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Enter Chaos
ShinigamiDate: Saturday, 2010-02-27, 6:04 AM | Message # 1
Group: Users
Messages: 70
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Status: Offline
As the wind howled and the snow fell down harder then it had been the entire day, a lone figure stumbled ever onward. The figure was a young man, apparently human in appearance although bundled up in the warm cloak like he was hid most of his appearance, with just his gray hair and golden eyes that continued to peer outwards in search of a safe location to rest visible. The little bit of power the man had was enough to prevent him from freezing to death in the normal weather, but it was not near enough what he needed to survive the cold Icer nights. As he stumbled forward the wind suddenly let up for a few minutes and the snow stopped revealing a curious structure in front of him. Built into the wall of a giant ice glacier was a magnificent castle, no on second glance it was once a glacier but it appeared that the entire piece that jutted out from the air had been painstakingly carved from the ice around it. Massive spires of ice had been turn into towers and the walls were clearly several feet thick but provided bits of light from inside to seep through the walls. Perhaps this was the place he had been seeking. He had heard rumors that a powerful demon lived in a massive ice palace and that, maybe he would be able to gain power if he studied under his tutelage. As the wind began to pick up again, the young man would rush forward so that he would not lose his sense of direction and get lost in the blizzard and freeze to death at the doorstep of this castle. Once he was at the doorstep of the main gates he would attempt to pound as hard as he could on them to announce his presence, although with the weather the way it was it was doubtful that anyone within the palace would hear him, unless they were right outside the doors. So after waiting a few seconds, as the weather decided to pick up even more and worsen, he would pull open the door enough to slip in and close it behind him with a suddenly loud thud. Shaking the worst of the snow off he would hesitantly call out “Hello..? Is this the residence of a Master ...Hachi? Pardon the intrusion but there was no answer at the door.”

words: 404

I’ll chase you till the end of time. Ill change your fact to myth. To all four corners of the world, and even to the fifth. I do not fear my punishment, by karma or by jury. No tempered wit nor stroke of luck can save you from my fury.
KryeedDate: Saturday, 2010-02-27, 5:05 PM | Message # 2
Less of a Noob
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Messages: 125
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Hachi was concentrating on the area around him in a meditative state when the door was pulled open, no doubt another person following misguided rumors to his palace, though the one before him held some promise, and so he got up and walked to the trespasser. When he had gotten within casual talking distance, he noticed the man was rather tall, though still a bit shorter than Hachi himself “This is, and I am Hachi” the daemon said with a serious tone, eyeing the man “but I am no master to you….yet” he said and beckoned the man to follow into the palace for a conversation “I’ve offered help before, rewards others wouldn’t be able to find, even second chances…however it requires a cost”

OOC: 124

ShinigamiDate: Saturday, 2010-02-27, 10:26 PM | Message # 3
Group: Users
Messages: 70
Reputation: 0
Status: Offline
The visitor was a bit surprised at the quick response of the demon Hachi, having expected that some kind of underling would be the one to arrive at the door first. Also it appeared that the demon Hachi had misunderstood him, when the young man said master Hachi, he had meant the master of this place, not his personal master, although he would be a fool if he were to correct him about that fact to his face. Since Hachi's statement was that he was not his master, the young man felt no need to make any comment, even if the demon had implied that there would be a time soon that he would, and would remain silent as he followed the demon down the hallway deeper into the palace interior. As they walked deeper into the palace interior, the demon would continue to speak talking about how he helped others before, gave rewards that those who received them could never find on their own, and second chances, although there was a price attached to it.
"I was informed that there was a chance i could gain strength and the understand of many skills if i came here, what kind of price does that come with....Sir?"

words: 404+207=611

I’ll chase you till the end of time. Ill change your fact to myth. To all four corners of the world, and even to the fifth. I do not fear my punishment, by karma or by jury. No tempered wit nor stroke of luck can save you from my fury.
KryeedDate: Saturday, 2010-02-27, 10:39 PM | Message # 4
Less of a Noob
Group: Users
Messages: 125
Reputation: 0
Status: Offline
Hachi smiled a bit “you’ll be dealing with my kid brother about that…I’m currently trying to revive Icer and cleanse it of the current problems…depending how useful you would be to that cause, your price will be lower” he turned his back to the newcomer, waiting for his kid brother to show up and take up the welcoming. “Stay here, you’ll know him when you see him” the daemon said simply as he started to walk away, not fearing any action from the guest.

OOC: left ye with ryder

Kyrt_RyderDate: Sunday, 2010-02-28, 7:42 AM | Message # 5
Group: Checked
Messages: 240
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Caught up in the middle of his morning run, Ryder had been outside and out of view when the new guest had arrived at the castle, completely unaware of the young man who'd come to visit his brother. As such, it was quite the surprise when he reached the front gates and slid inside, only to find himself staring at the back of some visitor, his brother walking away, the measure of his stride evident that he had business to attend to.

"Mind telling me your name stranger?" Inquired the Saiyan, stretching his muscles, breaking off the ice that was trying to accumulate over his sweat. "Incase Hachi didn't tell you, my name's Ryder, and what should I call you?"

