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Just Another Flashback Story { Frieza }
That_Brazilian_GuyDate: Friday, 2010-02-26, 6:27 PM | Message # 1
Less of a Noob
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Messages: 168
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Five feet, a hundred and sixteen pounds, white skin, red eyes, diagonally straight horns, chestnut head, tail. That means Frieza. Yes, I owe you a story about him and here I am to keep my promise. A deeper description of Frieza would involve in talking about his personality. I could start telling you that Frieza fits well in the big bad villain stereotype. He is very powerful { definitely powerful } , very cocky and confident on his abilities. If Frieza is a midget, his ego certainly doesn’t fit in those proportions. Sardonic and sadistic, often teasing his opponents and making them suffer before he kills them, in his real inside, Frieza cultivates a taste for death and destruction. Aside from those cliché characteristics, Frieza does have a differential from the majority of the villains we are used to see. He is very eloquent, showing levels of etiquette not seem in the most refined goodies. He is also very calm { yet a little paranoid } and civilized, though he doesn’t take criticisms very well.

As you know, Frieza is the member of the changeling race, annihilated by his own father about an year before the actual start of his story in this universe. That event though, still doesn’t enter in this chapter. I’m going to go ahead and say that all Frieza knows was taught by someone else. His professor, is more than obvious. His parents themselves. And at a few times, his older brother Cooler, with whom Frieza would often spar with { though the fact Frieza always win, despite being younger than Cooler and the fact that King Cold seem to have Frieza as his favorite, makes the relationship between the two brothers not be the best of all and the “sparring” turns almost into a war to death } . Though Frieza inherited the knack for fighting from his race he needed some few advices to put all the battle knowledge into a functional and efficient practice. For that, he was trained since he was a child. And that’s what I am going to tell you in this story.

New paragraph, new day. Frieza stands up and heads outside his comfortable royal room to eat something. There is already a servant awaiting for him outside.
– “The breakfast is already served, master” – The changeling says. Frieza simply didn’t answer and follows him towards the dinning room. I need to emphasize the fact that Frieza is merely a kid these days, at his first years of life. If you read the past story, you would know that Frieza had already transitioned from the baby stage to kid stage. He would be what, a kid of four… five years in human patterns? I would say something like that. On the table, his family was already eating { whatever a changeling eats, that is } and his brother was almost finished { Cooler was a young adult already and since Frieza was on the very beginning of his career as a martial artist, the rivalry between the two brothers was yet to be started } and eager to go beat something up. Apparently, a demon has been captured in the surroundings of the changeling city { only one of those exists, a fact I forgot to mention in the other story } and Cooler was going to participate in the interrogatory and conversion of the demon into one of the royal family’s faithful servants. Naturally, another option would be simply eliminating the poor bastard if he refused to serve the family or if Cooler was way too bored.

I’ll skip the eating part. There’s no fun in writing about chewing and swallowing and gulping drinks. It was resolved that Frieza would be initiated in the warrior’s way today. King Cold and Queen Artika would lovingly participate in their little son’s beat down { so far, Frieza was a miniature of his true form… which is already a miniature } . Going outside after filling their bellies, the training would start. The location was this lovely frozen yard right behind the palace. There was no plants, naturally and the decoration was composed of an almost perfect plain terrain, with a few ornamental icebergs here and there, showing the most various forms. King Cold was going to be the teacher for now. Queen Artika just wanted to watch and perhaps replace King Cold whenever and if he got tired. They didn’t know how good their son would be, but if he followed Cooler patterns when he was at Frieza’s age, there wouldn’t be much trouble. To be honest, Frieza was kind of a surprise to his fathers. He was kind of an easy learner and I dare to say he learned things much faster than Cooler himself did. He was stronger than Cooler in his early ages as well, being almost as powerful as his older brother is right now. Sure, there were still no ways to say for sure wether this was true or tell the exact proportions as scouters were years away from ever coming to the changelings’ knowledge, but going by Frieza’s performance and from what they could remember from Cooler, they could tell Frieza was way better than his brother in his early ages.

So, more specifically talking about the training itself, Frieza’s first task was to learn how to control his powers. Changelings are beings of immense energy and in their great majority, they have trouble in controlling their gigantic ki. Because of that, the Creator was wise enough to give them the ability to transform several times. Not to get stronger, no… but to be able to manage their energy properly. The current form of a changeling can tell a lot about his powers, meaning if a changeling is walking around in his true form, that means he evolved so much power wise that he is able to contain his massive energy. So you figure in the show: Frieza appears normally at his conservative form, while King Cold at his second form and Cooler at his true form. That gives you an idea about their powers. Anyway, before Frieza should start training and eventually blow something up because of lack of power control he should learn about his transformations and be made able to master them. For that task, Queen Artika was chosen; It seems I was wrong about her being there only to watch. While she would instruct Frieza, King Cold moved to a separate corner on the frozen yard and started to do some warm-up exercises. His training with Frieza would be more physical.

Queen Artika said nothing at first. She headed towards her son and sat down in front of him. She used to walk around in her conservative form as well. Frieza simply stared. She clenched her fists and bent forward slightly. Her aura flared around her and she started to moan. Her body began to glow and suddenly, her limbs seemed to grow by fifty percent in size muscle mass and earned a lot of definition, though her feminine looks were still preserved. Her body then follows the proportions of her limbs, along with her tail and finally, her head. Queen Artika had no horns though, as we are used to see in changelings on their second form. Not even in her conservative form she showed that trait. Frieza widened his eyes. That was something new to him. Queen Artika didn’t stop there. When she was done, she smiled and then she asked her son, who seemed very impressed with his mother’s ability:
– “Did you like it my son?” –
And those were her only words before a deep breath and more moaning. And then, her body began changing once again. Geez… Queen Artika had this exotic beauty in her second form… but her third form… He muscle mass almost doubled in size this time. She looked like those body builder women almost breast-less because their pectoral muscle is so freaking pumped and you can’t tell what is boobies and what is muscle. Her cranium began to stretch horizontally and her face… it looked like some sort of frog-lizard with a beak of some sort. Her nose was gone! Her facial features were replaced by a monstrous features and she had what seemed to be a crown of spikes on her xenomorph-like { have you seen the Alien movies? } head. Frieza was now… he didn’t know how to feel about his mother right now. Thank god for our imaginations, she did not stay in that form for that long. Actually, she didn’t even pause. She kept yelling, this time even more as her aura became even bigger. Her eyes were closed and before the real shrieking she was gritting her teeth and only moaning loudly. That process seamed to be a little painful. When she started yelling with her mouth now open, her body started to crack. Yes. Crack. Crack marks could be seem opening their ways throughout Queen Artika’s entire body. Then, light came out of her eyes and mouth and the whole terrain was illuminated with a blinding flashlight, forcing Frieza to cover his eyes. Soon, all calms down and his vision slowly clears and he seems his mother once again. King Cold seemed to not be affected by any of the changes his wife just suffered. He was used to them. Frieza hadn’t, though, and he seemed quite startled when he saw his mother’s true form. In fact, she was very much like Frieza in her last form. Differences were easily seem, but still… they shared a big resemblance. Frieza had no words right now. He didn’t know why his mother did all that. A sweat drop appeared on his the side of his head as he wondered what the hell he would have to do. In a matter of seconds, Queen Artika came with the answer for those thoughts.
– “Now observe… I want you to do exactly like me. You will have to concentrate hardly and I don’t expect you to fulfill this task right away, but try visualizing your forms and they will eventually reveal themselves to you in your mental screen. The form you are right now is your true form. I want you to revert back to the farthest form from now” – She said and after that, she said nothing else. All Queen Artika did was relax all of her muscles and sit down, closing her eyes and entering into a state of deep trance it seems. It didn’t take long, though, mostly because she was used to do so. A dark purple-ish aura appeared around her body and she slowly rose up, floating a couple of meters above the ground. He body started to change once again, but this time, it seemed to be changing back to how she normally looked like to Frieza and also all others. In a matter of time, Queen Artika was standing once again in the ground, right in front of Frieza just how she appeared in this story at the first time.

