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Chaos finally gets his training started
ShinigamiDate: Sunday, 2010-03-07, 4:29 AM | Message # 1
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The next day, bright and early, Chaos was already up and ready for training, although hopefully this time he would not just sit on the sidelines and watch, but would be able to participate in some sparing. While watching the fight yesterday was enjoyable, he had been unable to watch everything that happened and only the bits and pieces when contact was made. He wanted to fight, he had always learned best when he actually had an opponent, although his spars were few and far between, just enough to teach him the basic of the basic. while he had wanted to fight often, for some reason he had never been allowed to carry on with the spars, and most of his day to day training was book learned, much to his displeasure. There was just something about sparing and actual combat that... made him feel alive. The air was crisper, his senses were sharper, even after a few minutes of sparing he felt that he had grown stronger, although it was probably his imagination. He remembered how the first time he had spared against a real opponent people's jaws dropped and there had been a big commotion about some numbers on a little box. He had never understood what the issue was though, or what those people had said was impossible. He wanted to try the weight combat training, and that gravity training he had heard about, against a real person, against several people, separately and at the same time. Heh, Chaos was getting excited at just the idea. then maybe when all that was done he would seek out one of those elusive people in the tundra of icer, who were said to have many unique and strange abilities, such as the ability to control one of the elements, that would be cool.

words: 304

I’ll chase you till the end of time. Ill change your fact to myth. To all four corners of the world, and even to the fifth. I do not fear my punishment, by karma or by jury. No tempered wit nor stroke of luck can save you from my fury.
KryeedDate: Sunday, 2010-03-07, 5:10 AM | Message # 2
Less of a Noob
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When the morning came, Hachi had knocked quickly and entered the room of his newest recruit, intent on giving him a real training. “although you may have expected a welcome party, and probably some grunt work job” the daemon smiled a little “we have no such conventional hazing, I expect the very best out of you while you train under us and while you help soothe this planet of the bad blood” with a slight pause, Hachi had exposed a duffle bag with weights in them “the best money can buy and my personal set, I shall use my brother’s weights while we get you acquainted to all of our facilities”

The daemon gave Chaos a minute to put the weights on or take them along until the gravity room was made known, the weights only consisting of arm weights, leg weights and a weighted belt. Either way, Hachi would lightly touch on the war room and the station where Raphael worked as healer, but once upstairs he would take note immediately about the sauna and the meditation room, and finally take the new recruit to the gravity room “and here is where we train today” the daemon said casually as he smiled more, waiting to see the mans response.

ShinigamiDate: Sunday, 2010-03-07, 5:27 AM | Message # 3
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Chaos would nod in agreement with Hachi's words, then his eyebrow would shoot up when he was informed that he would be using Hachi's own personal weights to train with. "Wow, Thank you." he will say as he immediately pulls the weights out, testing the weight by feel in his palm and then happy put them on to quickly get use to them as soon as possible. Then he would follow Hachi around on the tour of the facilities, this time taking note of the location of the war room and the medical station that Raphael worked, he had missed those locations on his first self given tour, and was glad to see that the green dude seemed to be recovered as they passed him by. Once they had finally returned to the gravity chamber chaos would be use to the weights restrictions on his body.
"Great! Ready to begin at anytime!" Chaos would say almost bouncing in excitement.

words: 304+159: 463

I’ll chase you till the end of time. Ill change your fact to myth. To all four corners of the world, and even to the fifth. I do not fear my punishment, by karma or by jury. No tempered wit nor stroke of luck can save you from my fury.
KryeedDate: Sunday, 2010-03-07, 5:39 AM | Message # 4
Less of a Noob
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Hachi smiled, Chaos seemed more than ready to test the facilities, and it wasn’t his place to deny someone the chance to get strong “alright…” the sold double doors to the gravity room slid open to reveal the immense training grounds. Industrial steel with heavy bolts across the walls, solid ice for the flooring, scored for traction, and an immense clear roof made of hundreds of panes, all of it had more room than most homes did. Against the wall lay a flush screen, the controls for the artificial gravity machine “be ready, the first time with those weights coupled with the machine could tear your arms out of their socket” Hachi smiled, keeping a half joking tone “but Raphael is just a few moments away just in case”

With his subtle words of warning, Hachi hit a few symbols on the screen, immediately sending a loud mechanical whirr through the room as the gravity machine kicked to life. The gravity itself would come on all at once as opposed to gradually, leaving anyone within the room with a bit of shock, and any too weak to withstand the weight would get severely injured. The daemon intended for Chaos to get used to the weights and gravity before any serious training would occur “don’t worry about either of our health or wellbeing… as long as it does not cause immediate death, Raphael can heal us as good as new”

ShinigamiDate: Monday, 2010-03-08, 0:26 AM | Message # 5
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Chaos would quickly enter the gravity training room, and stop in the dead center of the room to marvel at the use of the steel and ice. He would think to himself, I wonder if the ice was a good choice though, what would happen if the gravity cracked it at high pressure, but.. I guess that the people installing the thing considered all the possible issues and considered it safe. Then Chaos would pay attention to Hachi's new words, about being ready for the gravity and the potential dangers of its use, such as the arm being torn from its socket. With a slight nod to show he understood the dangers that could happen and then would ready himself for the pressure.

