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Demonic traits revealed
KryeedDate: Thursday, 2010-02-18, 1:06 AM | Message # 1
Less of a Noob
Group: Users
Messages: 125
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The very planet was vibrant with evil energy down to its core, this evil resonated with Hachi’s daemonic blood to let him thrive. The planet icer served as a large training ground for the daemon, every action he took on tainted land brought him more power than almost any other place, the ice and wind were opponents in themselves and just surviving was training all its own. Within the ice walls of his new castle, Hachi prepared himself for war, but more than war he was preparing himself to manipulate others. At base, Hachi didn’t intend to train to be undefeatable, but to offer a number of unique skills to lure those who spent their life to become the strongest, and use their talents for his own needs.
Within every demon is a savage beast, Hachi was no different in that regard but strayed from the bloodthirsty path by rejecting its use. Hachi felt his savage beast would overwhelm him and cause him to become little more than a bloodthirsty wolf, something that he had seen many times in hell, something he hated with a passion. Even with all his hatred about the inner beast inside him but knew it was more than some savage transformation, it was a gateway for more transformations, forms which held both intelligence and terrifying power.
With every daemon, their forms varied greatly and their skills did as well, for Hachi it rested on his ability to deceive and his ability to manipulate others. The only reason Hachi trained as hard as he did was so he could fight for his life and prove to possible allies that he could hold his own and the thing he had to train himself more most was endurance. Icer was the planet for him to endure, to train in the flesh rending winds and the soul numbing snow of Icer’s polar cap.
“Everyone back in hell…” Hachi mumbled under his breath as he punched at the air, smirking “will be waiting for the day I die…to make me pay for what I did”. The daemon sent a number of icy blasts into the tundra, relishing in the torment he put the people in hell through. While Hachi lived in hell, he had conned a number of daemon to work under him or work for him, every time he made it so they either came out worse for it or dead, without him being connected to the situation at all, getting away scot free.
The fateful night in which Hachi escaped hell and found himself on the planet Icer had been a true mark of Hachi’s devious nature and of his skills; The event that night was supposed to be a raid on a rather aggressive band of daemon, but Hachi knew their power easily outmatched the ragtag group of hopefuls he had assembled for the job and fed them misinformation to trick this bloodthirsty band. Rather than tell his comrades where he would really be, he had noted he would be in the company of his ‘friends’ and family, this information fell into the hands of the bloodthirsty warriors who Hachi targeted and with their superior numbers and strength, stormed the small village.
In the rush, they had left unguarded the one object Hachi wanted, a small gem which would let him loose into the world of the living, but he attained it only by sacrificing those who saw him grow and who had protected him in infancy to adulthood…Their blood stained Hachi’s hands solely. Once Hachi had been transported to the living realm, and the gem destroyed on its use, he could only count what he did in hell as a true triumph, for the general motto of a daemon was to look out for number one to the point of selling their own parents out, and hachi did just that.
By definition, Hachi was a psychopath; complete lack of guilt, morality or empathy, he used to lie for no reason, but had trained himself to lie only when necessary even if it meant having a long pause. Everything Hachi did was to serve him, and he intended to use any means necessary to meet his goals, using charm, intimidation, blackmail, even sex if he had to. The major drawback to such a self-absorbed mentality was he could naturally only affect emotions, rather than feel them, and during the younger years of his life, made him seem socially awkward or disturbed even to the other daemons.
The icy cold and the powerful winds attacked Hachi more and more, but the daemon held his ground and continued to train by throwing attack after attack into the white abyss in front of him. There was something deep within Hachi, something apart and alien from the cold and calculating warrior he was, apart from the psychopath. With an adamant subconscious block, this lurking thing became dormant for over a hundred and fifty years, but now came beating against its restraints like a wild beast, to manifest as talent for the cunning daemon.
The thing that singled Hachi out as a daemon rested solely on his ability to tear from his body a bone weapon, and being that, he had never on icer pulled from his body the mark of a daemon but rather let it circulate as a rumor with no basis. With no one around to witness the deed, Hachi called forth his bone weapon, willing it first into a blade. At first the weapon seemed conventional of the other daemon he knew, however when he slashed the air with it, he felt a change in it, the weapon he possessed was of far greater quality than other bone weapons he created before, and rivaled well known weapons as well he was sure.
And so, Hachi experimented with his ability, capable of bringing it forth as almost any manner of blade and cudgel, but he also found with concentration he could either create a bone gun or a space on his body where a bone bullet could pass, being the first daemon to be capable of such a feat. The training session with his newfound power was cut short by a voice not buffered by the wind “bravo little Hachi, bravo!”
A figure in the flurry of snow, too far to be identified and certainly too far to be heard so clearly, Hachi immediately leveled his palm with the bone bullets at the ready “Are you looking for a job? A favor?” the daemon called out like it were another normal visit, but got a rather odd response of cackling, the laughing of a disturbed man. “No, Hachi, you’ll need my help from here on out, you’ll be stuck with me forever more so you better deal with it” the voice almost mocked, still not showing its visage.
The lecture came quickly, this figure spoke in a casual tone “you see…you’re a little off kid, you can’t really feel emotions consciously, and you don’t have a passion…that’s what I’m here for” the figure stepped closer, seemingly shrouded completely in a gray mist “think of me as your…conscience. Also I’ll be giving you a helping hand…lending you skills such as that cute little bone trick you just stumbled on” the figure chuckled coldly.
The creature before him created a cage of ice with a darkness contained within followed by the explanation “think of this as your body” tapping the cage “within your body, you set a block on this little critter here” he pointed to the darkness within “this little critter is your key to power and your key to surviving. Just let your resistance go and let the beast out when the time is right….don’t worry if you lose yourself to it for a while, it’ll just flail around and calm down soon enough” the figure laughed and broke the cage, the darkness forming a muscular form before dissipating “you’ll find a way to calm it soon enough….after that you’ll hit another plateau which offers better control, and lastly…after you suffer the fate your deserve, you’ll be granted a form few daemon ever get to achieve”
The figure continued to explain things to Hachi, logically and somehow remaining completely anonymous to his pupil. When the day passed slowly into night, the daemon was followed by the unknown man, seemingly without rest, the man kept by without a solid presence and making Hachi wonder if he was going insane, to keep his mind off of it, he went to rest in the sauna.

OOC: 1,423 words X1.25 for sauna and X1.5 for the weights 2,669 pl gained

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