It was now Frieza’s turn to try and do what his mother did. He didn’t complain or asked any questions; he simply sat down on the ground and entered the meditative state his mother did. For a few time, Frieza remained silent, with his mother right in front of him. A very thin almost completely transparent pink colored aura appeared around Frieza. So far he was doing great. But he then screwed up. Instead of powering down… he powered up. That caused strong winds to run across the entire terrain lifting snow and creating a crater behind the little Frieza. That caused King Cold to finally stop his training. Not him or Queen Artika have ever seem Frieza’s actual power and being apparently so strong at such a young age, quite impressed his parents. But that didn’t stop Queen Artika from giving his son the deserved punishment for failing. Frieza barely had the time to open his eyes and look around to see if it worked and if he was looking any different than before when suddenly, he is kicked in the head by his mother. King Cold turned around without any comments and simply got back to what her was doing.
– “Idiot! Why didn’t you do as I instructed you?” – She yelled at her son when he finally stopped skidding across the snowy yard. Frieza placed his arms against the ground and raised himself up. He caressed the bruised area with the back of his hands and replied to his mother:
“I’m sorry, mother… it won’t happen again”
– “For your own good, it better not!” – She yelled at him. Frieza’s parents were very strict in their way to train their sons. As members of the royal family, they should become the strongest of their kind after the king and the queen. Cooler went through the same pain and as I mentioned already lines above, he went through more pain than Frieza would, as the younger prince managed to finish his lessons way faster than his brother did. For the first couple of hours, Frieza got kicked away, until he finally managed to concentrate as he was supposed to { those hits on the head must have helped his brain to “turn on” } and was able to take a peek in his supposed forms. Managing his powers properly now { if a scouter was present, it would report Frieza’s power level dropping to less than half } , Frieza slowly started to float in the air just like his mother did hours ago and slowly started to change into what we would see as a chibi form of himself in his conservative state. He was happy. He wouldn’t win kicks in the head anymore this time { or at least it was what he thought; he didn’t know what was reserved for him inside his father’s head } .
– “Very good, my son. Now your father will be in charge of your training for this moment on. I’ve seen what I needed. I’m going to take care of the palace’s businesses for now” – She said, turning away and disappearing through the huge doorway between the yard and the corridor within the palace’s installations. Frieza turned to his father, who was already standing up, staring at him and ready to crush his son like a grape.

Frieza walked towards his father. Imagine the scene… Frieza is already small as an adult. Imagine a even smaller Frieza in front of a normal sized King Cold? Poor changeling…
– "Don’t expect getting resting time or anything. My part of the training starts right now” –
Frieza simply nodded with his head and stood still. He didn’t know what kind of things he would have to do there. King Cold then moved his eyes to one of the guards near the door. In a moment, King Cold’s red eyes are once again locked at his son.
– “Do you know how to fight my son?” –
“Well...I have never tried, dad”
– “Heh… As I expected. Tell me… Do you know how to do… this?” –
King Cold said, swiftly raising his arm to his side, open palm facing the guard he just gave that look and then, blasted him into oblivion with a fast energy wave. After it exploded on the palace’s wall, barely damaging it { meaning King Cold held back a lot of power and still disintegrated the poor bastard } there was no signs of the soldier anywhere around anymore. The dead man’s partner swallowed. He thought he was going to be the next. King Cold looked at Frieza.

The whole energy blast thing is very relative as you know. It is pretty common to see races that have the knowledge of ki as a warfare weapon and can use it with practically no training. Frieza isn’t an exception to this case. As I mentioned two or three paragraphs above, changelings are born with an immense power level and at first they have trouble managing that huge amount of ki. Hence why the transformations and the need to master them before anything. True, Frieza wouldn’t be a fighting expert right now, in his first moments of life. But who doesn’t know how to throw a punch even if a clumsy one? Or who doesn’t know how to kick even if lacking the slightest bit of finesse? A dog in his first moments of life is able to wiggle his tail as well. In resume, Frieza might not be a specialist martial artist yet, but he’ll know how to handle himself against someone. It is an instinctive thing for changelings. Later on, with more applied training, he would be able to develop his fighting skills to much greater levels, as we can see in the show { and I do intend to lead Frieza flawlessy to his deserved place as a fearsome galactic overlord } , to the point of being almost unbeatable by anyone but his father and mother most probably. Not even Cooler would surpass him { until the older prince be the first to come across with the fifth form, that is… though that story has no relation with Frieza’s } . One of the most basic techniques, which you know as Kaiho even served as a basis for Frieza to develop a powerful and very used ability of his, the psychokinesis { again, not the time to give details about that } . And to end this topic and proceed into the next paragraph, where the action will start, I will affirm to you: Frieza knew how to shoot ki as. That was basic. To him, even more basic than having to train strictly to master martial arts movements. Like those like him, he discovered about this ability by mistake by blowing something up in an attempt to get something. In his case, when he was a baby he blew up his pillow. The guard in the door heard the noise and when he looked at Frieza he had several feathers over him and over his mini-throne like bed. If the guard was slightest brighter, he would have figured out what just happened in the room and it would have reached King Cold’s ear, resulting in him not needing to blow up that poor guard later on just to figure out if his son knew how to ki blast stuff. And no, they weren’t the same guards as you may probably be thinking. Those were two different persons.

So yeah, in reply to his father’s question, Frieza said calmly, seemingly not affected by his father’s action. And that makes clear the fact that changelings are cold-hearted beings { at least in their great majority } by birth.
“I think I do, my father…” – Frieza replied. He wasn’t still that overconfident bastard we know. King Cold nodded.
– “Very well… You over there” – King cold talked to the other changeling soldier who had a big sweat drop on the side of his head by the moment King Cold addressed him.
– “Y-yes sir!” – He replied, saluting his king military fashion.
– “Come over here” –
Immediately, the soldier walks towards his king, a little mistrustful of his intentions. When he arrived at the same spot they were standing, King Cold carried on his idea:
– “You… Would you like to be part of the royal family?” –
The man widened his eyes.
– “I-I don’t think I would ever be more honored about something, my king!” –
– “Good. Kill Frieza and you can have his spot as the prince” –
King Cold said turning his back on them. Truth is that Frieza finished the trials with Queen Artika much earlier than he expected and he couldn’t get to finish his exercises. So he maintained Frieza busy while he completed what was left from his trainings. He had big hopes on his son, seeing his distinct power exertion not longer than two hours ago, but even if Frieza lost he wouldn’t be that sad { disappointed yes, sad not } as he would get rid of a useless changeling { please… a royal family member HAS to be stronger than a basic footman else he or she is meant to be discarded. { Welcome to the changeling reality } . As for the soldier, he would simply kill him if Frieza lost so no one would know he ever said such a thing.

