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Welcome, Brother
KryeedDate: Tuesday, 2010-02-23, 5:38 PM | Message # 1
Less of a Noob
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Hachi looked out at the white wastelands, he had contacted his comrade and ‘brother’ to meet him at the ice palace, thanks to nearly constant blizzards and having to settle into a new place, the daemon didn’t want to risk the young warriors well-being, not out of compassion, but as one might for putting a weapon in good condition. Everything was ready for the saiyan’s arrival, even giving Hachi a chance to get back into the role of a caring big brother. The arrival of the young warrior stirred old memories, of times when he wandered the saiyan home world, and the rather simple lie he set the child up for.

The childs parents were long dead when he arrived, not the direct cause but he witnessed their last breath, and by chance he ran into their son, who had vast potential if trained and raised correctly. Everything played out perfectly; The child was not book smart and would never be, lest his views on the world expose the number of evil Hachi made him commit, was strong in natural environments and held the spark great saiyan warriors held in their souls, nearly perfect tools with the right shaping.
Those years were long gone, and so was the rather lax training he put the boy through, for the boy was now a man, and the man could no longer exist of weak flesh, but of something harder and less vulnerable.


Kyrt_RyderDate: Tuesday, 2010-02-23, 5:41 PM | Message # 2
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"Not a nice place to live." Muttered the young saiyan, bundled in a thick cloak as he followed a changeling through the snow, taking the long, harsh treck towards his brother's palace. It had been a good year since he'd seen Hachi, and Ryder looked forward to showing his brother the accomplishments he'd made training on his own in the time since they had parted.
"How much further?" He inquired to the guide, who'd shown a great talent for navigating the frozen wastes, making movements that, while perplexing to the saiyan, had skirted around vast dangers. Sweeping storms that pounded the tundra, sudden quakes that split the ice sometimes miles apart, mighty beasts that wandered the windswept wastes, hunting prey that had grown ever more scarce.

"Another hour if we're lucky, two if we're not." Replied the changeling, it's basic heavily accented as he shrugged against the wind, continuing the quick, jogging pace he'd led the young man on. With orders not to have the boy out after dark, the scout had done an expert job of bringing them across the sprawling wastes that acted as an oversized moat, keeping most unwanted visitors from the ice palace.

In a good 90 minutes the pair arrived, coming out of the swirling snowstorm into the clear air that surrounded the palace, leaving the saiyan to gape at the wondrous building, a true work of art towering into the sky. His eyes spread wide, taking in the full beauty of it, sparkling in the brilliant reddish light of the fast approaching sunset. Despite a great many unanticipated hardships, the changeling had brought him through with time to spare.

"Thanks alot for helping me, without you I couldn't make the......trip?" he turned, thanking the changeling scout, only to find the strange creature had already disappeared into the white of the blizzard. "Not very friendly either" he chuckled, grateful to be through that nightmare out there at last, hiked his pack up on his shoulders, and began once more towards the grand entryway, committed to the task of finding his brother. "I am home Hachi."

OOC: 350 words

KryeedDate: Tuesday, 2010-02-23, 5:42 PM | Message # 3
Less of a Noob
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The daemon had been watching for the saiyan’s arrival with curiosity, it took longer than he expected but it was worth it for the man’s safety, not knowing the icer tundra could kill. The changeling charged with the navigation was paid in advance and did not disappoint, even knowing well enough to leave the palace before ever meeting its owner. Though no one associated Hachi with evil, nor did they with the palace, the locals got a little unnerved by a respectable sized palace in the middle of the tundra, completely made of ice.

