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I like to NOM on you!
ussjkennyDate: Saturday, 2010-02-27, 5:05 PM | Message # 1
Group: Administrators
Messages: 59
Reputation: 3
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Above the cold planet of Icer a small pod was quickly descending through the atmosphere. The ship was aflame from the extreme heat of the thermosphere, but the ship was obviously damaged for other reasons as well.
Inside the pod a red light was blinking on and off. “System critical.” This was of course, in a language different from English. It repeated over and over. Finally with a crash creating a large crater. The pod door opened and a strange fiber like organism slithered through the rugged terrain of the crater. It began to slowly form into a humanoid shape.
The now humanoid being was on bent knees with its hands touching the ground. As suddenly as it had changed it began to stand. Strange noises escaped its mouth, almost like a mix between a purr and a click.
The ship behind the being exploded, causing the being to be pushed forward with great force; it let out a loud screech. If the smoke and explosion had not drawn attention to the creature, the screech certainly had.
It stood, bleeding, but within seconds the wound healed.
“And they say there’s no such thing as a free lunch.” A voice from the side of the creature said.
It turned its head to see another alien life form. To the creature, this new presence spoke a strange and unfamiliar language, not composed of shrieks, screeches, or anything of the sort.
Within a short moment the other alien began to approach the creature, in what seemed to be a cool and intimidating manner.
The creature simply made small screeching sounds as the other alien lifted up its hands and a shockwave pushed the creature back. With hostility the creature returned a similar attack, knocking the alien on its back before jumping up and landing on it. The creature began beating the other alien, reigning punches down on it. The other alien tried to escape but through his entire struggle, it was helpless to squirm.
The punches stopped, and all was silent. The other alien began to open its beaten, swollen eyes slowly because the swelling stopped him from performing so at a normal pace. This was all just to see the creature staring down at him before it lead out a loud screech and opened its jaws. This was the last thing the other alien ever saw.
The creature began to devour the entire body, which was roughly the same size as its own, yet had no problem with swallowing the pieces that it ripped from the alien. Within a matter of minutes the entire corpse was devoured, and the creature stood. It looked over its surroundings once more. “Free lunch.” It mimicked the alien which it had eaten, now understanding the words as it had not only stolen the changeling’s flesh and blood, but his ability to speak this language as well.
“Wrath.” It said, acknowledging itself by an English name instead of screeches. A wicked evil smile came to its face. Wrath was still hungry, having gone through interstellar flight alone. It began to levitate in the air, showing yet another skill that it had.
With hunger for flesh and destruction in its mind, Wrath took to the skies, looking for food, and a damn good time! Which in Wrath’s case a damn good time is eating, killing, destroying, pillaging, and the like. Soaring through the skies of the cold planet, it did not take him long to find another changeling and an odd creature fighting each other. It appeared to be some kind of reptilian humanoid.
As the two fought the changeling pinned down the reptilian creature, and the reptilian spit in the changeling’s face, which started to burn and melt. It was acid spit, not something unfamiliar to Wrath, it knew it was a good way to cause some serious pain.
The reptilian creature got out from under the changeling and grabbed him by the neck. Suddenly it would feel Wrath’s hand on its shoulder. “Rawr.” Wrath said calmly, as a joke… BEFORE BITING HIS FREAKING HEAD OFF!
The reptilian creature’s body fell to the ground lifeless as the changeling was still blind from his face being melted over his eyes. “Boo.” Wrath taunted, near his face. Quickly he moved, taunting him from different locations, allowing the changeling time to get up and begin running. Wrath continued this way until finally the changeling ran into him and fell. “Get away from me!” The changeling yelled before firing off a blast of energy at Wrath. The blast hit Wrath and just like with the first changeling, he returned the favor after discovering the mechanics behind the technique. The changeling was scared, but his fear wouldn’t last too long as before long Wrath jumped on his body and began devouring him, alive. Within minutes the body was almost gone. Wrath stood up, before the body, his hunger satisfied.

