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KryeedDate: Thursday, 2010-02-25, 6:07 AM | Message # 1
Less of a Noob
Group: Users
Messages: 125
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Status: Offline
There was a small settlement for Hachi, Raphael and Ryder to take command of. The general plan was to persuade the group of hopeful changelings to join him and build with him a group, from there they would train and wait.
That_Brazilian_GuyDate: Thursday, 2010-02-25, 12:12 PM | Message # 2
Less of a Noob
Group: Administrators
Messages: 168
Reputation: 2
Status: Offline
Have you asked permission for your team already on the board? If not, no deal for officilizing conquests. I also put an esy for for team Creation on Conquests page.
Kyrt_RyderDate: Thursday, 2010-02-25, 1:12 PM | Message # 3
Group: Checked
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OOC: Ugh, Kryeed said he put it up but I can't find it anywhere. It looks like maybe his post got eaten, over the last few days he's been flying back and forth between three active RP threads. Since I;m here and he's not, I'll fill it out. I'll make a custom permissions thread for the team, since we're likely to need to make permission requests as a group, and it doesn't say anywhere whether to put it on a master's update thread or make a permissions one.
That_Brazilian_GuyDate: Thursday, 2010-02-25, 1:21 PM | Message # 4
Less of a Noob
Group: Administrators
Messages: 168
Reputation: 2
Status: Offline
Permission. Whenever you create something it goes to the permit board.
Kyrt_RyderDate: Friday, 2010-02-26, 2:38 PM | Message # 5
Group: Checked
Messages: 240
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Status: Offline
Well, it's up. There are holes in it, since I don't know everything, but I did the best I could. There are a few things in it that will require your response of course (such as one description line in the bio that I didn't understand the point of)

Thanks B-G

Added (02.26.2010, 11:38 Pm)
OOC: So... now that we're official... do we have A-10? Or is there something we have to do that I don't know about.

KryeedDate: Saturday, 2010-02-27, 11:39 PM | Message # 6
Less of a Noob
Group: Users
Messages: 125
Reputation: 0
Status: Offline
OOC: 500 word hasnt been done yet, so ima go officialize it

Added (02.28.2010, 8:39 Am)
The time had come, Hachi decided to preemptively set forth to gain the support and the medical facility. The mission was simple enough, and the daemon figured he could do the mission himself without any fear of mutiny. The first thing he did was rally the locals which scoured the deserted buildings for something of use. Hachi stood above the building and called out “Changelings! Do you wish for this atrocity to continue? Demons fill your streets and share your world, follow my cause and we shall unite the chaotic icer, we shall eradicate those who would taint your home planet…Fire flash and all!” the daemon spoke, hitting on the inherently evil and nativist nature, even though he himself was not changeling, he did not look anywhere like a demon the changelings have seen before.

Quickly the changelings rallied and pumped their fists and called though when they asked about his nature he gave them the same lie he gave Hachi, which everyone had accepted well enough, seeing as they didn’t care as long as he wasn’t a demon to them. They all stormed the medical facility, slowly tearing everything out but the bare essentials, such as the walls, the doors, the elevator, a number of beds and a main computer, though the last was outfitted with information from one of the changelings.

When the base was just the bare necessities, then things started to be imported, such as the sauna, computer parts, a meditation chamber and in all hopes a gravity room, if the changelings could gather the necessary equipment to make one work. When things started to look finished, the twenty one changelings started claiming rooms, leaving the two largest for Hachi and Ryder as the daemon ordered. As the others argued about rooms, Hachi helped himself to his own room, clearing a number of things away, thankfully getting the sanitarium room, having five thick bars going across the door.

The door was reversed so the locks were on the inside, and then the padding was stripped away to show cold steel everywhere, feet of it and on the other side would be permafrost. The group had finally been created with a number of powerful soldiers to follow his directions to the death, thanks to a number of well placed lies, making sure they wouldn’t spoil his plans with his brother or with the planet.

