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The first great con of Icer
KryeedDate: Thursday, 2010-02-18, 0:59 AM | Message # 1
Less of a Noob
Group: Users
Messages: 125
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Status: Offline
OOC: my meds end in like an hour


A heist, such a simple idea had to be executed properly so it wasn’t directly connected with him and to make sure no one else lived at the end of such an event. Hachi had thought about the plan during his time meditating for his sensing training and found the best course of action was to use the fresh faced Changelings and daemons who decided to seek him out. Names were not important to him as he gathered the small group of warriors to the main hall for the briefing, making everything sound like such a simple task and leaving out any mention of their death “Daemon and changeling alike, we All wish to have money and yet most avenues are closed to us or offer very little in what we demand, so I’ve decided you shall go to the major cities and find the noble houses…Take as much as you can back here” Hachi walked along the line of them slowly, watching each one with a keen eye.
“You need not kill anyone on your mission, however if you feel it necessary you may slaughter the entire city” the daemon spoke with an almost happy tone “you are to bring back every single zenni you retrieve back here to be divided evenly amongst yourselves, if you catch one of your fellow pupils stealing, kill them…they are stealing from you all” he looked to them “however many come back will be that many I shall train to use ice as a form of fighting like I use myself…I hope to see you all back here when the job is finished…however those who steal from their comrades and their teacher should not be rewarded”
The speech helped the group feel confident in their mission, the more selfish ones plotting to kill their comrades once the heist was over in order to share a larger cut of the profit, some would even go as far as killing Hachi if they didn’t desire the ice manipulation so blindly. When they had readied themselves, the group departed from the frozen palace, a group of eight changelings and four daemons to take on a number of private guards and the planetary police. Under the guise of ‘covering more ground’ and ‘getting the job done quicker’ three Changelings and a daemon made a secret deal, each one would lead a team, and once the money was in their position, leave the rest to die so that the riches would only be split in five rather than in thirteen.
The first team, led by a rather rash changeling who called himself Vertigo, was headed straight for the underground district of the city where wealthy weapon dealers did their business. The second team lead by a rather lithe Changeling who was always called stretch was in charge of the second team, heading into the gambling district in order to bash through the machines and collect their cash that way. The third team, led by the daemon named Vespa had chosen to loot the jewelry stores located across the central market district, driven by her love of diamonds. The fourth team lead by a shady changeling who only used the nickname X was headed straight for the nobles district where he intended to take money directly from the noble homes.
As Hachi’s pupils did their shady work, stirring up the entire city, the daemon’s true plan began to take shape. Hachi was sneaky, and had made his way through the poorer and middle income housing, stealing the equivalent of nickels and dimes while everyone was worried about the immense valuables that were being quickly drained from the city. The tricky daemon knew there was no way to pull a heist worth millions of zenni then just being able to hide in the shadows on the planet, no, Hachi intended his ‘pupils’ die in a grand spectacle which let him pocket easy money and go away completely undetected.
Vertigo met heavy resistance after killing a handful of guards, when his hands were on the money, he let the group die in a rain of energy fire from angry arms dealers. The weapon fire and the loud cursing of robbers alerted the city’s police, leaving Vertigo to deal with things alone. Unlike an intelligent criminal, the changeling didn’t think he would get a bargain if he ratted Hachi out, but rather believed he should run as fast as possible from both the police and the arms dealers. The police were after Vertigo and were gaining on his tail when another call went out, this time with more urgency.
Stretch and his small band of warriors began breaking through the slot machines and every other thing that held money, the private guards of the casino’s falling to the bandits after some trouble, but now the police force was on their tail, quickly taking out two of the three who helped Stretch commit the crimes. Things were going just how Hachi had hoped, each one of his four deviant pupils led the others astray and now the police force of the city would be too spread thin to have anything to do with any possible pick pocket, not with casino robberies, jewelry robberies, arms dealer wars, and nobles being attacked.
The two other pupils were caught almost simultaneously, three of the four noble targeting pupils were alive after the waves of private body guards when the police force arrived, leaving the endangered X and his two remaining comrades to flee for their lives. Vespa and her small ragtag group found very little resistance and thought they were going to walk away completely unscathed and rich when a sizable force of policemen had crowded their location, putting the group in a sink or swim situation, with the odds looking bad for the looters. As the police force was stretched so thin, Hachi was slowly piling the money in his pockets, a respectable amount that any other fairly well paid bounty hunter would get and it wouldn’t draw suspicions onto him as he walked through the streets casually, watching in fake awe as the police speeders went by.
When Hachi had finished his looting, he had stuck around the city to make sure his loose ends were tied up, to make sure no one could squeal on his identity and make him pay for the situation he caused. Vertigo died in a blaze of gunfire not far from the central district, leaving the police force to double up on stretch and his casino looting comrades, forcing a snowball effect on poor X and his men, but surprisingly Vespa was the last one standing before the police could get to her. Vespa was beaten and worn, clinging tightly to her bag full of jewelry when she noticed Hachi, about to say something and give away the situation as she sprinted forward to explain things.
Hachi had to think quickly before she alerted everyone around to his identity and the police to who he might be and how he was connected with the outburst of crime. He yelled out and kicked her “keep back you crook!” quickly gripping her neck so she couldn’t breathe and thankfully speak as the police arrived. Without a word, Hachi squeezed hard enough to snap her neck and started to breathe heavy “Oficers…” he made a distasteful look when glancing to her “she lunged for me…im..sorry, I didn’t think I had a strong grip on her neck till..” he cleared his throat and looked to the woman as the police officers shrugged it off saying she would have ran and died anyway and for him to go on home.
With those words Hachi quickly ran back ‘home’ it seemed down to the poorer section of the city. When no one was watching him, the daemon took off with a grin, counting the money he had gained on his long flight back to his home, making out very well at two and a half thousand zenni for doing next to nothing, but feeling his need to rest in his sauna anyway.

OOC: 1,338 wordsX2 gives me the max cash out of 2,500 zenni
1,338 words X1.25 for the sauna ness. 1,673 pl gained

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