learned: Kaiho, Ki Shot, bukujutsu

That_Brazilian_GuyDate: Sunday, 2010-02-28, 1:28 PM | Message # 2
Less of a Noob
Group: Administrators
Messages: 168
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For chronological settlement, this takes place sometime after Frieza's landing in Icer alongside with his faithful henchman Captain Zarbon. A few events unfolded during the prior to this encounter that will later on be explained. In this point of the story, Frieza had already made his "settlement" in the frozen planet and has already recruited a few to join his cause. That including the demon Dodoria. Frieza was gently forcing these few creatures to do his bidding and build a base for him; He need a place to start his empire and decided his old home would be the best place for this. He, Zarbon and his new made pink skinned captain were watching the base being slowly build when suddenly, Frieza's and Zarbon's scouter started beeping. The numbers that appeared in that visor were something to consider. And no, Dodoria wasn't a total stranger to that anymore; in their first encounter that tricky machine became more than well known to him. And well appreciated as well.
“It is one to consider, Lord Frieza” – Zarbon commented.
“How much is it?” – Dodoria asked, being the only one that didn’t have a scouter to check for himself.
“It is enough to take you, Dodoria” – Zarbon teased his new partner. Dodoria had a vein on top of his head. However, his irritation was mostly due to the fact that he couldn’t check for himself so he was left with the benefit of doubt, concerning whether Zarbon was lying just to fool with him or not. But his answer came pretty quickly.
“You shouldn’t brag that much Zarbon… Should you make one mistake and whoever or whatever this is can end up being trouble even to you”
“I wouldn’t allow myself to be defeated, should we engage in a combat, my lord”
“I know you wouldn’t. That’s why I chose you as my captain in the first place”
“Can I go check it out?” – The pink skinned demon asked, impatient and curious.
“Yes, you may check it out Dodoria. Go along with him Zarbon. He might end up needing help” – Frieza says, turning his back on his followers, meaning the orders were already given.
– “Yes, sir!” – Both said and began to float over the ground as they leave the spot and head towards the direction from where the power source came. Of course, Dodoria had to follow Zarbon’s lead. He was positioned just behind the light blue skinned alien.
“Hmph… I don’t know why he would treat me like treat me like that… He trust me or what” –
“He? You should be addressing our master always as Lord Frieza or always be sure to mention the correct title in your sentences… not only a ‘he’”
“But he isn’t even here!”
“Well… something you might not know is that these devices not only work as power tracking machinery, but they also work as an instant communication device… meaning Lord Frieza can hear us as we speak”
Dodoria went from pink to pale white.
“Don’t worry, I noticed you were going to wine with that ‘hmph’ and turned off the scouter’s communication for a moment… Consider this as an act of camaraderie… to break the ice… as we are going to work together from now on”
[color=red]“Uh… Thanks… I really… uh… appreciated that” – Dodoria mumbled.
– “And I’m also sure Lord Frieza sees something in you, else he would have ordered me to proceed with killing you instead of recruiting you”[/color] –
Dodoria kept silent.
“Now let me turn this thing on again, before Frieza gets mad for not being able to contact us and have us dead by the time we come back”
And they kept flying.