When the base was furnished and ready for action he was informed by what he would call the captain of the other twenty, as he was easily twice as strong as the others. The man’s name was Zed, though his name was the only one that had come up so far, the other ones were too chaotic and busy setting everything up to be bothered with pleasantries, though Hachi did intend to get each and every one of their names for record. The details of all of them would later be uploaded onto the computer so he could give each and every one of them individual missions and to make sure each of them were kept in close contact.

OOC: ok mission done, got A-10 i hope, 516 words

Kyrt_RyderDate: Tuesday, 2010-03-02, 2:15 AM | Message # 7
Group: Checked
Messages: 240
Reputation: 0
Status: Offline
As he shoved the Namek into action, Ryder glanced backwards, smiling happily that Chaos had chosen to accompany them. It would be nice to have another sparring partner, Raphael had kindly refused all of his advances, no matter how hard the Saiyan tried to woo the Namekian into embracing him in glorious combat.

In a moment, the trio had left the security of the castle and back into the blaring blizzard, accosted on all sides by the fierce climate of Icer. Having trained in the stuff dilligently for days, Ryder was at peace with it, despite having his shoulders bared to the elements, exercising his will and inner strength to resist the cold. "STAY CLOSE TO ME CHAOS, DON'T STOP MOVING OR YOU'LL START TO FREEZE" He shouted above the din, turning his head to be sure the other could hear him as they followed Raph.

At a quick pace, the three of them trecked accross the wilderness, making their way past a vast swath of torrential blizzards, cutting their path through some of the worst terrain Icer had to offer. Mountain's that reached up into the sky as if to pierce it and shatter the atmosphere and let what little heat kept Icer alive escape into the void. Canyons that cut vast gaps in the frost coverred surface of the planet needed to be climbed into and back out of. "How the heck did you get to us so fast!?" shouted Ryder during a break in the weather, feeling his muscles warming up despite the chill, though the namek seemed much worse for wear, no doubt on the last leg of his energy. "Master... Hachi... told me to take you the long way, to... warm you up... for the training that is... to come...." Puffed the namek, truly running out of reserves.

"How far is it, do we have any further changes to make?" Inquired the Saiyan, sincere concern crossing his face at the condition of the namek. "Not far, same direction, we'll see it once we reach the top of this... next... hill..." With those words finished, the namek began to collapse, having truly depleted his energy during the trek with nothing left to give.

Rather than allow his friend and ally fall in the snow, Ryder exploded forward in a burst of speed, possibly even blurring out of Chaos' vision as he scooped the falling Namek into his arms, carrying him carefully cradled in his grasp as he picked up the pace, making certain his companion could keep up with it as they raced up the hill, towards the facility.

As the trio reached the crest, the small town came into view, one building standing out from the rest, a clean, clear cut medical facility, or hospital if you will. "Hold on Raph," pleaded Ryder as he bounded down the hill and into the town, long strides carrying him quickly and gracefully towards the base, hopeful the equipment within could tend to Raphael's condition.

"Is there a doctor in here!?" Bursting into the door, namek in hand, the Saiyan found himself staring at a pair of changeling soldiers his brother had recruited. "Well well, looks like the brat's come back afterall, and he's dragging dead-weight with him."

"Dead weight, does he look dead to you!? He passed out leading me here, come on, you've gotta help him." An older, more scarred changeling approached, no doubt the captain and looked over the namek. "He'll live, he's only exhausted. Place him in one of the rooms downstairs to rest and join us in the training room up here, we've got a few words for you boy." With a respectful nod to the more experienced warrior, Ryder made a bee-line for the elevator. "The other guy's with me, I vouch for him, take good care of him." He called through the closing elevator door.

As the door opened he made his way through the rooms till he found one un-occupied and bare, laying the healer on a cot. "Rest well my friend, I'm sorry you passed out on my account."


"Hey, kid, you're with the Saiyan right? Wanna watch him get put in his place?" Inquired one of the changelings, a cocky grin on his face as the other's broke into a laugh. "Follow us to the training room, you'll like the show." Those words finished, the group made their way towards the training room, one staying behind to observe the guest, and would follow him if he went to the training chamber.