My bad, I said the action would start in the last paragraph while it actually starts in this one… I can’t say the soldier wasn’t excited with that possibility. As you know from the other story, changelings are ambitious beings and they always want to be as close to supreme power as they could. Being part of the royal family isn’t the supreme power, but at least it is close to it. Possibly the closest he would ever get. That fact hoodwinked the footman so much that he forgot about the fact that Frieza himself was a member of the royal family and that probably meant power. One superior to his. And that was a real fact, as he would come to know pretty soon. But the soldier didn’t care. He was so willing to take on King Cold’s challenge that he didn’t even bother to take away his armor. Frieza wasn’t wearing any. All he had on was his royal family clothes, which was relatively heavy because of the adornments but still wasn’t an armour. The soldier dashed towards the young Frieza and hit him in the head, sending the changeling prince skidding across the snow. King Cold didn’t even bother to look. Frieza stopped after a few moments and began to stand up, gritting his teeth. The soldier then raised his arm up and opened his hand. Slowly, vestiges of energy started to gather around his pal and formed into an energy ball. Frieza knew what was coming. Before the energy ray laves his opponent’s hand Frieza managed to move away at speeded up movement, proving what I told you about Frieza knowing ho to use ki. That beam exploded meters away from the prince, opening a small crater in the ground, where the beam hit. Relatively strong soldier. But nothing impressive; that would be basic to any fighter and any of the soldiers under King Cold’s command. The changeling gritted his teeth, pissed as if that attack would have killed Frieza and gave him his prize already. Still with his arm up and hand pointed forward, the changeling soldier kept firing one attack after the other. However, by going left and right, Frieza managed to evade them all. The changeling advanced a few meters ahead as he would dodge his attacker’s blasts and when the time was right, he jumped up and came down, bringing his fist to the soldier’s face, paying back that one punch from the beginning of the fight. The soldier makes a few steps behind and caresses the damaged area with the back of his hand. Angry, he throws his tail at Frieza, wrapping it up around the changeling’s neck and raising him up. That caused pain, but Frieza had no problems of suffocating as you know… he didn’t need to breathe. Yet, the young prince was flailing his leg frenetically, until the point he tried a more intelligent solution; he kicked the soldier in the chin { Frieza wasn’t that much away from the soldier and the slight swing of Frieza’s leg flailing helped him to literally reach his objective } . The impact gave Frieza freedom and the edge in the battle concerning number of hits so far. The soldier had to make a few steps backwards again after the hit but recomposed himself again quickly and pounced at Frieza grabbing him by his neck and with the impulse and his force, he brings the prince down to the ground. Still holding Frieza’s gut, the soldier raises his other free arm up, clenches his fist and brings down a punch down on Frieza’s face. The prince manages to catch his opponent’s fist easily with his hand and instinctively rolls with the soldier, trying to get on top. And he succeeds. Frieza is the one to attempt to pummel the soldier, but the man does just as him did. Now below the warrior again, Frieza resorted to a different tactic, he used his legs to try pushing the man away from him. And again, success. He stands up; the soldier lands. Both dash towards each other and get into a classic fist fight. This time Frieza is the one in disadvantage. Frieza was stronger, but the soldier had the gift of experience on his side and eventually strays Frieza away from him. That was what kept the equality between them two, because if we were to consider only the power levels… the soldier would have had his ass handed to himself already. Once again, the man attempted to blast Frieza with the same movement. Frieza dodged the first, but still a little disorientated by this last punch he earned to his face, when the second on came he barely dodged it and the explosion aftershock threw him far away. Frieza landed on his back. The man runs to him in those supernatural speed fashions and reappears stepping on the young changeling’s chest and forcing his weight down on him.
– “Now what little prince? Or should I say… ex-prince? Hahahahaha! I’m going to kill you and steal your spot! What are you going to do about that, uh?” –
The confident soldier laughed psychotically. Frieza had one of his eyes clothed and his jaw as clenching tightly. But then came an enlightenment. While the soldier laughed at Frieza and bagged about how he would be a better prince and son than him, Frieza simply raised his hand up and blasted the idiot in the chest. The man is lifted meters in the air, before falling on his knees and one arm on the ground. It takes a few seconds for him to recompose himself from that one attack and when he did, Frieza was already in front of him again. Before he could do anything, Frieza fitted in a nice and direct punch to the soldier’s stomach that made him cough some blood. Frieza then jumped and span three hundreds and sixty degrees around himself, having his tail hit the man in the face, causing the soldier to spin around to in one hundred and eighty degrees around himself, stopping with his back turned on Frieza. The changeling prince { the real one, not the wannabe } then jumped and came down with his elbow on the soldier’s back, having him on the ground. And that was definitive. He wasn’t dead thought, but that put the soldier out of the game for now. Frieza walked calmly towards his father, who was still doing some pushups meters away from the site the soldier and Frieza were battling at. Right now he was with his back turned on where the two were fighting, so it wasn’t possible to tell whether he watched the fight or not.
“I think I’m still the prince, my father”
Hearing his son’s voice, King cold did two or three more push-ups, stopped and lifted himself in the air to jump, flip and land again with grace and finesse. He landed with his back turned on his son.
– “You just won’t let me finish my exercises, will you, Frieza?” – King Cold asked. But that was rhetorical; he wasn’t expecting and didn’t want an answer. What he meant was that once again, Frieza was quicker than he expected. He then turned to his son.
– “Then I guess there’s nothing left to do… I am going to train you myself now” –
King Cold then looked away, at the fallen soldier.
– “But before we start… Finish him” – King Cold instructed, crossing his arms in front of his chest and staring seriously and impatiently at Frieza. No words from the young prince again, he did just like his father; lifted his arm and without even looking, he put as many energy as he could into one energy blast { though it took a little longer to leave his hand than it did to King Cold } and hurled it towards the unconscious still existent body of the changeling soldier. He would never wake up again.

King Cold nodded in approval and tapped Frieza in the shoulder { with two fingers, as King Cold’s hand was almost Frieza whole } .
– “Well done, my son… Now the real training will begin” –
“What should I do?”
– “Here is the deal… First of all, I want you to power up to your true form again. I’m not that pathetical soldier. You already don’t have any chances against me in my second form using your true one… imagine being in your conservative state” –
That made it very clear to Frieza that he was going to take on his father. That was a real test of endurance; first the trials with Queen Artika, then the fight against the soldier and now the fight against his father? Frieza was good… not god. Two “os”. He was reaching his limit here. But now is when he would get to know about the beauty of being a changeling and conserving his powers. The transformation sequence he was going to undergo now would not only replenish his whole energy source, but also would repair all damage he suffered so far.
Frieza said, clenching his muscles. Powering up to your maximum is much easier than containing your powers, as you need a good control of your own energy for the second one. Frieza slowly started to power up. His body started to glow and his aura showed up winding violently around him. And then, just like his mother, his body begins to suffer the most various changes. First, he doubles in size and muscle mass. His horns bend upside and he attains an appearance rather similar to King Cold himself, only smaller and pinker. The transformational process goes on; Yelling loud as if in pain, Frieza’s skull, just like in his mother’s third form grows horizontally. His horns disappear, showing up again in the form of two pairs of thorns on the side of his head. His shoulder pads stretch horizontally a little bit as well. On his back, thorns also start sprouting and his nose melds along with his mouth forming a crude beak. Believe it or not, Frieza was less ugly then his mother in this form. Finally, his aura increases again in size around him and his body starts to crack, like all was but a “cocoon” to prepare Frieza to once again and finally reach his true form. Explosion. Lights; Silence. Calmness. King Cold chilled as that was an expected step of the process. Finally, his son is back at his true form in front of the king. And he felt great; ready to rumble.

