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Enter Dodoria { Demon Power }
That_Brazilian_GuyDate: Friday, 2010-02-19, 3:45 PM | Message # 1
Less of a Noob
Group: Administrators
Messages: 168
Reputation: 2
Status: Offline

What’s the best way, the best word to describe a demon? Just one word, I would say formless. Demons, in many cultures tend to assume the most various forms and display the most unique characteristics. Their uniqueness ceases in the point that all demons are evil and live for destruction. The demon on our story won’t away from this stereotype, though. At least partially, he sticks with it. In this story, I’ll speak first about Dodoria’s personality first, instead of his appearance. Dodoria is what you would call those mobs; thugs. He doesn’t really care about manners or refined speech. He is brash and very prone to anger attacks. He isn’t the type of guy you would want to see pissed off. However, in counterpart to all these bruiser characteristics, we have the fact that Dodoria is also an intelligent character { though his anger usually takes the best of him } . Dodoria is an evil character and lives around evil characters, in an even eviler world. It was the combination of his strength and brute personality allied to his intelligence that put him into his current position; one very good and very bad at the same time in that chaotic environment. And now I am going to talk a little about his life and day-to-day drama.

Segregation; Icer is a harsh planet to live on. After the changelings disappeared, demons started to gain more and more space in Icer and without an actual representant { before there was the changeling royal family } order was a word that certainly couldn’t be found in their dictionary. And then, there’s the fact that they are demons and love destruction and chaos. By segregation, I meant there is several groups of demons scattered all across Icer. And by very good and very bad position I mean that, like any group, it has to have a leader. And Dodoria was the leader of a particular group of demons. The contrast between the adjectives of the position of a leader is that on the good side you have followers, ready to do as you tell… and on the bad side you got rivals outside { and even inside } your social group wanting your head and position. It is a common thing for groups to fall apart, be assimilated or just eliminated eventually in the frozen planet.

Now lets talk a little bit more specifically about our character. Well… more mine than yours, but anyway… Dodoria is a rather big, pink skinned demon { his height is a hundred seventy nine centimeters or, in feet as some might be used to, five feet and eight inches } . He is a little overweight, comparing height and ideal weight { around a hundred and ten kilograms, or two hundred forty pound } . However, the reason behind it cannot be explained by things like hormonal problems, glandular or whatever scientific explanation you can think of. It isn’t psychological stuff like eating disorder either. Dodoria is just that way. Perhaps a scientific explanation such as “it’s his genes” can be applied here, in contradiction with what I said a couple of lines above. All this extra load gives Dodoria a few advantages though. First of all, Dodoria isn’t obese; he is only overweight, for reasons I think I made very clear here. He trains frequently { a person at his position, surrounded by the personalities that surround him, needs to be make sure no one in the group can surpass him / her, otherwise this person would have had his / her position seized and would be sent to the otherworld long in a matter of time } meaning a great deal of his body is composed of muscular mass, allowing Dodoria a nice strength and resistance advantage. Specially resistance. Dodoria’s skin is hard and allied with his increased body mass, it leaves him way less susceptible to damages and bruises. Even slicing / piercing seems to be more difficult than the usual. One thing I can also assure you that his increased muscle mass was never a really harming disadvantage. Having that increased mass is his characteristic; his special thing { No, I’m not saying it is his “charm”, please… } . He could have tried any sort of diet or those drugs we see on the television that make you lose infinite pounds in one week and it probably wouldn’t really have changed his condition that much. Thankfully, every body is intelligently made to adapt to its natural characteristics. Though he wasn’t the fastest being in the world, his weight didn’t become a final boundary to his agility, as soon, he would be able to get past that and become so proficient in throwing his weight around that many people would be impressed an a great deal of this many wouldn’t be able to do acrobatics as well as him does. This comes to be one of Dodoria’s most impressive traits, though real details on how he mastered his speed so well, I’ll leave to another story in the future. So yeah, Dodoria has the advantage of the brute force and apparently, not the disadvantage of being sluggish. And that comes to be his gift.

Even though I already matched my reasons to write all this, technically speaking, I’m going to proceed and tell you a little more about Dodoria’s characteristics, as explaining why a character is fat is really hard for me as I am far from being any sort of genetics expert. An other trait I should probably tell you about is Dodoria’s bone formation. He has these protruding saliencies on the top of his head and on each forearm that turn out to be a nice weapon { allied with his brute force, those can easily wreck someone } not to mention he shares many of the basic abilities the majority of the characters of this universe seem to have, such as the mastery of ki { though only a small percentage seem to truly understand it } . So yeah, in future stories, if you ever have doubts of how the hell Dodoria is able to move so fast, is so resistant, recognizably strong and is able to boom things just remember what was introduced in this agglomerate of words: He is like that because he is a demon and like any demon we know, he has a special thingie about him. And like any character of the Dragonball world, he knows how to use energy offensively, what is already headstart for the next story, in which I’ll try to explain Dodoria’s ability to push things away, blow things up and fly. Until then…

To be continued…
That_Brazilian_GuyDate: Friday, 2010-02-19, 3:48 PM | Message # 2
Less of a Noob
Group: Administrators
Messages: 168
Reputation: 2
Status: Offline
OOC: 1.118 words, +670 pl gained { Demon Advantage makes gains x1.2 } . Completed my Racial Quest { Demon Power; Fat } for Dodoria.
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