With the saiyan’s announcement, Hachi had gone to the main hall and opened the gate, showing him in quickly “I’m glad to see your trip went without a hitch, this far out we don’t have to deal with many things bothering us here” the daemon noted and closed the main gate when his brother was inside. “I hope you’ve been training hard in my absence Ryder…because I’ve learned a lot in this last year”

The daemon spoke of a number of things, of Freeze Flash and his training, of his job acquiring money, of the brutal self-inflicted training which recently allowed him great strides in power, even as he spoke casually, he had been wearing his weighted clothing, and had been passively since he bought them. “we’ll have things set up here for great training brother…we will always have enough money to live by” he smiled warmly to his brother, always seemingly caring and nice to his brother, but things needed to change with their training, things needed to get tougher.

OOC: 265

Kyrt_RyderDate: Tuesday, 2010-02-23, 5:43 PM | Message # 4
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When shown in, the young saiyan warrior embraced his elder 'brother' in a warm hug of greeting, some of the snow melting in the quick contact. With the hug finished, Ryder strode alongside Hachi, listening as the other expressed his 'gratitude' that the trip went safely and proceeded to discuss his development over the past year.
A playful smile could be seen crossing Ryder's face when the subject of his own training was brought up, waiting patiently while the rest of Hachi's monologue finished before responding to the part that piqued his interest. "Haha, you think I'd let you get ahead of me on purpose bro? I've been busting my ass pushing myself constantly. Heck, take a look Hachi." Before waiting for a reply, the saiyan leaped against the wall, smoothly going through flipping spinning back kick before releasing the strike and landing smoothly on the floor with a thud, his weighted clothing evident. "It's almost like I'm not wearing weights, I've pretty much mastered the set you gave me before."

As he stood there, grinning happily, the boy caught sight of the serious look on Hachi's caring face. "I listened to all of it, about Freeze Flash's training and ice move, your mysterious job, and about the hardcore training you've been doing here without me.. I know you still think me a child, but I can handle whatever you have to throw at me Hachi, I promise. Bring it on. Let me show you what I can do bro."

OOC: 250 words.

Message edited by Kyrt_Ryder - Tuesday, 2010-02-23, 5:54 PM
KryeedDate: Tuesday, 2010-02-23, 5:53 PM | Message # 5
Less of a Noob
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Hachi enjoyed the spectacle, and it proved he was stronger than many normal warriors, Icer was filled with the ruthless and it would take much, much more for the saiyan to be ready for them. “Weighted clothes are always a good option brother” he paused to think how to phrase his concerns “energy blasts and fancy tricks run out soon enough and you need to be physically fit…however you and I cannot walk the same path for training…at least not with the same result” the daemon explained in a serious but hopeful tone as he took place across from his saiyan brother, taking a stance Ryder would have never seen before.

“show me the extent of your training, show me the that you’re no longer a child but a warrior” the daemon said and watched his brothers movements, with both of them wearing their weights it would have been an even playing field, and Hachi was sure his brother would find the difference staggering. The daemon couldn’t quite take credit for being stronger, at least not on behalf of skill, Hachi was nearly two hundred years old while Ryder was still a teenager, the daemon literally being ten times older than his younger brother.

OOC: 204

Kyrt_RyderDate: Tuesday, 2010-02-23, 6:16 PM | Message # 6
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"Heh, you know I'm always up for a good fight," replied the saiyan, shrugging out of his cloak and tossing it aside, freeing himself of the confining material for the test that lay ahead, the weights barely noticable in his boots and gloves. "So I have to prove myself to you again Hachi. Your always probing and testing everything bro, but if it's a fight you want, then let's rock and roll!"

~Just like old times, Hachi never changes. Every time we meet he's got more things to discuss, more questions to ask and probes to make. You know, it's probably his fault I ask so many questions to begin with, but for now, the time for words is over, now it's time for action. I am going to make him proud of me this time, I swear I will.~

Suddenly, in a blur of movement Ryder lunged forwards, throwing a telegraphed faking jab with the left, following it with a hard, suddenly snapped right hook towards the elder warrior's jaw. ~Always keep your opponent guessing, always fight three steps ahead. Fight strong and fight hard, and never let up until your adversary is defeated. I've remembered and mastered everything you've taught me big brother. Your going to be proud of me Hachi, I'll show you my power.~

OOC: 218 words.