Ready to start his match against his son, King Cold relaxed his arms.
– “Very well, Frieza… This is how our battle is going to proceed. I will give you sixty seconds to try and inflict damage on me. During this time, I will be standing still and will merely parry your attacks, but after your one minute is over, I am going to crush you. Do your best during your handicap” – King Cold explained. It was obvious to him that Frieza would never be able to win a battle against him. He was probably just testing his son’s strength… though if he really was expecting a true match I can’t say for sure as these changelings are just insane. Specially the royal family.
“You’re not going to crush me… because you won’t be able to stand still again after I am done with you!” – Frieza says supporting himself in this strange feeling of invincibility he had after the transformations replenish him. Frieza jumps at his father, much stronger and faster than when he was fighting that soldier and throws a punch at his father’s face. He got in the mood of battle pretty quickly. King Cold simply tilted his head to the side, leaving Frieza to hit the air. The changeling prince gritted his teeth. He then started throwing a barrage of punches at his father, swinging his arms as fast as he could. Again I would like to point out that Frieza still lacked in technique, real technique. He knew what he was doing but we couldn’t attribute him a fighting style… because he still didn’t have one. That, he would have to develop at his own pace, getting instructions from his parents as they beat him down in their future spars. But still, even with a mastered martial arts proficiency, Frieza would still not be a match for his father. King Cold was easily overpowering Frieza merely in his second form. Imagine if he was at his third or fourth form? When Frieza finally gave up on the frenetic punches strategy, his father said to him.
– “Fifty seconds left” –
Frieza tightened the grip between his teeth. The changeling then jumped backwards and raised his arm towards his father and king.
“Dodge this!” – Frieza taunted, sure that this would work as he thought his father wouldn’t leave his spot. And he wouldn’t. An energy wave left the palm of Frieza’s hands and head directly towards the king. With a simple and sudden movement of his hands, King Cold hits Frieza’s energy blast with the back of his hands, causing it to change its course and be completely repelled away. Frieza stood in awe. He didn’t think something like that was possible to be done. Good to know it was, though. Frieza’s blast exploded meters behind King Cold.
– “Forty seconds” – King Cold teased. Frieza frowned his eyebrows. The changeling then started to run around his father in hopes to confuse the king with his movements. All King Cold did was wait patiently, without even bothering to follow Frieza’s movements with his eyes. As for Frieza’s plans, he didn’t intend to attack from behind. That would be way too predictable. Instead, in a random moment of his circular running, he dashed towards the side of his father and attempted to kick him. All King Cold did was lift an arm up. Since King Cold’s arm was almost a wall for Frieza, that kind of got in the way of his offensive plans. Literally. As promised by the changeling king, he didn’t counterattack, not even pushed Frieza away; that, the changeling did on his own, using his father’s arm to get impulse and flip back. When he landed, Frieza started to think about the possibilities and what would be the best strategy to defeat his father. It was then that Frieza was brought back to his senses by the number five:
– “What are you waiting for? You got only five seconds left” – King Cold said smirking. A pause, and he continues:
– “Or are you admitting defeat already?” –
Frieza gritted again. His brief divagation took him precious seconds that he would never be able to get back. His next move needed to make up for that. It was then that he decided to put all his strength in that one shot. Because he only had that one shot anyway. Frieza dashed to attack, aiming for King Cold’s stomach, using all of his speed and strength and ki in combination for that one attack. This one connected. Frieza had a big smile in his face by that moment. If put in a anime like scene, it would be one of those where the whole scree gets illuminated by a white flash and the camera then focuses on the character’s face. But soon Frieza’s smile is replaced with an expression of worry. His father… didn’t move… Maybe he knocked him unconscious? Frieza didn’t wanted to look up… but he needed to. The changeling prince’s eyes runs through that huge body until they meet with the king’s face. He was immobile. Unaltered. That gave Frieza the chills. He wondered if Cooler had went through this in his young ages and if he succeeded in harming King Cold.
– “Your time is up” –
And that completely froze Frieza. He even stopped thinking about wether his brother won or not. He only cared for bracing himself. But he didn’t have time for that. Not even one second more over the time established by King Cold, the king ran his son over with a colossal punch that send Frieza flying so far and so fast that King Cold could barely see the silhouette of Frieza’s unconscious body from distance when it stopped bouncing on the ground like a rubber ball. King Cold had to walk all the way over there to pick Frieza up and take him to the palace to recover himself from this day. He was still alive; thank god the prince was resistant. But the big question now was: how much resistant? In those times there weren’t things such as the rejuvenation tanks around to provide and accelerate healing. And certainly there isn’t a black cat sensei that is an evil form of Korin in Icer to provide senzu beans to the baddies. Frieza was going to have to rely on his own endurance to get through this one. Perhaps it was that that King Cold was trying to check with that training.

OOC: 6.245 words.

That_Brazilian_GuyDate: Friday, 2010-02-26, 6:43 PM | Message # 2
Less of a Noob
Group: Administrators
Messages: 168
Reputation: 2
Status: Offline

After facing his father in a spar, Frieza spent the next two days in bed recovering from that one punch he took. When he was finally up again, he felt his whole body still sore because of his father’s strike. His personal servant was in the door waiting for his young master to finally stand up.
– “Oh… You’re finally awake, master!” –
“Just shut up… You’re too loud”
Frieza was in a terribly bad mood today { you would be in a terrible humor if you went through what Frieza went through… and survived to be in a bad mood in the next day } . He felt just like we humans would feel after a whole night drinking and woke up with the worst hang over ever. The servant didn’t say anything else, he simply escorted the young Frieza to the dinning hall. It was late and all have eaten already, just missing Frieza now.
“Where are my parents and my brother?”
– “The king and the queen are in the throne room. Master Cooler is not around. He is taking a walk throughout the region” –
Frieza didn’t ask anything or talked to the servant anymore. He finished his meal quickly and walked out of the room, intending to go after his father. Frieza was so irritated that he got tired of the servant following him around all the time and strayed him away with a yell. Moments later, he finally gets to the throne room. He walks towards his father.
– “I see you finally decided to wake up” –
“So all the time… no matter how much I tried, you knew I couldn’t pain on you”
Frieza was pretty direct. He was still wondering why he had to fight someone at the level of his father so early.
– “Of course you couldn’t. When would you ever be able to stand up against me, Frieza?” –
Frieza had to chill. There was no reason and no use or blow up on his father. Things were just like that between changelings anyway and even though he was very young, Frieza tried his best to stay calm.
“I want a rematch. I will do better this time”
– “I admire that my son, but you are probably still feeling like crap. Besides I am very busy right now and can’t waste my time defeating you again. Ask me next week and I might grant your wish” – King Cold said, ignoring his son. His mother did the same, looking away in a “Don’t even look at me” way. Frieza lowered his head.
“Alright then, dad”
Frieza then walked away but didn’t forget to kick the wall when he was out of his parents sight. Frieza’s personal servant witnessed his venting.
“What are you looking at?” – He inquired in angered tone. The man disappeared from sight like a bullet without even answering. It was Frieza’s second battle and he decided he didn’t like to lose.