With Raphael safely laid to rest, Ryder returned to the elevator, making his way to the training room where he found himself staring face to face with twenty changelings, all looking fierce and prepared for war. "You said you needed me?" He inquired, looking from one face to the next, wondering all the while where Hachi had gone. "More like you need us kid. See, Hachi told us his baby brother was going to be in command here, but we're not going to take orders from no brat just out of diapers, so we're here to teach you some respect, show you your place boy. We were told we could train you as hard as we like, as long as we don't kill you, so that's just what we're gonna do. Got any questions before we beat the shit out of you little boy?"

At the offer of a question, a playful, almost childish grin could be seen spreading from ear to ear on the Saiyan as he stepped into the center of the room, taking a fighting stance as he brought his arms up into a defensive posture. "Only one guys. Can you promise not to go easy on me? Fights are never fun if somebody's holding back, it makes me feel like I'm not respected enough. Give me everything you've got. If I start getting beat up then you can pull back to not kill me, but until then, please give me everything you've got. I can take it. Besides... you guys don't look so tough, just a bunch of overgrown lizards if you ask me." he teased playfully, doing what he felt necessary to push these guys to their limits, rather than be too soft for fear of accidentally killing him and earning Hachi's retribution.

"You will wish you hadn't done that little boy...."

OOC: 1,060 words

ShinigamiDate: Tuesday, 2010-03-02, 3:53 AM | Message # 8
Group: Users
Messages: 70
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Status: Offline
Chaos had been tired from the long trip to reach Hachi's temporary dwelling, the ice palace, and had not looked forward to another long run through the snow. the one good thing about the hot chocolate that he had been given earlier, besides it being chocolate and good, was that the warmth of the drink had helped him with the weather, and the drink itself helped provide energy that he could use during the run, and the rest itself at the ice palace had given him back most of his reserves. Of course having been born on Icer, the harsh cold that the large green guy and his friend Ryder were experiencing was pretty normal for him, although not fun by any stretch of the imagination. Still when he just barely caught the words Ryder shouted, something along the lines of "STAY CLOSE....STOP MOVING......YOU WILL FREEZE..." Chaos would think that it was nice that he was worried about a new potential ally, most people found on Icer were of the opinion that if you could not keep up, if you were weaker, then you were trash to dump in the ditch, not even worthy of the effort to burn. Still he would shout "ALRIGHT!" as loud as he could to the green one named Raphael, and Ryder so that they might hear his acknowledgment of what they had said.

Even so, Chaos was lucky that the green one was the one in the lead for this trip, while he was trying to move as fast as possible to get to the destination, Chaos could clearly see that he was slower then Ryder, and in fact even slower then Chaos. Still Chaos had wished that what could have been an otherwise pleasant hike had to be done is such awful weather. If the blizzard had not been directly on them, then he knew that they could have seen some majestic views of the mighty mountains of Icer, the deep crevices and canyons that surrounded them and dropped many a mile down, often warmer at the bottom of a canyon then it was else were on the surface of the planet. Of course maybe Chaos was a bit prejudice on that subject, having had a love of the wilderness and mountain climbing, were others found it tedious and tiresome, using other methods of travel to get around them. Still, nether the green guy nor Ryder seemed to be comfortable in the conditions, especially the green guy. even when they were resting he would continue to gasp for breath. When Ryder asked "How the heck did you get to us so fast!?" to his friend Raphael he found out that it was under the demon Hachi's orders that they were actually going the long way to this new base, so that Ryder was 'warmed up' for the training he was going to face. Not really surprising for a demon to view his people like tools that way, although he was a bit surprised that Ryder would consider anything good about such a abuse on a friend. Forcing them to run all the way to the ice palace, and then back the long way, over cliffs and winding paths, all in the heart of a blizzard in winter, an Icer winter to the point of collapsing, for shortly before they arrived at the new base Raphael would collapse from exhaustion seemed incredibly harsh and not the kind of thing a person does to an ally for something as simple as training. Not that it was Chaos' place to say anything on the matter, having not even know all of them a full day, but still, it was clear that Ryder was the type of person who considered everything good about a person, even though their might be a negative aspect staring him right in the face, and truly cared about friends, for when Raphael collapsed to the ground, faster then Chaos could even see, he would scoop him up and carry him before he hit the ground. and would run to the facility that awaited him. How could he be so trusting?

