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So This Changeling's Wandering around in the tundra... - Forum
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So This Changeling's Wandering around in the tundra...
minimal_diffusionDate: Saturday, 2010-02-27, 10:17 PM | Message # 1
Uber Noob
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Messages: 4
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Many years ago…

Harsh winds whipped across the Icer tundra, howling with the ferocity of a pack of starving wolves beginning a hunt. They carried with them a biting cold, strong enough to rip through the thickest of clothing, and small flurries of the ever-present snow that blanketed the planet. The chill was unusual, even for the eternal winter that wrapped around Icer, and drove all but the hardiest of Changelings and Demons alike into the comfort and safety of their warm nests. Even the scarce few animals out in the long stretches of desert had retreated to cover, leaving the entire area seem almost uninhabited. Those unlucky enough to have cover sought each other out, curling up together despite the usual distaste for all but themselves, in vain hopes of self preservation. For the duration of the wretched chill, the world seemed to stop for those caught in its grip, and, for all intents and purposes, it had.

That was how it seemed for one figure, in any case. Miles outside of the nearest town, wandering out in the vast plain of snow and ice, a sole Changeling trudged on, staggering and tripping as the wind pushed them along. The Icer native was small, standing no more than four feet, the eternal blanket of snow rising up to their lavender-skinned knees. They wore the standard, bone-like armor that all Icejin seemed to wear, as well as a thick leather cloak wrapped around their shoulders. The single article of clothing was pressed against their back tightly, as though the groaning winds were attempting to push it through the wanderer’s body, and out into the tundra. It stayed wrapped around its wearer, however, and the Changeling was thankful for the minute protection against the cold.

“Oh me… you’ve really done it this time, Frost…” The tiny Icejin reprimandedherself mentally. While she was generally prone to getting into trouble, the severity of her current situation topped all others combined. A shudder ran down Frost’s spine as she continued on, only partly from the cold.
“No time to think about that now… perhaps when I’ve found some shelter… or some food…” The lavender child's mind trailed at the thought of food, as her stomach growled and gurgled unhappily. She had long since forgotten how long it had been since her last meal. The sudden pain of hunger caused the Changeling to pause, wincing and wrapping her arms around her abdomen.
“Urgh… food first. There should be a lake nearby...” Glancing around, the tiny figure started in a new direction, heading towards the nearest lake she could think of.

It was dusk by the time they arrived, and Frost was more than exhausted. The last leg of her trek had been lacking in the cruel winds, which had relented some hours earlier, but had involved a steep uphill climb. The climb down the other side of the small mountain had been significantly faster, but no less tiring and dangerous. Her aching legs threatened to give way beneath them as Frost stumbled towards the edge of the frozen lake.
“How am I going to get to the fish? And who’s that…?” The thought lingered in the lavender Icejin’s mind as she spotted a blurry figure, sitting near the edge of the lake.

This was also a Changeling, from the looks of it, though all around larger than Frost, with a rusty colored skin tone and bright orange gem-like shells. The general size, and perceived more muscular form caused the lavender Changeling to assume it was a male, though it was hard to be sure with how difficult it was to see them. ‘He’ was sitting in a reclined position, his tail hanging idly in a hole in the ice.
“He looks so relaxed…” The thought was slow to form, as Frost found her knees buckling. The stabbing pain of hunger was suddenly very apparent, as was the realization that the general fuzziness of the world around her as fading into darkness. Belting out one high pitched, almost strangled cry, Frost collapsed into the snow, her last sight before unconsciousness being that of the rusty male jumping, and making its way towards the prone Changeling’s body.

Consciousness ebbed back to Frost in waves, each sense slowly waking up and taking in the new surroundings, though the world stayed dark. The young Icejin felt no need to open her eyes just yet. Where ever she were, it was noticeably warmer than the outside had been, but cooler than the home she had left was. The smell of burning wood, as well as cooking meat, wafted through the environment and made Frost’s stomach groan. There was food nearby, and it smelt amazing. Prying one eye open, the lavender and blue Changeling began to glance around. It became evident quickly that they were in a cave, a rather well decorated one at that. A makeshift stove was off in one corner, near an opening in the roof, likely to let the smoke out. Near the ‘stove’ was a raised piece of stone, with several pelts folded and surrounding it, likely as chairs for a table. On the adjacent wall rested a hole, leading into a tunnel, and possibly other rooms. On Frost’s side of the ‘room’ resided a makeshift bed, again made of various pelts, much like the one they were sleeping on. And in the center of the room, looming over the prone lavender Icejin, was the rust-and-orange male from before.

“I see you’re awake now, little girl.” His face was stern, and his voice flat. Frost’s first instinct was to run, until she noticed what he was holding. A pot, from which the smell of meat and something else delectable wafted. After a moment’s pause, the child nodded.
“Good. Now, come and eat.” There was something commanding about his voice, but… friendly, in a way. He wasn’t trying to kill her. That was good enough for Frost. She crawled out of the bed, and trudged over to the table.
“My legs…”
“Er… who… who are you?”
The lavender Changeling studied the male warily as she took a seat. He seemed… odd, offering a complete stranger food. The rusty Icejin smirked, pouring the stew into a bowl, and setting it in front of the child. A small chuckle escaped him as he watched her first stare hungrily at the food, and then forego the spoon completely, instead picking it up and drinking straight from the bowl.
“I am called Fireflash. Now, tell me who you are.” Frost lowered the bowl for a moment, meeting Fireflash’s gaze, before nodding.
“My name’s Frost…”
Words: 1,104
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Message edited by minimal_diffusion - Saturday, 2010-02-27, 10:23 PM
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