After that, Frieza didn’t waste time lamenting himself. First of all, he went back to his room so he could be alone with his thoughts for a while. He needed to revert back to the conservative form he learned to use, as he had to power back up to his true form to fight his father two days ago. Instead, he walked outside the palace, to the long yard which was still damaged by their brief showdown and decided to start training on his own. He wasn’t dumb and he saw his father doing it. All he was going to do was do exactly like his father. What he remembered, that is. Frieza started with the push-ups. One, two, three… ten… a hundred… He kept doing those until he couldn’t stand it anymore. Frieza reached the first thousand and his muscles were burning like hell. But that couldn’t be it. He saw his father would keep doing those repeatedly with barely a minute between the repetitions. He wasn’t sure. He called one of the soldiers by the door. It seemed his father had already taken care of that “problem”. Probably the soldiers didn’t even know what happened to the previous guards, because if they did, the one guard Frieza called would pretend he was deaf.
– “You called, uh… prince… Frieza?” – The man barely recognized Frieza at first, since they never seem Frieza in his conservative form. The royal clothing and basic deduction were what lead the soldier to the conclusion that that one was prince Frieza.
“Yes. I need someone to coach me in my training. Come and do it”
– “Uh…. I would… be honored?” –
“Then come and do it, today you are going to be my personal trainer”
– “Sure…. Hmmmm… What have you done already?” –
“I’ve done a thousand of these” – Frieza got to the ground and started doing push-ups.
– “Great. Do another thousand, rest one minute, then do another thousand, rest one more minute and end with another thousand” –
“All that?” – Frieza asked, not used to training and relatively unknown of whether he would be able to run those errands completely and efficiently.
– “Yes! And get to it already! No softness!” –
Frieza stared seriously at the soldier. The changeling quickly realized he exalted himself a little bit.
– “I-I’m sorry, master… I think I got just a little overexcited…” –
“Just keep in mind that the only one that can talk to me like that is my dad. Keep that tone and instead of using you as my personal trainer, I’ll have you as my personal target for ranged practice” – Frieza said to the man.
– “I-I’m sorry, master. It… uh… won’t happen again” –
“Great… Now, let the training program start, coach!”
For a few hours of the day, that soldier gave Frieza the most basic training program he knew. If Frieza wasn’t so broken because of the fight against King Cold, he would have been able to endure the training better. That night, he fell in his bed like a rock. In the following day, Frieza didn’t eat. He woke up early and headed towards the yard to do the basic trainings that the soldier taught him. Push-ups of all styles { one handed and vertical } and sit ups. Punch practicing and kicking. Running trials. During the whole week, Frieza innovated his training program gradually… he tried doing push-ups with two fingers only and tried doing one handed vertical push-ups. His martial arts technique was getting slight better as well but it was still a little bit of a free style. Frieza even developed a technique of his own during that training. He called it Death Beam; a beam of concentrated energy sot through his index finger capable of going through almost anything rather easily.

Missing one day to close the week and Frieza presumably missing one day for Frieza to have a rematch with his father, Frieza felt a little agitated. He wanted to see how much he improved that week. However, a footman would be like nothing to him now. If he defeated that one without transforming that time, at this point a finger flick should be more than enough to finish of one of the basic soldiers. Frieza was sure that he could take on any of his father’s elite soldiers… no… his brother Cooler! Where was Cooler? He did show up these days, but his agenda seemed really chaotic. Day yes, day no, the older prince seemed to go on a walk throughout Icer. That wasn’t good. Frieza wanted a match and he couldn’t find his brother anywhere. And he couldn’t ask his father or his mother either. And as I said, fighting a soldier would be like fighting a piece of paper. It was then that Frieza had a wicked idea… He decided to go after his brother. He has just finished his training that day, meaning he was partially outside the palace { he was in the yard } . Heading towards the farthest corner, Frieza reached the walls. Climbing those, specially the high towers would be a nice strength and stamina training… Too bad he didn’t think about it before. Frieza then started climbing the wall. Yeah, climb. He didn’t know he or anyone could fly yet. Neither the soldier, nor his father used the bukujutsu technique when they were fighting Frieza. On top of the wall, Frieza simply jumped off the wall. How exactly he intended to find his brother I didn’t know… perhaps he intended to scan the whole planet, I can’t say for sure. All I can say is that he proceeded into his little quest, thirsty for a match He knew Cooler was weaker than his fathers, so at least him he could face and inflict some damage. Perhaps even win. As I told you, he was feeling pretty confident now, thinking that one week training made him the strongest being in the universe. As we know pretty well, that is a thought to remain in Frieza’s head for a long, long time. Probably, until the end of his life that even though I am currently writing about the past and future of Frieza, I can’t tell you how and when it’s going to be for I don’t know.

But back on Frieza’s little trip; he did find nothing. On the opposite, he was found. And he didn’t have to go away too. A few after he crossed the borders of the changeling civilization site, he found something very unpleasant to find. Demons. They didn’t like changelings. Specially the royal family, that would get so many to use as slaves.
– “Oh my, what do we have here boss?” – One of the five said. Yes. They were five.
– “I think… we have a lonely changeling… and look…. He’s from the royal family” – Another commented, but he didn’t seem to be the boss.
– “Hehehehe… Tell him what we do to lost changelings in our territory, Pizo… special the royalty” – Now the one who seemed to be the leader spoke.
– “Oh… We serve them well… As food! Hahahahah!” –
– “And this one seem… delicious! Kishikishikishi!” – A small sized demon said, circling Frieza with a very distinct laugh. This one was called Nonkie. He was the walking joke of the group, as in the weakest. Frieza seemed to be very calm in the threatening presence of those demons literally wanting to eat him. They all were laughing. As cool as ever, Frieza raised his arm up { He and Nonkie seemed to be about the same height } and pointed his index finger towards Nonkie’s head. All demons stopped laughing and went “uh?”. Then, at point blank shot, Frieza made the first use of his Death Beam technique { he was itching to test that in someone } . The beam went right through Nonkie’s head and the demon fell behind with his eyes rolled back and his tongue outside mouth. Smoke was coming out of the hole in his forehead. All demons went “Gaaaaaaaah!” and then they went very, very pissed.
– “He killed Nonkie!” – The thinner demon said.
– “I’m going to kill him!” – The bigger looking demon { there’s always a brute } yelled.
– “Pizo, Rasan, Ollie… Kill this insolent brat right now!” – The demon leader { called Lord Pashtar by his followers } ordered. The three demons dashed at Frieza at once. Perhaps not the most intelligent action the prince took there… but at least he got the practice he wanted so much. But if these demons were strong… Frieza would be really, really screwed.