As they made it over the final hill, a small town would come into view with a large building standing apart from the rest. a medical hospital, most likely part of a military facility that had stood there before, Ryder would start to leave Chaos in the dust, as concern for his friend Raphael became most pressing. Being fully capable of making the rest of the way to the main building, the hospital by himself, Chaos would not say anything about it and make his way down at his own pace, not trying to push himself beyond his own ability.

By the time he had reached the doors, Ryder was already out of sight and standing around were several changelings, clearly guards, although why they would serve a demon when there was such animosity between those two races was a bit surprising. Even more surprising though, was what one of the changelings would say next, revealing that Ryder's species was that of the Saiyan race. Chaos knew that he was part saiyan, he just had never seen one before since they were all on another planet. Now he learned that Ryder was one of them, even if he acted in no way like the stories he had heard about them, how interesting. He would have to ask him about that at some point. Chaos was also directed to head into the training room, something he was interesting in seeing anyway, even though it seemed that the guards had some kind of issue with Ryder, since they were talking about putting him in his place.

Once inside the training room, Chaos would look around at the practicably new training gear and equipment in satisfaction. this was definitely a place he could gain strength, as soon as he was granted permission. when Ryder appeared Chaos would quietly take a seat against the wall and watch as his 'training' unfolded.

words: 1007

I’ll chase you till the end of time. Ill change your fact to myth. To all four corners of the world, and even to the fifth. I do not fear my punishment, by karma or by jury. No tempered wit nor stroke of luck can save you from my fury.
Kyrt_RyderDate: Wednesday, 2010-03-03, 3:59 AM | Message # 9
Group: Checked
Messages: 240
Reputation: 0
Status: Offline
"Oh I'm shaking in my boots. Come on then, let's get this party started." A glance back revealed that Chaos was seated against a wall observing. "Oh, and a favor, watch the energy crap, don't want to damage the place too much."

Smirking arrogantly, the elder changeling nodded. "Tundra," he called, one of the men advanced. "Your up first, make sure you don't kill the kid, but give him what he wants, rough him up good." After a nod, the captain strode towards the wall, the rest of the changeling men following suit.

"What, only one of you? Now how is that fair?" Inquired Ryder, bowing to his opponent with a slight tip of the head as he waited for the fight to start. The pair circled a moment, before the changeling soldier rushed at him, throwing a powerful punch aimed for the Saiyan's jaw.

A light bend at the neck and the punch sailed past the boy, as he threw the full force of his body-weight into an explosive headbutt, breaking the changeling's nose and sending him falling onto his back, grunting in pain. "Is that all? I thought I was going to have a training session, I don't want to hurt you guys if you won't fight back, I could use a punching bag for that and I wouldn't have to hurt anybody to do it."

The captain began to step forward to call Tundra back, when the changeling thrust his hand up into the air, signalling that he wasn't finished with his turn in the ring. Bringing the hand down, he forced himself back up onto his feet, clenching his fists as his body began to change shape, growing larger and more freakish looking. "So that's the changeling transformation I've heard about. Good. Hold nothing back, let's make this interesting." he called out, slowly sliding out of his childish playful state and taking on the attitude of a commander guiding a soldier, his father's nature showing through.

"ENOUGH!!!" Shouted the warrior, rushing at Ryder once more, attempting the same punch, but as a fake this time, subtelly flicking his tail out intent on catching the Saiyan off-guard. ~He just threw that punch, what does he... I guess he's smarter than he looks, there must be something else to this~ thought Ryder, leaping backwards just out of reach of the blow, his feet clearing the place the tail swept across the floor as he flipped back through a handstand into a standing position.

