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ShinigamiDate: Saturday, 2010-03-06, 0:05 AM | Message # 16
Group: Users
Messages: 70
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Status: Offline
Chaos would pause to finish the pitcher of juice and say "I came here to find training, i was informed that i could get stronger and learn new techniques if i searched for Hachi. I have no clue what kind of work you are doing, so i can not answer weather or not i want a part in it. care to explain?" Chaos would ask.

words:1607 +65=1672

I’ll chase you till the end of time. Ill change your fact to myth. To all four corners of the world, and even to the fifth. I do not fear my punishment, by karma or by jury. No tempered wit nor stroke of luck can save you from my fury.
Kyrt_RyderDate: Saturday, 2010-03-06, 0:26 AM | Message # 17
Group: Checked
Messages: 240
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"Well you see Chaos..." Ryder would begin, casually taking a sip of the water he'd grabbed. "Icer is currently under very poor rule. The demons and changelings are constantly struggling with one another for survival, and in the end nobody is prospering. Our purpose here, is to free them of the corrupt rulership that is choking the life out of the people.

"Hachi has assembled the group of men you saw below to help us defend the peoples from those who would do them harm, and we are doing as much as we are able to help. They pay for our operations costs, food, energy, and enough for the men to feed their families, and in we are working towards establishing a government that protects and provides for something other than itself. We're in this for all the people suffering out there. The wives who have lost their husbands. The children who have lost their parents." Suddenly Ryder's fist slammed into the table to the side of them, bending it's steel legs. "We're going to put a stop to all this crap so life can be good again here."

ShinigamiDate: Saturday, 2010-03-06, 1:18 AM | Message # 18
Group: Users
Messages: 70
Reputation: 0
Status: Offline
Chaos would nod in understanding and agreement, although he was unsure if anything could be done about the hatred found between most changeling's and Demons, both sides seemed to hate each other on sight from his understanding, could such a thing be possible? He did not know, still it seemed like worthy goal, if it was true. Not that did not think that Ryder believed every word he said, he was just not sure about the source, Hachi. Of course, with good people like Ryder and that green dude... Raphael believing in him, he probably was not too bad of a person to fool them both, and chaos only had the rumor of Hachi being a demon, he could in fact be some kind of alien, although when chaos addressed him as the Demon Hachi, he did not deny.. wait, no actually he never did address him as the demon Hachi, only as the master of the residence. Still, it was no use worrying about potential problems, those kinds of problems always gave Chaos a headache. Turning back to the discussion at hand chaos would continue to nod and say "Sounds good."

words: 1672+192=1864

I’ll chase you till the end of time. Ill change your fact to myth. To all four corners of the world, and even to the fifth. I do not fear my punishment, by karma or by jury. No tempered wit nor stroke of luck can save you from my fury.
Kyrt_RyderDate: Saturday, 2010-03-06, 2:39 AM | Message # 19
Group: Checked
Messages: 240
Reputation: 0
Status: Offline
"You must be really hungry" laughed Ryder, gently clapping Chaos on the back. "It's good to have you on our side Chaos, I'm sure you'll do well. Go ahead and enjoy your meal, order more if you feel you need it but be careful not to over eat. We have a great deal of training ahead of us once you've finished. I intend to head to my room, handle a few things, and head to the Sauna to rest and relax a while after my last few fights. When you are ready, come find me, and we'll get started on your training my friend. "

With those words finished, the Saiyan warrior rose from his seat, comfortably making his way out of the room before taking Tundra aside. "Tundra, I need to ask a favor of you."

"What is it Commander?" Inquired the changeling, respectful after having been put in his place.

"I need you to accompany Chaos, the human... or human like fellow in there. Make sure the men leave him in peace, help him find anything he wishes, and make sure he stays out of Hachi's way. I'll be in the Sauna resting."

"Yes sir, it shall be as you say." Acknowledged the soldier, clasping a fist to his heart before heading into the room to fulfill his duty, leaving Ryder to head to his rest in the Sauna before training Chaos next.

OOC: I've left the thread, total words from me = 4420

ShinigamiDate: Sunday, 2010-03-07, 3:46 AM | Message # 20
Group: Users
Messages: 70
Reputation: 0
Status: Offline
Chaos would finish eating and would get up and start to walk around the base mostly out of curiosity, partly to memorize the pathways and corridors of the place, and also out of boredom and to get rid of some more of his energy. As he wondered aimlessly around the base he would travel through the meditation chamber, a nice place, all serene and quiet with holographic controls to change the setting, cool but dull, not really chaos' type of thing. then he would pass the prison cells without much question and continue exploring the base, all with Tundra as his silent shadow, although he would occasionally ask questions about some of the room's functions such as the many attachments of the training and gravity chamber. Then, several hours latter he would stop off at the now empty sauna and relax for a bit, before heading off to sleep in his assigned area, hoping to be trained in the morning.

words: 1864 +160=2024
ooc: have left this thread.

I’ll chase you till the end of time. Ill change your fact to myth. To all four corners of the world, and even to the fifth. I do not fear my punishment, by karma or by jury. No tempered wit nor stroke of luck can save you from my fury.
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