Message edited by Kyrt_Ryder - Thursday, 2010-02-25, 6:00 AM
KryeedDate: Tuesday, 2010-02-23, 6:50 PM | Message # 7
Less of a Noob
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The saiyan had gotten fast and strong, however it was bad luck that the man had come towards the end of the month, when Hachi was at his strongest. The jab had faked him out, and only narrowly, Hachi missed his chance block the real jab, he couldn’t deny that Ryder had gotten stronger, but he did see noticeable need for improvement, the hit was solid and made him move back a bit.

“I have to tell you, you’ve gotten a lot stronger since last time” Hachi said and returned to his stance before closing the gap between them and delivering a few solid punches for the saiyan to try and block or dodge, trying to keep his strength and speed to match Ryders.

Kyrt_RyderDate: Tuesday, 2010-02-23, 7:32 PM | Message # 8
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~Of course I've gotten stronger, I don't quit Hachi.~ Thought the boy, feeling the rush of adrenaline surging through him after he'd landed the blow, his nerves coursing with excitement, rising softly onto the balls of his feet as he dropped back into a smooth cat stance, ready to react to the follow-up attack that was sure to follow.

And follow it did. Even as Ryder loosened into the stance, a punch flew swiftly, aimed at his chest. A smooth twist of his left arm deflected the blow, firmly gripping the wrist as he ducked down under the second blow, using the momentum of the assault to yank Hachi in the direction he'd been going, rising violently up towards his midsection, his free arm gripping towards one of the unprotected thighs.

If all went according to plan, the teenage warrior would use his shoulder as a fulcrum against Hachi's stomach, flipping him up over himself and slamming him painfully back first into the hard, icy floor, scratched deep to provide traction, leveraging the full weight of both warriors into the blow.

OOC: 181 words.

KryeedDate: Tuesday, 2010-02-23, 8:37 PM | Message # 9
Less of a Noob
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The saiyan’s tactic was sound, however to make sure damage was minimalized, Hachi manipulated his energy of flight to slow himself down on impact, though it was doubtful Ryder noticed the subtle change. On impact, Hachi grunted with a smile “I have to stop treating you like a little brother now Ryder, you better be ready” and with that the daemon gave himself some space with a kaiho, the attack would have either knocked the saiyan a bit into the air or back, in either case his arm would be free.

Once Hachi was up, with surprising speed, he closed the gap between him and his brother once more, this time doing his own form of feint attack; a strong looking punch that was the same speed as he had been attacking at before but this time pulled back and another punch that was going much faster, at the edge of where he figured Ryder could see. It was Hachi’s intention to push Ryder hard, to slowly increase his attacks speed and strength until the saiyan couldn’t keep up.

Kyrt_RyderDate: Tuesday, 2010-02-23, 8:50 PM | Message # 10
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"Woah!" shouted Ryder, caught off-guard and thrown up and back by the burst of energy. He'd only just managed to get his footing when Hachi came at him, faster than before, throwing a powerful punch at his chest. Reacting swiftly and instinctively, they saiyan snatched his hands around the blow as it came in, taking the softened blow to the chest with a grunt as he was already shifting his body, twisting the wrist as he leaned into Hachi's form on the side of the captured wrist, executing the leverage afforded him by the position to attempt to force the larger man to the ground, gritting his teeth with focus, intent on forcing Hachi to submit to the agonizing hold.

OOC: 120 words/ Using Submission Lock, I managed to minimize the impact of the first blow, up to you whether the second hit and where, but from my profile now I'm guessing if it does hit, it would probably be my shoulder but it's your call.