In the middle of their talking, they could see in the distance what seemed to be a shooting star. Whatever entered the range of the scouter was surely in that shooting star. If it was a shooting star for real, that is. Thankfully for Zarbon and Dodoria, Lord Frieza didn’t call again yelling; he didn’t call at all during the brief seconds the monsturn turned the device off to prevent his demon comrade to get lectured Frieza style when they came back from their little quest. And also thankfully, the thing seemed to have crashed not too far away from where they were standing; they were almost there. At one point, they finally got to see a small object in the ground and went down to check it out. It was a shit. A circular one. Much like the spacepeod Zarbon and Frieza came to namek in.
“It must be nearby… The crash didn’t happen too long ago. You heard the landing impact, didn’t you”– Zarbon said.
When they were coming after the “shooting star” they ears captioned an explosion like sound fading in the far background. That meant the thing wasn’t so far away. Zarbon reached to his scouter and was going to check again for the position of who or what they were hunting, when suddenly Dodoria calls his attention.
“Hey Zarbon, look at that!” – The pink man was pointing at something… apparently someone. It was laid down in the ground meters ahead of them. When they get to the location, they could see exactly what was that. A changeling. It was missing a piece… His head! Something ripped off his head! Can you believe that? There was a pool of blood beneath the corpse.
“I think we may have to watch out. This thing isn’t any ordinary. He killed a changeling… one of Lord Frieza’s race” – Zarbon warned.
“Heh… Let this whatever come… I’ll rip him to pieces! And bring it back to lord Frieza so he can play puzzle with it’s pieces!” – Dodoria bragged confident. Zarbon then checked again for the target’s position in the scouter. It wasn’t far ahead. It was just the hills of snow that were blocking their sight. They took off again and after a few moments flying, they could see something below there moving on top of something… not moving. They landed next to it. It was red. It was tall. It was ugly. And it was eating a changeling! They could tell it by seeing the last visible parts of the reptilian alien’s body. Zarbon once again turned off the scouter for a smartass commentary this time. He wasn’t sure about how lord Frieza would react to this.
“Well… if King Cold haven’t killed all changelings this thing surely did. There can’t be much more of them around” – Zarbon said, then reactivating the scouter.
“Hey, ugly!” – Dodoria yelled to the red gooey thing. Not that Dodoria was a beautiful piece of art, though.
“What the hell are you doing in Lord Frieza’s planet?” – He asked, not sure though if the creature would know how to answer or get what he meant.

OOC: 1.132 words.

ussjkennyDate: Sunday, 2010-02-28, 3:37 PM | Message # 3
Group: Administrators
Messages: 59
Reputation: 3
Status: Offline
Voices came from behind Wrath. "Hey Ugly!" The words processed through its head. The new words soon brought meaning to Wrath, despite being fairly new to the language. Then he was asked what he was doing on Lord Frieza's planet. Wrath began eating again and stood up, the leftover remains of the the carcass in its mouth. Turning around, he ripped a stretchy piece of flesh from the changeling body and continued chewing.
The two voices belonged to that of one green haired alien, of blue skin color; some sort of pretty boy, and a fat, ugly, pink alien looking guy. Most likely fatso was the one who called Wrath ugly, because ugly voice matched ugly face. Wrath continued feeding, to rather infuriate the fat one, until nothing of the changeling carcass remained.
"Well, tubby, tub, tubo, tubs, whatever the liking of your name is, I came for the buffet." Wrath stated, patting its stomach, full of two changelings and the head of the demon. Wrath licked its lips for small pieces of flesh and blood. "Come to get fatter, tubs?"
That_Brazilian_GuyDate: Tuesday, 2010-03-02, 7:21 PM | Message # 4
Less of a Noob
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Messages: 168
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Dodoria's words echoed through the empty location the three and a half beings were standing. There came no response from the ugly thing. That kind of confirmed Dodoria’s and Zarbon’s suspicions about this creature – whatever this was or from wherever it came from – not being able to understand or speak their language. And they id speak in the supposedly universal language to have a higher chance of getting a reply from the gooey thing. Instead, it simply kept chewing what was left of that poor changeling over there. At one point, the red thing turned to them, ripping of a piece of the changeling that resembled string cheese, taking an extended glimpse of the demon and the monsturn standing behind him. But again and still, the thing did not provide and answer to Frieza’s henchmen; It simply kept eating in detriment to their presence in the area or whatever threat those too could pose to them. Zarbon and Dodoria looked at each other.
“I don’t think he kows how to answer your question, Dodoria”
“So what do we do now? Let’s simply blow it up?”
“I was hoping this thing was more interesting… but yeah. Lord Frieza probably won’t have interest in an imbecile changeling eater”
“Nice” – The brute demon says with a grin on his face. Dodoria then started raising his hand up with open palms towards Wrath. What would happen now it is more then predictable to you, but what would happen next after that was in no means predictable by Zarbon and Dodoria. Wrath did know how to speak and was listening to everything Zarbon and Dodoria were commenting as you will see pretty soon, so whatever they were up to, he was pretty much aware. He just didn’t answer… probably to mock the two or because the two of them or because his meal seemed much more interesting at the time than dealing with these two strangers. In the pink skinned demon’s hands, a yellowish energy beam formed. It doesn’t take much until the beam is fired in the direction of the demon’s back, but before it hits… Wrath disappears from sight. The energy ball keeps going until it hits an elevation in the terrain and explodes, calling forth a lot of smoke.
– “Uh?” – Them both asked themselves, not quite sure of what happened. Zarbon was more reserved and “uh’ed” only in his thoughts. Dodoria verbalized his confusion.
“Where the hell did he go?”
Wrath appears a fraction of seconds later to the left of the carcass which he was deprived from consuming completely. His voice was what called their attention; he was a few meters away. His words were acid, making fun of Dodoria’s voluptuous physic. Naturally, that angered the demon; Wrath said he has “come for the buffet” .
“Tu-“ – Dodoria’s next sentence interrupted himself in the middle of the word; whichever of the anagrams he was referring to.
“I’ll show you tube! I’l show you buffet! In fact, I’m going to give you the dessert right now you red bag of poop! Get red to get served… swallow my fist you idiot!”
Once again, Dodoria’s temper pushed him to react inappropriately; He dashed in great speed { specially for someone with his size } and attempted to throw a punch in the ugly thing Wrath called a face. If Wrath dodged that one too, Dodoria would thn keep advancing and would try to drag Wrath into one of the folkloric fist fights we are more than used to watch in the Dragonball show.