"My turn?" inquired the boy, a knowing smirk on his face. This changeling was trash in a one on one with him, and the fool should know it. "I'm not done yet!" Shouted Tundra, slowly shifting into yet another form, this one looking far more freakish than the first. Where the first had looked... almost demonic... this one looked like something off a science fiction movie, with a strange oblong head and freakish features, towering over the Saiyan. "So, you decided to show your true form Tundra."

"THIS IS NOT MY TRUE FORM YOU SQUISHY LITTLE INSECT!!!" screamed the beast, taking a step. "Time out." spoke Ryder, holding a hand up to halt the surprised changeling, who stopped as requested. "You need a rest already punk?" A gentle smile spread across Ryder's lips. "What I need, is for you to stop treating me like a child. If you have more to give me, then give it to me, don't hold back. Show me this... true form of yours. Hit me with your best shot."

A maniacle laugh could be heard from the changeling as this boy, this child, told him to treat him as a man, to hold nothing back. "You would not survive. I would destroy you like so much glass." Ryder raised a single finger to his lips, bidding the warrior cease his laughter. "You know nothing about me. I've dominated you like an ant for two forms. Stop holding back and face me with your true power. I'm supposed to be training here dammit, not babying some changeling who's afraid he might break a nail!"

The force of that shout carried a portion of his power, knocking the changeling back with the density of it. "As you wish... commander." sneered the changeling, spitting the word like a curse as he once more began his transformation, his body reverting down to a much more aerodynamic shape, smooth and streamlined, clearly the most effective fighting form of the lot. Confident that, this time, the changeling had at last finally given him the measure of his true strength, Ryder exploded forward in a burst of speed that would no doubt be but a blurr to Chaos until his knee drilled into the jaw of the changeling, sending the warrior flying up towards the ceiling.

Reacting swiftly, Tundra managed to contort himself, landing with his legs pressed against the ceiling, coiling his tail as a spring and bounding off of it towards Ryder, with gravity furthering his acceleration, slamming violently into with a kick into the Saiyan warrior's chest. "Hahaha, I told you that you wouldn't stand a prayer!" Laughed the soldier as he thought he'd sprawled Ryder onto the ground. Looking up, however, a grin met his arrogant glower that surprised him. A simple glance would show that Ryder had taken the blow on purpose, catching the foot without any damage to himself, rolling himself around the leg and preparing for some trick of some sort. "Let go of my leg brat." The changeling bellowed, yanking his leg, only to find the boy had latched on with an iron grip.

"You are going to appologize to me for calling me boy, child, brat, and all those other things, and you will respectfully call me commander Ryder." Spoke the Saiyan, a calm air of authority in his voice. "I will do no such thing, now let go of my leg!"

"I warned you...." admonished Ryder, a slight twinge of guilt in his eyes at the pain he must now inflict as he twisted the ankle voilent, bringing a shrill, girlish shriek of agony from the changeling as it desparately clawed at the training room floor, in such pain he couldn't move anything more than his fingertips. Easing the pressure, just enough to end the scream though ready to lock the hold in a heartbeat should his adversary try anything, Ryder would say once more. "Appologize, and address me by my rank."

"I'M SORRY COMMANDER RYDER YOU'VE EARNED MY RESPECT!" He shouted, clearly terrified to be locked in the hold again. "Good. You may go now." Ryder told him, releasing the foot to allow the changeling to get up and rest with the others. Suddenly, before he had a chance to react, the changeling had thrust itself off the floor, snapping a kick to the side of his face. "Just because you've earned my respect doesn't mean I'm going to quit on you Commander, I'm here to push and test you, not to coddle you. Now get up, we're not done here Commander."

Rising from the floor, Ryder whiped his hand across his face, checking for blood, a smile, genuine and true lighting up his features. "Now that is what I'm talking about! Come on Tundra, hold nothing back!"