When the four engaged in the combat, Frieza soon found out that they weren’t that much powerful. He was being able to keep up with both three of them. The thin guy seemed to be the fastest, but a single punch Frieza threw at him sent him flying away. Two were still attacking frenetically. Frieza wasn’t still an expert and eventually an attack leaks through and hit him in the forehead; almost a payback for what he did to their comrades. The punch came from this Pizo guy… and it hurt. Pizo was the brute type of the group and Pashtar’s right hand. Out of the three in there, he would be the one to trouble Frieza the most. I believe I am lacking in details here, so I’m going to present you all these five new characters of the story.

Nonkie, the first to die, was about Frieza’s height. Maybe an inch smaller. He had a dark green skin and an ugly frog face. He had green hair and like Frieza’s wicked purple thing in the head, shoulders and chest, Nonkie had one blue on the top of his head. His power was so minute compared to Frieza that the prince wouldn’t have to use his death beam on him to kill the bastard. Rasan was a basic footman. Dark blue skinned lizard like demon, normal build and bald with red eyes. There was nothing really special about him. He and Ollie weren’t a match for Frieza. Ollie was the thin guy with slight yellowish tone to his skin. He was bald too and had antennas. Pizo was a big red skinned fellow with two horns protruding from the side of his head, long horizontally and then would bend upside after a certain point. He looked like an ogre of some sort and had a gray hair. The leader, Pashtar had a more respectable look and had a light blue skin. He also had a long white hair and was the most humanoid looking. To be honest and already spoiling the aftermath… None of them were a match for Frieza. Only the dumbest demons would hang out so close to the changeling’s territory. The smartest and more powerful ones could only be found days of walk away from the city, as the changelings wouldn’t go there and therefore, wouldn’t enslave them, giving them time to grow and become stronger. The only challenge here was fighting three people at once and facing Pizo’s monstrous strength { that came at the cost of mobility, reason why Frieza was managing to manage himself against three at once } . Pashtar was a decent fighter himself.

That punch caused Frieza to make a few steps backwards. He gritted his teeth. When he was raising his hand to blast either Pizo or Rasan away, Ollie came from behind like a jet and immobilized Frieza, causing his energy blast to be shot to his side, out of the danger area for any of the demons in there. The leader Pashtar now watched it with satisfaction. The clumsy and slow Pizo came running at Frieza while Rasan backed him up from behind. The brute was going to deliver another punch to the prince. Or so he intended. Frieza on his turn used his tail and wrapped it around Oille’s body who was holding Frieza from behind and started to squeeze the mans torso, causing pain and inducing the demon to reduce the strength being put in the grip, what allowed Frieza to free himself from it with more ease. Once Frieza, Frieza threw himself to the side, still with his tail wrapped up around Ollie. Pizo missed by few. Frieza then let go of Ollie to concentrate all of his strength on one punch and deliver it to Pizo’s stomach { he still wasn’t good enough to get the needed motion coordination to control both tail and other limbs together at full efficiency } . And he succeeded, applying almost as much pain as Pizo inflicted on him. Frieza intended to attack Pizo again with a hammer punch and he would have succeeded, if Rasan, who stayed behind to back up Pizo hadn’t blasted him away with a ki shot, causing him to bump into the poor Ollie carrying him along. Frieza falls over Ollie and when he stands up again, he notices those spirals on the demon’s eyes, signaling he is out of combat. See? They are no super strong warriors.
– “Ollie!” – Pizo yelled.
“The funny part is that it wasn’t even me the one responsible for his defeat!”
– “Grrrrrr! You are going to pay!” –
Rasan quickly catch up to Pizo’s movement pace and joined him into another fist fight. Now easier for Frieza to evade the attacks as it was less people attacking and the fastest of them have been taken down, the changeling finds an opening to punch Rasan in the chest and elbow Pizo in the face. Pizo barely moves but Rasan is sent walking away. More then quickly, Frieza raises his two fingers up and enjoying the momentum they were stunned by his attacks, he points his finger at Pizo, shooting him through the chest with a death beam and quickly moving his hand like a skilled gunslinger to do the same to Rasan. Two more out. Only Pashtar was left.

The demon leader didn’t expect getting involved in this fight. But three of his men were killed and the other was down. There wasn’t much choice.
– “You killed them! Asshole! How do you dare coming to my territory and-“ – The demon was interrupted by Frieza.
“For all I know, this is still our territory as this isn’t far from one mile away from the changeling city… So it is I who ask you what are you doing in our territory”
– “Bastard… I will show you” – Pashtar said clenching his fist. His aura showed up around him. He then sank his hand within his own chest, pulling out what seemed to be a sword. Frieza found that interesting… disturbing… and disgusting.
– “With this sword, I am going to cut you into pieces! Do you hear me? I’m making you pay for your insolence!” –
And with this, the demon dashed. Frieza was now in trouble. A sword could be a worry for him. Pashtar would be slightly weaker than Frieza in his conservative form using, using his maximum power. But that sword…