Message edited by Kyrt_Ryder - Monday, 2010-03-01, 11:55 PM
ShinigamiDate: Sunday, 2010-02-28, 10:58 PM | Message # 6
Group: Users
Messages: 70
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Status: Offline
"...I am known as Chaos. Are you the brother Hachi spoke of?" the man known as Chaos will ask as he studies the one who introduced himself as Ryder. a humanoid who had black spiky hair, and what looked to be a tail around his waist, and dark raccoon like eyes. Nothing similar at all to the demon Hachi, but who was he to say what was and was not possible, even though they looked nothing alike. As long as he could gain the training he desired, whoever taught him did not matter to him, at least not yet. "I was told to wait here for him."

words: 611 +107= 718

I’ll chase you till the end of time. Ill change your fact to myth. To all four corners of the world, and even to the fifth. I do not fear my punishment, by karma or by jury. No tempered wit nor stroke of luck can save you from my fury.
Kyrt_RyderDate: Monday, 2010-03-01, 11:56 PM | Message # 7
Group: Checked
Messages: 240
Reputation: 0
Status: Offline
A happy, slightly childish smile could be seen curling across the saiyan's lips, nodding at the question. "That would be me..." As he stood there, listening, the boy crossed his arms across his muscular chest, taking in the measure of this newcomer at a glance. "Well, your wait is over Chaos, you've found me. So, what brings you here anyway? You need a favor from Hachi or something?" ~Hachi's told me he sometimes does favors for the locals, maybe this is a local demon that wants to repent... maybe it's hard, but they can repent, I know it...~ Suddenly, a light lit up in his blue eyes as a thought came to him. "Maybe you need extra muscle? I could use a good fight."

Before the answer could come, however, Raphael came jogging towards them, an urgency to his step. "Raph, what seems to be the matter?" Rushing quickly to explain, the Namek came to a halt, gesturing with his hands. "Hachi sent me for you young Ryder. It seems... he's prepared a training regimen for you in the training room, and told me you were to join us immediately." Suddenly remembering his imagined manners, the healer turned, bowing his head slightly to the newcomer. "And welcome to you as well young man."

"Hachi's got training set up huh? Sweet!" A glint of excitement flashed in the saiyan warrior's eyes as he turned towards the direction from which Raphael had come running, before realizing the Namekian had entered from the outside. "Wait a minute, training room! Where! He never told me about a training room I thought we just used the courtyard!"

A small, knowing smile formed across the namek's face. "That's because the training room isn't here, it's at the new base we've established that we were discussing previously. I'm to lead you there through the frozen wastes. By the time we arrive all shall be in readiness, and your training shall begin in earnest."

Even one without any knowledge of humanoid emotions could sense the intrigue and excitement radiating off Ryder at the thought of the move. "Alright then Raphael, we just need a few minutes to grab our things and we'll be on our way." Flashing a grin at Chaos, Ryder ran up into the castle, grabbing his pack and stuffing his few belongings into it, brewing up some hot cocoa from the cooking machine for their guest.

"Here you go, enjoy." He told the other fighter, as he nodded to Raphael. "I'm all set, as soon as he's ready we'll head out." The namekian healer glanced up and down the new boy, uncertainty lining his eyes. "I don't know about that young master Ryder, Hachi doesn't want uninvited guests at the new location." "Raph, Hachi put him in my care, he invited him and so am I. You can lead us both, assuming he wants to come with, or we can stay home and you can deal with my brother for it."

Knowing far better than Ryder the torture that would be inflicted on him for his failure, the healer quickly nodded his head in acknowledgement. "As you say master Ryder."

"Good. So... Chaos... if you want to come with me, your welcome to. We'll set a quick pace, so it might be rough, especially after such a long journey. If you aren't feeling up to the task, your welcome to rest in the castle until you're back to full strength, and then go back wherever you came from." With that completed, the saiyan hiked his pack up on his shoulders, nodding to the namek as he started for the door. "Lets roll Raphael, we've got a lot of ground to cover..."

OOC: Left the thread, Hachi's player told me he was planning to run this training setup and meet him in another thread for rp and training.

Added (03.02.2010, 8:56 Am)
Also... word total for me for the thread is 736

Message edited by Kyrt_Ryder - Monday, 2010-03-01, 11:53 PM
ShinigamiDate: Tuesday, 2010-03-02, 1:22 AM | Message # 8
Group: Users
Messages: 70
Reputation: 0
Status: Offline
Chaos will nod having been about to speak of his quest to gain strength and master new techniques, when a large green guy came running up to them. The green dude, some sort of creature named Raphael, apparently had word from Hachi that he wanted to show Ryder a new training ground with new lessons all located at a new base else were. then there was a short argument about if chaos was allowed to go to this secret base or not, until Ryder put his foot down on the subject and then ran off to get his things and.... a cup of hot chocolate for Chaos? It was a nice thing to receive after being out in such cold weather, but is this new guy on drugs? Did Hachi use performance enhancement and combat drugs on his people to make them stronger, with the side effect of making them hyper-active chinchillas like Ryder? The man was zipping around to and fro, and it was exhausting just watching him. Chaos himself was a bit more serene about things although it was not even letting him get in a word into the conversation. no sooner had he been offered the cup of hot chocolate, Ryder and his green skinned companion were already heading towards the door. "err wait, hold on!" he will call out to them as he quickly gulps down the chocolate and follows them back outside again.

words: 718 +239=957
ooc: chaos has left as well.

I’ll chase you till the end of time. Ill change your fact to myth. To all four corners of the world, and even to the fifth. I do not fear my punishment, by karma or by jury. No tempered wit nor stroke of luck can save you from my fury.
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