OOC: 1212 words.

ShinigamiDate: Wednesday, 2010-03-03, 5:34 AM | Message # 10
Group: Users
Messages: 70
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Status: Offline
Chaos would sit and watch in amusement at the battle that unfolded, for at the moment Ryder was just playing around. He knew that in the time that it took the changeling to transform, he could have been defeated multiple times, the only reason why that had not been done so yet was because there would have been no training at all then. That, and the fact that the solders would not agree to follow his command as their newly appointed leader if he did not show that he was more then capable of defeating them at their fullest power. Still it was fun watching a changeling change fully along their transformational path, even though Chaos had heard rumors that there was a secret but incredibly powerful transformation some could perform, sadly he did not think that any of those present would show such a power so he just had to be satisfied at watching the releasing of power the one changeling Ryder was fighting at close range. After a bit of time, both sides appeared to have finally agreed to fight at full power, and Chaos wondered if he would be able to watch any part of it at his current level, and how the fight with that changeling and the others would end.

words 1007 +215=1222

I’ll chase you till the end of time. Ill change your fact to myth. To all four corners of the world, and even to the fifth. I do not fear my punishment, by karma or by jury. No tempered wit nor stroke of luck can save you from my fury.
Kyrt_RyderDate: Wednesday, 2010-03-03, 5:53 PM | Message # 11
Group: Checked
Messages: 240
Reputation: 0
Status: Offline
Now that the the two were at last in true fighting form (barring the training weights Ryder wore of course), the pair launched into a powerful assault, each striving to one up the other. The changeling would through a powerful punch, only to have his wrist caught, and the momentum used to draw him into a swift elbow to the jaw. Reacting to the incoming attack, the changeling opened his mouth wide, catching the blow in the center of his mouth, his sharp teeth sinking into the flesh around the elbow, using Ryder's own force against him.

"YAAAAAAAAOOOOOOOUUUUUUUCHHH!!!" Shouted the saiyan, following the elbow up with a swift thrust of his other hand to the changelings throat, intent on catching the other's wind-pipe, leaving him choking with a minor wound he'd recover from. In a reaction that surprised Ryder, his adversary managed to throw his arms up, catching his wrist and minimizing the impact, coughing a bit and mostly unharmed, but with Ryder's elbow free. "This is getting interesting...." murmerred the boy aloud, a bit of pain from the bite evident in his voice as he yanked his arm backwards, using Tundra's grip on it to take control of the 'grapple,' slamming his forhead violently once more into the soldier's nose.

As the impact shook the changeling, Ryder followed the blow with a fierce forward punch to the ribs, taking advantage of the force Tundra was applying and shoving it all right into the changeling's gut, forcing him to spit up some blood. Of course, from the look of Ryder's elbow that blood most likely belonged to him. "Very good Tundra, I think you've earned yourself a rest. Go find a place to relax, you've done well." Reaching forward, Ryder clasped a hand gently on the changeling's shoulder, the warrior beggining to react defensively, accustomed to violent superiors, before relaxing in suprise at the touch. "I'm proud to have a warrior such as you serving with me. I know I can trust you to fight as I would for our cause."

With a bow of respect, Tundra made his way to a corner, sitting out of the way, one hand steadying his head while he watched on. In all truth, the changeling didn't know how to respond to this man. He was strong than himself, having beaten him even while wearing weighted clothing, and yet, had been kind and reassuring. On Icer the kind didn't last long, and yet, Ryder seemed to have the strength of the cruel, without the cruelty itself. He was prepared to do what must be done, but wished to do no more.

"Alright guys, we've tested me against one of you, let's see what happens when I've got two opponents. I trust you know not to waste my time with your lesser forms this time, holding back in battle is a good way to die, now lets take this to the next level."

Wasting no time, the changeling captain chose two of his best men, those he trusted to command in his absense, gesturing them forward to meet the Saiyan in combat. Folding his arms patiently, Ryder waited as the pair slowly cycled through their forms, their bodies changing fluidly from one state, to the next, to the next, and at last to their 'true forms', the measure of their real power that they kept hidden most of the time.