When the first swing came, Frieza threw himself to the side as fast as he could. That left a small cut in Frieza’s cheek, which he cleaned with the back of his hand.
“You cut me! I dislike you even more!” – Frieza yells at the demon. I know it is a childish commentary… but since this is Frieza in his early childhood… I can’t think of a better way to portray him other than making him act infantile sometimes { such as kicking a wall in anger and being a sore loser… Though the sore loser part I think he carried on to his adulthood } .
– “Bohoo! Why don’t you go call your daddy so I can cut him open as well?!” –
“I don’t need to call dad, because I am going to kill you with my own hands!”
Frieza says shooting Pashtar in the chest with an energy blast. The demon is pushed away by the blast’s force impact and he accidentally let go of his sword, falling on his back. Frieza immediately runs to his fallen weapon and grabs it, speeding up to reappear right in front of the demon leader. Frieza held the handle with both hands, lifting his arms up. The sword’s blade was pointed at Pashtar and Frieza was about to stab him when suddenly: poof! The sword disappeared leaving but a trace of smoke around Frieza’s hand. Pashtar smoke. Frieza looked up for a moment trying to find out what just happened. Pashtar took the chance and kicked Frieza in the belly, pushing him away and giving Pashtar time to stand up again. The demon then charged up a bolting ball of energy in his hand and shot it at Frieza. Frieza was still stumbling back and didn’t have time or enough dexterity to dodge. Instinctively, he did what he remembered his father doing. He swung his arm and managed to successfully slap that energy ball away. Pashtar special attack blew up with a notably stronger force than the basic ki shot techniques. The demon gritted his teeth in anger. Frieza smirked { he was impressed with himself at the same time… if that didn’t work, that attack could have become serious damage and he would perhaps be forced to transform what was something he really didn’t want to do } .
“Time to die!’ – Frieza yelled. Guess what he did? Death Beam. You were right. However, after seeing the technique three times, Pashtar was kind of aware of what as coming and attempted to get out of the way only to get the beam through his right shoulder. It was good though, as Frieza was aiming for a vital spot. Not as good as the changeling prince wanted but that already put him one step closer to the victory. Frieza dashed towards the demon leader hoping to connect the final strike, when suddenly the fiend used a very peculiar technique… he flew! Flew away from Frieza, floating up there in the skies. It was the first time Frieza saw someone do that. As for Pashtar, he expected Frieza to know how to fly as well, given the reputation of the changelings.
“Come back down here so I can kill you, your… fly!”
– “Uh? You… can’t… fly?” – A small pause.
– “You can’t fly! Hahahahahaha! The changeling can’t fly!” –
Pashtar was now laughing really hard up there.
“Just wait until I get my hands on you again… I won’t let you escape again!”
– “Heheheh… This is good news… It will give me a chance to play a little game with you” –
After saying that, Pashtar’s hands glowed each with an energy ball.
“Oh-oh” – Frieza let out knowing what was coming. Pashtar threw those two energy balls at Frieza, which exploded on the ground as the prince managed to dodge them. But then, he did again. And again. And again. Frieza was in a serious disadvantage. He couldn’t harm his opponent… and his opponent had the best angles to harm him! Frieza stopped to think for a moment.
“Damn… I used up all charges of my Death Beam… If I still had one more shot… I could perhaps end this battle. I need a decisive move. And I need one quickly”
While Frieza was lost within his thoughts, Pashtar was already charging another of his bolting energy balls. But no problem, Frieza was going to dodge it. Wait... there was a problem. And Frieza wasn’t going to dodge it. It seemed that in his despair concerning dodging the frequent balls shot at him and also because he thought he wasn’t a trouble anymore, Frieza was standing right in front of Pizo. Pizo wasn’t dead and he grabbed Frieza’s leg.
– “Go, master Pashtar! End this bastard’s life with your technique” –
Pashtar would only smile. It seemed that tables turned on his favor now. He shot the ball at where Frieza was standing and a considerable explosion erupted, throwing Frieza away and sadly killing Pizo for good this time. Frieza didn’t die however, but he suffered considerable damage from that attack.
– “Where’s your confidence now, changeling? Hahahah!” –
Frieza then stood up and started to jump like a crazy person, as trying to reach and catch Pashtar up there.
– “Ooooh… Look at that! The poor changeling cannot reach me! Let me help you lift up from the ground a little higher” – Pashtar said throwing another bolting ball on the ground right in front of the changeling prince.
“AAAAAAAAAAAH” – Frieza yelled as he is thrown up and backwards, falling on his back.
– “Aaaaaw... It wasn’t enough. You’re too heavy… You’re too full of crap! Hahahahahah!” – Pashtar kept teasing. Man… that demon didn’t know how much Frieza was pissed right now. There was only one thing he could do and that resolve angered him even more. Transform. Frieza stood up.
– “Oh crap… you just won’t die will you?” –
Frieza was silent and remained like that for a couple of seconds when suddenly, he started to yell. You know the process already. Body glowing, body growing… and Frieza in his awesome King Cold copy form { or perhaps it is King Cold that is a copy of him as Frieza shows up first in the series and the series was supposed to end at Frieza’s saga } . When the transformation was complete, Pashtar was still in awe. But then he shook his head.
– “Whatever… I need to calm down. He can’t get up here anyway” – Pashtar said to himself. Suddenly, an aura appears surrounding Frieza’s body. Pashtar’s terror then came true. Like a comet, Frieza shot upwards; he was flying. Moral of the story: nothing better than a stimulus for you to do something. I think I already said that somewhere. But yeah, before the demon could do anything, Frieza’s horn went through his chest. The bolting ball he was charging in one of his hands slowly stated to fade as the demon coughed his last sparks of life. When the weight of his lifeless body was completely over Frieza’s head, Frieza lowered it so it would fall to the ground. And then, the changeling landed. He gave one final inspection to see if anyone was alive. No one. Ollie, he simply stomped the demon’s neck, ending his misery { though he wasn’t agonizing… } once for all. Frieza got the spar he wanted and was lucky to find demons on such a small level, though in the end it brought more irritation to him than satisfaction, now that he would to go through all his transformations to be able to power back down to his conservative form from his true form. But all in all… it was a gain for him. Frieza did what he had to do and then headed back to the palace. Luckily for him, he didn’t find any stupid demons in his way back.

It’s a new day; the great new day. The day Frieza would really put his abilities into test. He decided today would have no need for a training. He would save all of his strengths to beat his father up as badly as he could. Of course, the beating up part was illusionary; dreams floating inside Frieza’s mind. He would never be able to beat his father. At least for long years. He jumped of his bed.
– “Good.. d-“ – The servant was just going to greet his young master but he is completely ignored by the changeling prince.
– “…ay master” – The servant finishes the sentence watching as Frieza disappears turning to the dinning hall at the edge of the long corridor that would lead to the princes’ rooms and some other installations of the changeling palace. In the hall, he meets his whole family there. Frieza generally was the one to sleep the most as he was the youngest, but today he woke up really early.
– “I see you are up early today, my son” – King Cold comments.
– “Something bitten you in your bed today Frieza?” – Cooler teases his little brother.
“It’s not that… I’m just… impatient”
– “Impatient for what?” – His mother asks { I have to give her some lines… the woman do not show up in the series already… at least in my fictional story she has to be in the first plane from time to time } .
“To fight dad”
King Cold stopped eating his piece-of-meat-of whatever. He chewed slowly and swallowed.
– “Oh right… I said I was going to fight you this week…” –
– “Fair enough… Lets finish eating, give me one hour and we head outside for our match” –
Frieza was the first one today to finish his meal. He simply swallowed the whole thing in hopes to accelerate the time and get to fighting already. But he forgot he eating fast wouldn’t change the pace his father would eat his breakfast. In King Cold’s case, breakslow; he liked to savor the royal cuisine and seemed to not have that much hurry in finishing. He was always the last one to leave the table. Nothing unexpected though, with that huge body, it probably requires pounds and pounds of food to have him satisfied. Because of that fact, Frieza was forced to stay alone outside in the yard for a long time until his father finally showed up, crossing the doorway. Action would finally start.