Closing his eyes, Chaos would clear his mind of all the unnecessarily thoughts he was currently having and would cross his arms, almost in a guard position, partly because it felt right, and partly because he wanted to see how much strain it would put on his arms to lift and maintain their position under the gravity. When the gravity was suddenly switched on with no gradual adjustment to the sudden weight Chaos would give a slight grunt and would stagger slightly as he instinctively shifted his stance to be slightly wider and lowering his center of gravity to regain his balance and position. Still it was not as bad as he had always been informed, he had always imagined a crushing weight that would bring a grown man to his knees, but this was not that, while there was a noticeable weight, it was as if someone was sitting on him or the air was thick, just that. He did notice that he was beginning to take shorter and faster breaths, and would take a few minutes to control his breath and heartbeat calming them until they were back to normal. Once he was finished checking his body's condition and returning it to normal he would open his eyes and start to move around at first just stretching his arms out and moving them up and down, then he would practice a few punches to fully understand his constraints with the gravity and weights, and then pretty soon he was moving around, even enough to try flipping his body, although he almost fell down the first time he tried.
"Well, seems nothing is damaged or restricted too horribly, so no need to get Raphael involved yet. Heh, so what next?" Chaos would reply.

Words:463+417= 880

I’ll chase you till the end of time. Ill change your fact to myth. To all four corners of the world, and even to the fifth. I do not fear my punishment, by karma or by jury. No tempered wit nor stroke of luck can save you from my fury.
KryeedDate: Monday, 2010-03-08, 1:08 AM | Message # 6
Less of a Noob
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The gravity kicked on, and Chaos seemed relatively calm shortly after the machine whirred, and Hachi felt only a small tug on his body from the gravity machine. The daemon looked to the monitor to check if it was actually at the selected gravity, though the counter claimed ten times gravity, he still had his doubts. As his newest recruit was familiarizing himself with the added gravity and weights, Hachi had turned to face him “I had hoped you would find yourself mobile and ready to spar in the gravity room, but that’s not why Raphael may need to be called in the near future…” the leader paused as he slid into a low and loose fighting stance.

It was going to be a straight forward training spar, Hachi would throw attacks for Chaos to dodge or counter, the difficulty would increase until the new recruit could no longer keep up. “we’ll be sparring, I’m not sure how extensive your prior training has been, but here… we train until you nearly have to crawl away, of exhaustion, not wounds”

ShinigamiDate: Monday, 2010-03-08, 1:46 AM | Message # 7
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"Understood" Chaos would reply as he entered into his own fighting stance, one that was somewhat similar to a kick boxers, limiting the amount of room that he had to be targeted and adding a slight bounce to his step as he prepared himself for Hachi's first attack. There was no point in trying to land the first attack straight off in the battle, he felt that it was a better choice to observe his opponent and understand how they fight before coming up with a plan of attack. What kind of attack would he face? What kind of style did Hachi use? What would this training session's first lesson be? These questions of Chaos would fill his mind before he discarded them see for himself what he would face and learn.

words: 880 +132=1012

I’ll chase you till the end of time. Ill change your fact to myth. To all four corners of the world, and even to the fifth. I do not fear my punishment, by karma or by jury. No tempered wit nor stroke of luck can save you from my fury.
Kyrt_RyderDate: Monday, 2010-03-08, 1:56 AM | Message # 8
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Un-weighted, Ryder ran into the gravity chamber, slowing only slightly when he hit the gravity. "Hachi!" He called out, waving some odd metalic object, which on close inspection would bear a striking resemblance to a spring, though the steel was extremely thick, thick enough Ryder would in-fact be hard pressed to compress or extend it with all the force he could bring to bear. "The mechanic guys told me they slipped up and forgot a piece. Without it the gravity compressor can't generate any significant changes, 1.5 or so at best they said. Don't look at me like that they told me out to do it, it's easy." He laughed, playful whenever he was able, though of late circumstances were forcing him into more and more responsibility.

"Let's see..." he murmured, kneeling at the equipment. After a moment's study, he found the spot the spring was needed, working it into place and yanking his hand back as it caught, compressing as the gravity shot up, more than six times as strong as it had been only a moment earlier. "OWWWWWW!!!!" He shouted, holding his fingers with his free hand, before grinning and pulling it away to reveal he was unharmed. "Good luck with your training Chaos, I'll be watching from the observation deck with Raphael." He called, striding smoothly out of the chamber, exerting a fair amount of effort to appear unburdened despite his lack of weights. He didn't want to think of how the gravity jump must have felt to the poor new guy in Hachi's weights.

OOC: fixed the gravity machine, went to join Raphael on the observation deck.