"I have to warn you two... this is two on one, I won't be playing any games. You may come out of this with broken bones. Are you prepared for that?" He inquired, concern mirrored on his face, though the commander within him had waited until they were already committed and transformed, well beyond the will to back away from the fight. Always having to use people, even against his best intentions. Such was the lot of a general, men depended on him to use them, and to use them well, to keep as many of them safe as possible while ensuring the success of the cause. Far too much responsibility for one so young, but here he was, with it thrust upon him. And as his father's son, the instincts, and the little upbringing he had, as well as, perhaps, the voice of his father's soul within, called to him, challenged him to rise up to the task set before him, to become the man he was meant to be.

As soon as the changeling soldiers had completed their transformation, Ryder snapped into movement, throwing a swift, coreographed fake out punch towards the face of his target, knowing full well the changeling would be expecting an attack immediately as the transformation ended, as Tundra had been. Just as the punch began, the saiyan threw the first in a side-ways cross, far too short to enter the enemy's blocking range, using the shift of his weight and momentum to drop into a smooth, almost instantaneous sweep kick, slamming the toe of his boot into the side of the target's knee, sending him sprawling as Ryder completed the spin, rising in a leaping tackle as the other changeling was upon him, bringing his arms down in a hammer fist strike intent on catching the warrior off guard.

As the tackle connected, the saiyan swept his arms under the other's legs, performing a perfect double leg takedown, dropping the white soldier to his back before flipping up onto his feet, spinning mid-flip to land in a defensive posture, just in time to catch a tail whip that followed him up from the felled changeling. Even as he caught it, the other was already on his feet, throwing his own tail at him as well, stretching it out as it launched towards him. Keeping a firm grip on the first tail, Ryder snapped his arm out, letting the other wrap securely around his wrist before tying the two tails tightly together, knotting them tightly, throwing the full force of his shoulders into the motion.

That finished, the boy had just enough time to slide his wrist out of the tail, weakened by the reduced bloodflow before he was accosted by the both of them. Leaping backwards, he hastily defended against the blows, twisting his body this way and that, turning fierce punches and kicks into glancing blows whenever possible, blocking when he had to, waiting for his opening to come.

And come it did. After a good thirty second barrage, one of the changelings over extended himself, allowing Ryder the opportunity to catch the wrist, yanking the fighter into the path of the other's oncoming kick, taking the strike to the side of the head. Throwing the captured soldier with all his weight behind the shove, Ryder took off running, long legs stretching out as he neared the tied tail's knot, spinning to face his opposition as it drew near to him.

Predictably, the pair took a wide birth of eachother, avoiding the tails that they had to keep stretched out to avoid entangling eachother and getting in one-another's way, rushing towards him. As they came into range, Ryder commited his focus to one of the pair, taking a painful blow to the shoulder as he grasped the arm of the one he had chosen, leaping over the tail and sending him spinning like a top, setting into a punching Rhythm to maintain the momentum as the tails' length was quickly consumed, the pair of changelings soon ending up stuck back to back, with one bound in the full length of both stretched tails, the other with his partner stuck against him, virtually immobilizing him with the weight and awkward setting of the burden.

A slow, soft applause could be heard, as the changeling captain strode forwards from his place with his men. "Very impressive Commander, not only have you shown strength and skill, but an ability to take advantages of weaknesses as they present themselves, to adapt to the flow of combat in a way I have never seen of one so young as you. Please Ryder, allow me to be your next challenge this day."

OOC: 1350 words.