OOC: 592 words. 1.724

ussjkennyDate: Tuesday, 2010-03-02, 7:38 PM | Message # 5
Group: Administrators
Messages: 59
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"You look a little mad, tubs." Wrath stated, looking at Dodoria's angry face, before being yelled at by the fatty. Wrath laughed madly at Dodoria, cutting his sentence off at the word 'poop.' As the carnivourous alien had expected, the fat alien had a temper. For a creature who enjoyed going insane, he could sure read others well. As the fat man went forward towards Wrath, it raced forward toward Dodoria as well, grabbing his wrist, and then as a second punch came, Wrath as well grabbed that wrist.
The creature began kneeing Dodoria in his fat gut, until knocking him away with a headbutt, as he let go of Dodoria's wrists. "You disappoint me tubs... I was looking for the cream filling." Wrath antagonized, sticking out its long tongue, licking nothing but air, mocking Dodoria.
That_Brazilian_GuyDate: Thursday, 2010-03-04, 3:07 PM | Message # 6
Less of a Noob
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Messages: 168
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Dodoria’s furious punches went useless. And so did a part of his mad swearing at his newly made opponent. Wrath started laughing like a maniac before Dodoria could finish spitting out all gentle words on the parasite creature. Zarbon tried to hold his laugh as Dodoria went from pink to red and dashed towards the also red colored creature in a vain attempt to connet a hit; His fist was caught. Both of them. Once again, Wrath makes fun of the fat demon before starts pummeling him. Wrath uses his knees to hit Dodoria several times in his belly and then headbutts him, causing the pink colored fellow to begin stumbling backwards before he stops. He didn’t fall, though. As Wrath may have noticed, all that body mass actually was useful for something; it attenuated the damage of the parasite alien’s attacks. None were as harmful as it would be to anyone else, against Dodoria. The headbutt did though leave a bruise on the left upper side of Dodoria’s head. The demon was gritting his teeth after the few backwards steps and became even more pissed with Wrath’s new comment, allied with Zarbon’s teasing.
“Seems like you need some help over there, Dodoria!”
Dodoria turned around furious to stare at his work partner while holding the affected area of his head.
– <span style="color:red">“Stay away from this, Zarbon! If you stick your nose in this fight, I’ll make sure it will re-sprout on the back side of your head, with the punch I am going to throw on it!”