ShinigamiDate: Monday, 2010-03-08, 3:13 AM | Message # 9
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Chaos was all prepared to begin the attack when Ryder came bursting in talking about a missing spring in the gravity machine, that blew his focus. "I had thought that thing was working fine.." chaos would speak as he thought There is going to be even more weight? Crap! As Ryder finished fixing the machine he would instinctively shift his stance again to adjust to the gravity as the weights he was wearing almost made him collapse from the sudden increase in weight. Yet remarkably he would quickly straighten back up, even if it took a great effort to do so. Once he was fully straightened again he would once again concentrate on his breathing as he waited for his body to adjust to the full amount of the gravity. Finally after a few minutes he would reenter his fighting stance and nod his agreement to continue.

words: 1012+147=1159

I’ll chase you till the end of time. Ill change your fact to myth. To all four corners of the world, and even to the fifth. I do not fear my punishment, by karma or by jury. No tempered wit nor stroke of luck can save you from my fury.
KryeedDate: Monday, 2010-03-08, 4:10 AM | Message # 10
Less of a Noob
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“As Ryder said, we have people learning what they can from watching” Hachi explained as soon as he was able, the increase in gravity causing him to flex his muscles and let himself get acclimated. When the recruit was ready for their spar, the daemon lunged forward and shot a powerful punch at Chaos’ head, testing the waters. “I need to know a number of things to keep on file… goals, race, and build statistics” Hachi said almost casually before explaining “ any goals that don’t go against the group’s own will be aided in any way we can, the race and build are just statistic information, different races have different habits, cultures, climate preferences and the like”
ShinigamiDate: Monday, 2010-03-08, 5:27 AM | Message # 11
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As the attack was thrown out at him, Chaos would try to deflect the punch, ducking his head down and to the side as his one arm moved to lift and push the punching arm up out of the way, letting it pass over his shoulder. At the same time however Chaos would step into the attack and use his free, non defending hand to strike back, using hachi's forward motion to increase the impact of the attempted body blow that had his own forward momentum along with the weights he was wearing, before he attempted to step out of range of a counterattack. This was a spar, and while he would want to still get a better idea of the fighting before he just jumped into a full attack, there was no point in just letting all the attacks be one-sided, if he saw an opening, he would take it.

words: 1159 +152=1311

I’ll chase you till the end of time. Ill change your fact to myth. To all four corners of the world, and even to the fifth. I do not fear my punishment, by karma or by jury. No tempered wit nor stroke of luck can save you from my fury.
KryeedDate: Monday, 2010-03-08, 5:53 AM | Message # 12
Less of a Noob
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The man was quick, at least for the first strike, and Hachi found himself hit. With the weights, the punch carried some power, but now it was time for the daemon to give Chaos a workout and a test. The arm was extended and prone, the gap was closed and Hachi took firm grasp of the recruit’s wrist and send a strong kick at knee height for a trip.

Hachi noticed Chaos didn’t reply to the question of build, race, or goals, which was alright, but he fully intended for the race and build to be logged accurately, even if it meant bloodwork.

ShinigamiDate: Monday, 2010-03-08, 9:45 PM | Message # 13
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Chaos' quickly saw that he had only a limited number of moves in the quick span of seconds before the trip took place, he took up an idea and went with it. using his captured arm to grasp a hold of Hachi's arm and wrist, he would fall backwards into a roll, it was clear he was probably going to hit the ground anyway, might as well be at his own choosing. As he fell backwards his legs would coil as close as possible and then fully extend in an attempt to drive it into Hachi's stomach and flip him, as he continued to roll back onto his feet and spin around to the place Hachi should land if the technique was successful.

words: 1311 +123= 1434

I’ll chase you till the end of time. Ill change your fact to myth. To all four corners of the world, and even to the fifth. I do not fear my punishment, by karma or by jury. No tempered wit nor stroke of luck can save you from my fury.
KryeedDate: Tuesday, 2010-03-09, 1:40 AM | Message # 14
Less of a Noob
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With the trip, they both toppled, Hachi directly on course to fall on the recruit. Knees drawn up, ready to push back, the recruit Chaos would find the daemon leader was easily twice his own weight. The gravity chamber had augmented their weight ten fold and was an extra one thousand four hundred pounds coming down while Chaos was working against the super weights he wore.

Though there was a bit of lag between the wind up and the actual attack, enough for Hachi to get a good shot in and to give Chaos an idea of what he was capable of. With the upward force only starting, the daemon was able to loose a near point blank ice blast at the shoulder and upper side of the chest before being kicked back and away. Through the air, rather than land harshly and probably hurt himself in the process, he lessened the impact significantly with his Ki as if for flight, the tactic wouldn’t be noticed.

ShinigamiDate: Tuesday, 2010-03-09, 3:11 AM | Message # 15
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"Ah! what the hell?" Chaos would shout as a bitting cold struck him in the shoulder and part of his chest. for the most part his plan had worked, although Hachi was much heavier then he first expected, so his kick was rather slow to be performed. then Hachi did something that caused actually ice to form on his body, not enough to freeze him to the ground luckily but it was proving to be a problem, so instead of pressing the attack Chaos would remove the ice that was forming on his body, figuring the throw would give him a few minutes to do so.

words: 1434 +106=1540

I’ll chase you till the end of time. Ill change your fact to myth. To all four corners of the world, and even to the fifth. I do not fear my punishment, by karma or by jury. No tempered wit nor stroke of luck can save you from my fury.
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