Message edited by Kyrt_Ryder - Tuesday, 2010-02-23, 9:32 PM
KryeedDate: Tuesday, 2010-02-23, 9:19 PM | Message # 11
Less of a Noob
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The second strike hit against Ryders shoulder, even with one arm grappled, Hachi was ready to do more damage before a jolt of pain through his body, enough to stop him from attacking but not enough to let him be thrown again by his brother. It was clear to see someone around Ryders strength would have succumb to such a pain, but thanks to Hachi’s superior training, he had near immunity, a skill like that wasn’t going to work on the daemon again unless Ryder became more powerful.

“not going to work brother” his muscles flexed and stopped him from directly attacking, but to his defense he kept himself strong, along with being able to talk. Hachi smiled “it didn’t come up before, but I want you to think about your home world, what you may have noticed. You already know we’re not brothers by blood, but of necessity.” He paused “I don’t have a tail, brother” waiting to see the reaction.

Kyrt_RyderDate: Tuesday, 2010-02-23, 9:31 PM | Message # 12
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Ryder's grip remained locked solid, slowly applying more of his weight into it as he listened to Hachi speak, trained well not to allow the words of adversaries distract him from the task at hand. "You know, I considered that question myself a few times bro. Back on Vegeta there were Saiyans who cut their tails as they'd grow back, seeing them as a weakness. But you, I've never once seen you with a tail Hachi, not ever."

Seeing the other listening to him respond, Ryder took advantage of the opportunity to release the grip with one hand, slamming an elbow the eight or so inches towards his brother's face before spinning around, using the grip on the remaining wrist to throw the warrior off balance and allow himself to safely gain a defensive posture. "My guess, you aren't saiyan, or at least not a pure one. But your still family Hachi, so go on, hit me with your best shot. What are you, brother?"

OOC: 165 words

Message edited by Kyrt_Ryder - Tuesday, 2010-02-23, 9:33 PM
KryeedDate: Tuesday, 2010-02-23, 10:15 PM | Message # 13
Less of a Noob
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When the elbow came, Hachi opted to angle his head down so it hit his forehead, and when he was knocked off balance he quickly steadied himself. The saiyan apparently had noticed Hachi had no tail, so it was time to give selective misinformation while the subject was brought up “there’s not many of us around…prothians, we look like humans or saiyans…however we develop differently in battle and we have a rather…unique structure I’ve hidden from you, as it would have been harder to explain while you were still in grief and so young.”

Hachi cracked his knuckles by making a fist and closing the gap again, this time pushing the very outer limits of his opponent abilities delivering a powerful sweeping kick, aiming to knock him down and deliver and over hand smash with his fists.

Kyrt_RyderDate: Tuesday, 2010-02-23, 10:26 PM | Message # 14
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In an explosive burst of force, Ryder lunged forwards as his brother swept towards him, so fast he could barely see the motion, his legs in the air and well clear of the sweep as he plowed his shoulder into Hachi's midsection, driving him downwards and pulling the extended legs out from under him. A smooth, clean, well executed tackle that should put the pair of them on the ground, where Ryder loved to play.

~Prothian huh. That explains some things Hachi. Things make more sense now, but don't think I'm done with you bro, I have more questions for you later. Like what happened to their home world that would have you wandering the galaxy. But for now, I have a match to win.~

OOC: 125 words / I figure you probably went through on the overhand smash, but a hit like that can throw an attack like that out of form, so I'm leaving it up to you.

KryeedDate: Tuesday, 2010-02-23, 10:54 PM | Message # 15
Less of a Noob
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The fight was heating up, the saiyan was getting a number of good shots in, but now he intended to give the two some space, with a powerful energy blast he intended to knock Ryder back and freeze him for a few moments, not enough power or chill to do permanent damage, just enough to give some distance. With a fluid motion, Hachi would be on his feet again with a smile, talking again “heres what I was talking about” Hachi stated and held his arm to his chest so his brother could see.

His bones were moving under his skin, forming a tube from the bone that poked out at the wrist and over the back of his hand, with it he aimed and shot a bone needle at his helpless brother, though all it had power to do was crack the ice.

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