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Raphael cashes in
KryeedDate: Tuesday, 2010-03-02, 10:52 PM | Message # 1
Less of a Noob
Group: Users
Messages: 125
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Status: Offline
Raphael walked out into the driving wind and blizzard on the behest of the daemon Hachi, the words rang clearly in his head “Raphael my green warrior, I need you to collect dues from the outskirts of the city, you must inform them they are protected like the police had failed to do when the outburst of crime came to be, tell them anything they want to hear and if that fails take the money by fear tactics if you need to” the parameters of the job had been set and would be followed to the letter.

The namekian had walked through tough terrain to get to the rather poor outlying streets of the icer city. Hachi had known about Raphael’s weakness while leading Ryder and the other to the base, and acted as if this were a way of redemption, something the namekian readily jumped for, having to work under the condition that he had to do the task alone.

When the green warrior knocked on the first door, he was greeted by the sight of a changeling woman in distress and in no mood to talk about protection money or anything. Raphael acted as a well mannered caring man, though all he wanted to do was get the money and go “Miss, is something troubling you?” and to this the changeling woman paused then nodded, seeing as they were already at the bottom and the poorest, what worse could happen.

She led him in, showing a demon in bed and groaning “He was hurt a while ago…he was a guard for some noble, he healed a bit…but he’s got a horrible infection” she looked to the side “we’re too poor to afford the doctor bill…they try and bleed every zenni out of us” she explained with a clear tinge of hate. Raphael asked how much they were going to make her pay, and the price was in the heavy thousands, the namekian now had his first easy collection “Ma’am, you and this demon…refuse to pay the police or ‘government’ anything and we’ll offer you amnesty from their ire…and for five hundred a month, we’ll offer medical treatment, protection, and peace…you will no longer be poor” the promise was very tempting, the price a month was a tenth what the doctor wanted, and a fifth of what the government wanted for their meager home.

The changeling woman agreed and handed Raphael the money in small bills asking for the treatment as soon as he was able, expecting a few days and a long trip. The namekian shook his head with a rather pleasant smile “that won’t be necessary, I’m La Ressereccion’s designated healer” the woman stopped Raphael there and asked who they were, and seemed to stiffen up a bit at the name of Hachi, fearing that there was some horrible catch involved “don’t worry Ma’am, we intend only to help bring peace” he moved to the dying demon and placed his palms over his forehead and chest, curing the ailment with a deep green light washing over the afflicted.

Both of them were overjoyed after the healing was finished, having instantly changed their minds about Hachi and his group, offering not only the five hundred, but talking their friends and neighbors to trust and talk with the namekian for an easier time. Thankfully with the couple’s help, Raphael was helped greatly in his collection day, most evident in the second home.

The second house was home to a massive family of demons, a mother, father, four children, one of which with a spouse and a child of their own, all under one small roof. The mother looked to Raphael teary eyed “is it true, was my sister right? A fraction of rent, free health benefits…and protection?” the demon asked in a hopeful tone, though all around showed the effects of false promises. Raphael nodded “yes…a flat fee for everything…is there anyone in need of healing?”

The demon mother nodded and brought Raphael over to a very sick infant, obviously suffering from the cold that seeped into the home. The namekian cleared the baby of all its afflictions and wrapped the child in his cloak before standing back explaining with the new excess funds, they could keep them all in relative comfort, as long as they paid the modest sum. The family had nearly cheered out loud for what the group was doing for them, offering the further spread of La ressureccion’s generosity and power, giving Raphael the work of walking from home to home to accept the money they were nearly throwing at him with broad smiles on their faces, then offering him inside for any healing that was necessary.

Through the long day of door to door deal making for the very poor on the outskirts of the city, La ressureccion was counted a blessing and gained full support of the entire area, even though they were shelling out money to fund an ‘illegal’ group, all the poor cared about was fending for themselves or getting someone to fend for them. In the end of the collection day, the green warrior had collected a total of two thousand five hundred zenni above the quota that Hachi had suggested, apparently the quota was to keep the changeling soldiers to be completely loyal, running and funding the basic operations of the group, and leaving excess to be in the namekian’s hands.

Raphael had a long trek back, meaning he had a long time to think about what he could use the money for. A number of things quickly ran through his mind, a number of training equipment or some kind of space ship, though if he needed to, the group would provide both in time, and what good was much else to the namekian, Hachi seemed to have no end of charisma, soldiers, or connections in which to utilize in order to make sure everyone under his dominion had what was necessary. Through the white abyss, Raphael trudged back to their base, slowly coming to terms what he really wanted to do with the excess money, he was going to offer it as a sign of good will towards Hachi, as a sign of loyalty and a sign of faith on Raphael’s part.

“I trust you have good news, along with the money Raphael” Hachi said once the namekian had presented himself to Hachi in the war room. Raphael had sat down the stacks of zenni which would be used to fully repair the base from being a hospital to being a formidable base, then a stack for the soldier’s pay, and finally a satchel of money which held the remaining two thousand five hundred zenni which was supposed to be Raphael’s reward. Hachi only nodded when the excess was handed to him, the namekian was thanked and was allowed to go about his daily routine while Hachi distributed the paychecks and the order forms, pocketing the excess without another word.

The sodliers knew that Raphael was the cause and source of their paychecks for the month and had thanked, congratulated and acknowledged him as a member of the group, rather than some off world healer which was to remain in the corner until he was needed, like some machine. By the end of the month, Raphael could feel important, knowing he had helped fund Hachi’s group and showed his skills surpassed just healing, though at that point he felt a powerful need to train and show he was a viable fighter, should Hachi allow.

OOC: 1,256 words, 2,500 zenni be mine, directly given to Hachi

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