King Cold walked to his son. Frieza almost ate his fingers in impatience.
– “So, Frieza… are you read for our showdown?” –
“Indeed I am, my father!”
– “That’s the spirit, but you know what I’ll say about your form, doesn’t you” –
Frieza forgotten… All this time here waiting, he could have set all the preparations for the fight and he didn’t.
“I’m sorry father, I completely forgot” – He replied. And with this, Frieza began once again to power up. He goes through all those stages of transformations you are very much used with me describing, at least in this one story and finally he is at his true form once again. King Cold was still in his usual second form. He couldn’t tell how much Frieza improved with only the power exertion though; he would have to check it himself during the course of their battle.
“I’m ready” – Frieza says.
– “I can see that… but we aren’t fighting yet. You are first going to accompany in my training program” –
“I’m ok with that!” – Frieza said and followed his father a few meters ahead where they got down and prepared to start the exercises. First they stretched all muscles and then, they started the working out.
– “Come on, Frieza… Let’s work out all muscles of that lazy body! We are starting with basic push-ups. Five series of two thousand repetitions for a soft bastard like you, now!” –
One, two, three… two thousand. Forty five seconds of rest at most and another more of “one, two three… two thousand” and another, and another and another. Of course that wasn’t as fast as it probably sounded with me describing to you. But they eventually get to the end… of that one series of exercises.
– “Now, I want you doing with clapping hands! Come on, no softness!” – King Cold got to the ground and started. There would be a five of two thousands again to do. Frieza was worried if he would be able to reach the end of that training, as he was used to do four of one thousand of each. After they were done, they switched to one handed push-ups. The same amount of exercises. King Cold made it so every series, the exercise would get harsher, demanding even more from the changeling’s body. The training was followed by one finger pushups, then vertical push-ups, though in this case, they reduced it to one thousand only repetitions and they did all possible fashions for those two. After the push-ups, they tried some punchinellos { much more than simply two thousands } and when they got to do sit-ups… they did almost infinite of them. Their training series should have took at least four hours… probably more. King Cold even asked Frieza to show him some movements to inspect his son’s skills and corrected little details about posture and such and provided the prince a better notion of movements and martial arts. Now Frieza would have a much easier time improving his skills on his own, now that he had a bit of theory to work with. By the end of the training, King Cold called one of the soldiers by the door. Poor men. Things always fall on their backs. That was possibly the worst job in the castle considering what all the employees in that section had already went through during the various changes those positions suffered.
– “You called, my king” –
– “Yes. In this moment you are not a soldier anymore. You are a waiter. Go get me and my son a well prepared drink for us to recompose our energies after our training.
– “Yes my king!” The soldier, driven by the force of habit, hits his forehead to salute his king military fashion and quickly runs to the palace to get what his king ordered. In a few minutes, the soldier-waiter comes back holding a long glass filled with a liquid on his hand and a barrel sized other he was hugging with the other arm in a very comical scene and handles it to the king and the prince. He stands in front of them as they delight their refreshing drink.
– “What are you waiting for, go back to your post, soldier!” – King Cold says after gulping down a bit more of his juice and after noticing the soldier-waiter would probably stay there still thinking they would ask for something else.
– “Yes sir!” –
And the soldier runs back to his post.

Frieza and King Cold finished their drinks slowly and when they dried the glasses, them both stood up staring at each other. Frieza went ahead and put his glass to his side. King cold went ahead and did the same. However, right when the glass lost contact with the palm of King Cold’s hand, Frieza dashed and attacked with a flying kick. King Cold parried it with his forearm. The King smiles. So does Frieza. The prince throws his weight backwards and backflips until he stand in a new position meters away from his father.
– “So father… what about that one minute?” –
– “Hehehehe... Fifty seconds counting from now” –
Frieza grinned. He started running around his father, like in his first attempt to fight his father. Like the first time, King Cold stood immobile. But he could tell his son got somewhat faster this week. Frieza then jumped and attacked frontally. He started throwing several punches at King Cold, though once again the king was managing to dodge all of his son’s attacks. With a little more trouble than before, but still… dodging. Frieza stopped, ducked and attempted a low kick. King Cold didn’t evade as it would imply in him having to move out of the spot and therefore break his “one minute” game. He simply hardened his muscles on his feet area and endured the impact. A lock kick from Frieza wouldn’t do much good against someone that powerful and at that size… don’t know where the changeling go that idea from. Frieza then flipped back once again and quickly raised his hand shooting King Cold with an energy blast. King Cold slapped it away. Frieza shot another… and another… and another… and all of them were slapped away by his father. King Cold was an exceptional martial artist. He also displayed a great level of swordplay, which he would never use against his sons to prevent them from being sliced in pieces. Frieza didn’t give up on the blasting session. He started flying up to the skies.
– “Interesting… since when did you know how to fly” –
“What can I say, dad…It’s in my blood… it wouldn’t take long until I find out about all tricks I can do!” – Frieza replies. He then copied the tactics Pashtar used against him when they were fighting. He flied around in circles to blast his father from all angles. Still, King Cold managed to repel his sons blasts; Frieza was good… but still, his power was minute compared to that of his father… even in his second form. There was a lot of ground to walk yet before those two could have an even battle or something close to that. Still, Frieza managed to cross the line he couldn’t in their last encounter. Putting more energy in one last blast, Frieza shot a ball of energy that his father braced himself against, rather than trying to slap it away like he’s been doing. Smoke covered the area for a moment, slowly dissipating to reveal King Cold with his arms crossed behind it. He relaxed. Frieza landed.
“You didn’t send that one away”
– “I tried a different tactic for a change… It was becoming really boring to repel blasts with such a weak power of destruction… And you got ten seconds left, Frieza” –
“Ok… I was saving the best for the end, anyways… a little trick I created only to fight you!”
King Cold looked confused and surprised. His son already developed a technique of his own? What an interesting turn of events.
“I want to see you catch or block this one!” – Frieza says, raising his index finger, which had a small glow on its tip already. The small glow became then a small orb.
“Hehehehe” – Frieza laughed in low tone, confident about his ability. Suddenly, the thin red beam leaves Frieza’s finger. King Cold widened his eyes. The blast goes through his body, leaving Frieza quite surprised and at the same time, satisfied with the success of his death beam. Of course it was too early to count victory, as it was nothing more than an after image. King Cold reappeared in front of his son.
“Hey! It’s not fair! You broke the rules”
– “No I didn’t… You talk so much that your time ended up just in time for me to be able to once again start moving” – The King explained. Whether that fact was true or not you, I and Frieza will never know. Right after he was done talking, with a subtle movement King Cold kneeled Frieza in his stomach. The prince was lifted up in the air and King Cold proceeded to slap his son away. Frieza cut through the snowy ground skidding like if he was a hot knife through butter. Amazingly, though, he managed to stand up once again. He had a hard time doing that, though.
– “Interesting… You improved… Last time it didn’t take more than a single strike for me to knock you out” – King Cold comments.
“I am stronger now.. You won’t defeat me again so easily!”
Boom. Frieza was blasted by the end of his sentence by an energy blast. As the light covers the “screen” { try visualizing in your mind } , we see Frieza yelling inside the light in pain. He then falls away, rolling a few times in the snow { which had a great participation in cooling his body again } after stopping with his body full of burn marks and smoke exhaling from it. Frieza was once again, out of the combat.

This time, it didn’t take Frieza too long to wake up. His body managed to develop conditions to move consciously again in twenty four hours only. Frieza woke up in the next night, feeling like crap again though. He knew he lost. And again, he wasn’t happy with it.
– “Good night, master Frieza!” –
“You are so freaking irritant!!!” – Frieza said with his hands on his head, with headaches from the beat up. And then he vented his frustrations and anger on the poor servant. But I gotta ask you… This servant irritated me already with the whole “Good morning, good afternoon, good evening” … aren’t you feeling the same about him? Well… but still I don’t think that was a reason to die for. The poor man probably died not having a clue of why that happened to him. Perhaps in his next life he wouldn’t be that much polite… or that much of an ass kisser. From the throne room, his parents and brother could hear the explosion.
– “He’s awake” – Cooler mentioned. Moments later, Frieza reaches the throne room.
“I need a new servant… I think I blew mine up”
King Cold shook his head and hit his forehead.

From that day on, Frieza started training on a regular basis. Eventually, he caught up to his brother cooler in a matter of a couple of months. Cooler restarted training regularly too instead of going demon hunting for fun after sparring with his brother and almost losing. The day-to-day in the palace kept as chaotic as ever. The rest you know… and the part you still don’t, I might tell you… some other time.

To be continued…

OOC: 6.647 for this one. 12.892 words in total. Learned Kiho, Ki Shot, Bukujutsu and Powered Up.

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