“Alright, alright… I was just trying to help…” – Zarbon says looking away.
“And you… your… filthy thing… Don’t get too cocky because I just exalted myself and eventually lost my focus. This battle is far from being over!” – Dodoria at the first lowered his tone, but in the last sentence he once again raised his voice on Wrath. Quickly holding his hand up, Dodoria charged a ball of yellow energy { Dodoria Beam } on the palm of his hand and shot it swiftly at his opponent, in an almost perfect oblique trajectory, aiming for the Wrath’s lower body. Generic, but that one beam can make some damage if it hits the target more than usual blast techniques we are used to see. It was Dodoria’s personal technique.

OOC: 385 words. 2.109 total.
ussjkennyDate: Thursday, 2010-03-04, 7:01 PM | Message # 7
Group: Administrators
Messages: 59
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Wrath continued his mockery of the tubby one as he continued to get more angry. The creature, Wrath simply loved turning pinky mad. Dodoria was even angry with his partner now, yelling at the pretty boy. Wrath watched as its opponent raised his hand and began charging a beam. Wrath laughed hard, further mocking Dodoria. As the demon fired the beam, Wrath was moving out of the way, but a bit too slowly, and caught part of the beam in the side of its abdomen. Wrath made a screech in pain as it dripped blood from the attack. But before Dodoria and Zarbon's eyes, the wounds would seal up within seconds.
Wrath continued its laughing mockery at Dodoria.
That_Brazilian_GuyDate: Thursday, 2010-03-04, 11:42 PM | Message # 8
Less of a Noob
Group: Administrators
Messages: 168
Reputation: 2
Status: Offline

When the Dodoria beam was fired, the parasitic alien began his evasive maneuver; He threw himself to the side. However, Wrath was only partially successful and the energy ball that kept going exploding about a meter behind the alien at most into a pile of smoke, due to the oblique trajectory of the shot, tore a chunk of the alien’s abdomen in it’s way. Upon hitting the ground, the explosion was triggered and Wrath was pushed slightly by the aftershock force. Dodoria didn’t care as his offensive plans for that turn weren’t limited to that most simple energy ball. And it was exactly his hurry that prevented him from witnessing a vey interesting fact that Zarbon observed from distance. Soon after the Dodoria Beam ball hit Wrath creating that nasty wound, it began to heal passively the exact moment after the damage. Of course, his sight was blocked right by Dodoria’s voluptuous body seconds later depriving him from watching the whole process { though it still gave Zarbon a clue of what was happening } when the second “attack phase” of the pink demon’s plans began; The fiend was right now flying towards Wrath with full speed with his arms stretched back, taking resemblance to a missile or a bullet. Translating to you… it was a full speed flying headbutt. And the spikes on the top of Dodoria’s help didn’t help much in making that attack any less dangerous. Of course, with Wrath’s regenerative abilities, that perhaps wouldn’t be that much of a deal for him as it would be for others… but how long would it take to heal from all those?

I still can’t assure you whether Dodoria was successful with his tactic or not. But I can assure you it was a relatively smart move. Dodoria’s idea was to minimize Wrath’s chances of dodging by distracting him with an energy shot and forcing him to dodge { luckily for Dodoria, it managed to hit the target slightly } and then catch him with the actual attack. The explosion wind force would also help in that. Now while we wait for the aftermath of this attack, Zarbon stays in the background thinking and analyzing. If he really saw what he did see… then this opponent would probably cross the boundaries of being an ordinary nuisance to them…

OOC: 389 words. 2.498 total.

ussjkennyDate: Friday, 2010-03-05, 4:02 PM | Message # 9
Group: Administrators
Messages: 59
Reputation: 3
Status: Offline
Wrath's body continued healing, as it laughed. However it did notice the fat guy coming at it. There was an evasive tactic of dropping down and countering with a kick to the stomach of tubs, but of course, Wrath was having more fun this way. Wrath allowed Dodoria to slam his fat head into it and with a screech of pain it grabbed Dodoria's head and sent a knee into his face, which hey, didn't have fat on it. Take that tubby. Then a sudden pushing energy shot from Wrath's hands and Dodoria fell back a few meters. Wrath continued to mock its enemy, as its wounds from the headbutt as well, had healed.
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