for it with Hachi. The entire mission was to gain a simple document which could cause an uproar and start the rebellion against frieza. The mission called for the document to be destroyed by the end, which would be done without question. There was only a limited time to get to the document before the contents became public, meaning he had to intercept the messengers before they reached their destination.

The daemon called forth his group, all twenty one of his soldiers while Hachi himself wore a heavy cowl which shrouded his features so he could keep his anonymity and still complete the mission given to him. The document was being carried out by a band of demons, one was in a heavily armored vehicle while another fourty or so were riding around in lighter motorcycle’s, ready for any opposition. Hachi and his men had readied themselves for an ambush as they passed through a stretch of mountain pass.

Along the winding pass, Hachi’s men had lunged forward and took out the stragglers or forerunners in order to thin out their numbers, along with salvaging the vehicle if possible while Hachi kept pace with the procession, waiting for the right moment to jump on the armored vehicle. Halfway through the pass, the riders had panicked a bit about their thinner numbers, but there was little they could do besides hope they could get out of the pass before they were all picked off.

The moment finally presented itself to the daemon, Hachi jumped from his higher ground with a loud thud onto the hood of the target vehicle, alerting the remaining daemon of Hachi’s presence and immediately loosing a number of blasts and bone attacks at the figure. After the attacks collided and the figure still stood, the daemon heisted a moment before readying their attacks again, even willing to jump from their bikes to the hood of the armored car, but the changeling squad had caught up and readied their own attacks, telling them to keep driving, the document was going to be taken and there was nothing they could do about it.

With a powerful downward punch, Hachi pierced the car’s hood and tore a large hole through the top of the vehicle, the daemon standing over the scared changeling for a few moments before announcing loud “Lord Frieza demands this document not be seen to the public” and delivered a single needle to the messenger’s head before taking the document and securing it to his person, sure the demons around him heard what he said. The words were to mislead, though it was true he commanded it, it was also true the intent of the mission was to not cause the people of Icer to be against the changeling overlord.

With the document in hand, Hachi and his band of changelings went back to their base, making sure to create both a copy document and a digital copy of the document before burning the original so if there was any need for it, he could readily show It to the people under his dominion for a direct uprising against the changeling.

OOC:547 words, 300 cash

Added (03.11.2010, 4:05 Am)
The mission Hachi was given finally fit the idea of an ‘assassin’ rather than a spy, he was to kill four warriors of varying skill and tactics. The list noted a mountain of a man with a ranged weapon and powerful armor with something of an Achilles heel named Raff, a man duel wielding metal fans that could launch projectiles who went by Vander, and a rather annoying sounding pair of changelings who needed the comfort of the other to fight; Raj and Tess.

The daemon wasn’t stupid, he wouldn’t just bound into the cities and arenas to find and best these warriors, he would require Raphael to hide nearby always just in case healing was in order. The first that Hachi wanted to take down was Raff, a massive changeling in heavy armor and a hammer based weapon would be easiest to spot, though he was discouraged from sneaking up on him without a plan. Raphael and Hachi had dressed in cowls and dispite the sound of the task, the daemon wore his heaviest weights.

The city was as busy as ever, however the rather gargantuan changeling had shown his true colors by demolishing buildings with a huge war hammer. The mission was clear to bring Hachi’s name into the minds and hearts of the local populace, make him appear to be some beacon of hope to them. Raphael immediately found a place to hide and was prepared to run to more cover should the building go down. Hachi had pulled his cowl off and shot a powerful energy beam at Raff’s back to both gauge the power of the beasts armor and to get his attention.

The energy blast connected and pushed the man forward a hundred feet or so before he regained his stance and brushed his shoulder off with a deep beastial growl “I was hopin’ someone would make my day an’ try some shit” Raff bellowed and turned to see Hachi standing by himself with a serious look on his face. The massive changeling laughed and mocked the daemon “hahaha, what the hell? Some scrawny human? Naw….a twiggy saiyan? You don’t belong on this planet kid”

Hachi ignored the weak attempts to goat him into attacking, or finding out just what he was up against, and called back “people like you who try and disrupt any kind of peace you find, people like you serve no place in the universe, people deserve a reprieve from such acts of violence” the daemon gave his speech for those frightened city dwellers to take comfort in, to believe he and his group stood for what was ‘right’ that they were just in their cause. The speech just made Raff laugh “really, you think this untamed planet can somehow be calmed by you? This world had run off the ideal the weak die and the strong live for far too long…you must be some kind of human if you believe in such peace, saiyans love battle!”

Rather than dignify the race question with an answer, Hachi took to the sky and closed the gap between them. Raff in response took a powerful swing at the daemon, clicking s button to rocket the head of the hammer forward as an opening attack. Hachi saw the attack coming, thankful for the intel he was given, but unfortunately the attack was still too quick. The hammer’s head had brutally slammed into Hachi and would have sent him flying if it weren’t for him gripping the chain on impact.

Though he had wished not to use the bone neeldes, Hachi found no other way against the armor. With a small gesture, the tube where the bone needle would launch protruded from the top of the wrist and over the back of the hand, Careful to aim as the hammer retracted and accelerated him towards the mammoth warrior. Two needles, powered with the training Hachi received from freeze flash had been launched and aimed for the changeling’s eyes.

The needles buried deep into Raff’s eyes, the freezing immediately starting to form across his head and causing him to fall with angry bellows, though that by itself would not be enough to end the warrior, with his decent to the street, his massive hammer fell straight down. In a horrible twist of fate, the hammer came down and struck the needles through his skull like two nails, killing him.

OOC: 734, 234 over the needed 500 on a demon planet and super weights

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