ShinigamiDate: Wednesday, 2010-03-03, 11:45 PM | Message # 12
Group: Users
Messages: 70
Reputation: 0
Status: Offline
Chaos would sit back and watch the battle take place with interest, although he was kinda more looking forward to getting to his own training then sitting around and watching other people fight. Still it was interesting, what little he could see of the actual fight. Most of the battle was just a blur in Chaos' eyes. When the battle was over, Chaos would smile at Ryder's victory and wonder how the final battle with the Changeling Captain would end up.

words: 1222 +81=1303

I’ll chase you till the end of time. Ill change your fact to myth. To all four corners of the world, and even to the fifth. I do not fear my punishment, by karma or by jury. No tempered wit nor stroke of luck can save you from my fury.
Kyrt_RyderDate: Friday, 2010-03-05, 4:58 AM | Message # 13
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Looking up, Ryder could see the captain approaching and smiled, shaking his head as he clasped his hand on the changeling's shoulder. "Not today my friend. I've had a very good workout, and I'm sure we'll have our opportunity in the future. For now, I want you to tend to the men I fought, and go handle the other business Hachi has given you. For now, there are other things I need to do."

With a bow of the head to the captain, Ryder turned, flashing his playful smile at the guest. "Sorry about that Chaos, I can never really be sure what's coming next, Hachi keeps me pushed hard. If you train with us, you'll have to face the same, but it certainly has made me strong. Why don't you come with me and we get something to eat, and we can talk about your time here." Those words completed, the saiyan turned, gesturing for the other man to follow him as he led the way to the mess hall, ordering up a hearty meal from the cook.

OOC: Left the troops to do as they wished, and requested Chaos join me for a meal and a discussion.

ShinigamiDate: Friday, 2010-03-05, 11:45 PM | Message # 14
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"Sure" Chaos would say when the idea of getting food was brought up, even before he had reached the ice palace of Hachi's he had been on a long journey, not to mention the long run that they had made to this new base, if he was going to spar and train, it would be best to do so on a full stomach. And he had begun to get a bit curious about this place. So with that in mind, Chaos would happily follow Ryder to the mess hall of the building, wait until he was finished ordering his own food, and while waiting was looking at the menu scrawled on the wall. Once Ryder was finished with his order, Chaos would begin his.
"Hi, i would like four hard boiled Roc eggs, six fried Roc eggs sunny side up with salt and pepper, and six Roc eggs scrambled also with salt and pepper, i want an equal number of rolls with honey, and toast with assorted jams. I would like a pitcher of milk, a pitcher of orange juice, and another of grapefruit. then i would like four burgers with ketchup, mustard, mayo and pickles, six teriyaki burgers, and twelve cheeseburgers with bacon, ketchup, mustard, mayo, and pickles, a large order of chili cheese fries with bacon sprinkled on top and three large chocolate milk shakes. oh and Water as well. Thank you." And then with a small nod of his head and a grin he will wait for his massive order to be filled carting his food orders as they came out over to the table Ryder had selected for them to sit and talk. Once that was finished he would start to devour everything he had ordered only pausing to ask "Ok, so what are we talking about?" before he began.

words: 1303+304=1607

I’ll chase you till the end of time. Ill change your fact to myth. To all four corners of the world, and even to the fifth. I do not fear my punishment, by karma or by jury. No tempered wit nor stroke of luck can save you from my fury.
Kyrt_RyderDate: Friday, 2010-03-05, 11:55 PM | Message # 15
Group: Checked
Messages: 240
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Status: Offline
Ryder allowed himself a small smile as his companion found his seat, carrying a tray stuffed with burgers. "I'm glad to see they had enough food for you on hand, with an appetite like that I'd hate for you to have to wait for it to be cooked up on the spot."

A moment later, Chaos stopped shoveling food into his mouth long enough to ask the question Ryder was waiting for. "We, my friend, were talking about your purpose here. What it is you wish you achieve, why you have come to us, and, most importantly, if you want in on the work we are doing for the people of Icer. It's a heavy burden we carry my friend, but we would be honored to share it with you, if you would be willing join us in our duty."

As a fighter first, and a Saiyan one at that, Ryder thought himself a poor speaker, and spoke only from the heart, but his time with Hachi had indeed rubbed off on him some, and his words carried weight to them, spoken clearly and plainly though they were.

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