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Enter Frieza
That_Brazilian_GuyDate: Saturday, 2010-02-20, 5:06 PM | Message # 1
Less of a Noob
Group: Administrators
Messages: 168
Reputation: 2
Status: Offline

Every story has to start somewhere. This is where Frieza’s will start. My intention in this new story is introduce Frieza to you, though you probably heard of the character already and know things about him as well. But this Frieza I will be introducing you is far away from being any close to the Frieza you are used to. He isn’t powerful. He doesn’t have super cool techniques. And he doesn’t have a huge empire. The Frieza I will be introducing you here is a Frieza in the beginning of his story. I’ll try to explain to you from where he came from and how did he get where he is; the position his name is famous form; Lord Frieza, the galactic overlord.

Who is Frieza? Even though you know it pretty well, for matters of formalization, I will be writing down here some of his data. Frieza is a white and pink skinned alien from planet Icer; a member of the glorious changelings. Well, once glorious changelings. Nowadays { using this one story’s timeline } the changeling civilization is decadent, though it is actually in a better condition that it ends up as you will be able to see in the end of the story. Like many of his race, Frieza displays characteristics like a strong tail, horns and what seems to be some sort of natural armor. He also do not breathe gas oxygen and his body is totally suited for battle, with amazing levels of strength, agility and even more amazing levels of stamina and resistance. Frieza’s race is a warrior race. A true warrior race. If not the strongest, certainly one of the strongest of the known races to ever exist. A changeling’s power is so great that its own body limits it, so the changeling can manage the immense amount of energy they are born with. These limitations, these restraints, they come in the form of several transformations. When it is born and for a long time since then, a changeling isn’t able to use its full power. Their appearance is of a weak looking being, with a poor muscular build and far from intimidating presence. If you ever see a bulky changeling or one whose height is above a hundred and sixty centimeters, then this changeling has already gone through one of its restraints and is certainly a very powerful being, as even in their “weakened” form, the changelings display quite an impressive power. The more powerful the changelings become, the more forms it unlocks, with their appearance in each varying from changeling to changeling.

The strongest changeling alive is Cold. King Cold. Father of Frieza. Frieza’s family is recognized as the royal family. Through generations and generations, the family has been in the power, but King Cold’s legacy isn’t really well seem because, as I mentioned before already, the situation of the changeling folk isn’t very pretty at the moment. They are facing a serious decadence. The palace has suffered innumerous attacks from changelings wanting to seize the throne for themselves. If you read Dodoria’s story, you’ll see that the demons who prospered after the changelings were gone didn’t change this “cultural posture” of the planet’s inhabitants even in the most recent days. King Cold had to stray away { well… it’s an euphemism for kill } uncountable candidates to the throne. As they changelings grew in power over the ages they got even more greedy and power hungry; a very contributing and perhaps the main factor that triggered the decadence of the changeling race. In these days, they are what… hundreds… a thousand if much… not much more than that. Hopefully { for King Cold and the royal family } for sometime, the “king wannabes” gave up on their constant attempt to seize the throne after so many unsuccessful attempts leading to so many deaths. At one point, King cold was so pissed off that he blew up a part of the city, an event pretty much responsible to the great fall on the changeling population. Perhaps this event was also responsible for the withdrawal of the throne attackers.

But even at this period of tranquility { using the patterns of tranquility of Icer, of course… } the situation of the changeling’s civilization wasn’t getting any prettier. They are warriors, not barbarians, sure. They are intelligent. Sure. But not the scientific type. The changeling race isn’t one to breed researchers as scholars. They prefer to enslave others to do their dirty work, such as the planet’s fauna and whatever demon that they could catch near the limits of the city. Even changelings were used as slaves by the royal family { a warrior race being used as slave naturally will end up in discontentment, what explains the crescent number of attacks before the great cease } . And that means their people weren’t the mostly technologically advanced beings in the universe, though I want to reinforce that this doesn’t have anything to do with intelligence. It is merely a matter of laziness and commodity. That condition would though change in the near future. Like angels from the sky, something really good happened to the changeling civilization: visitors. Right next to the palace, this big ship came descending from the heavens and landed right next to the royal family’s home. I’m going to transcribe this event in words for you:

From inside the big flying metal container, something that King Cold nor any changeling has EVER seem in their entire life, very strange people came out. They all looked like the same; The changelings and not even I can tell you for sure whether they were using armors or whether that was their skin. They also wore these pink-white tunics with hoods. They were very… uncommon. Well, anything would be as for the changelings the world was resumed to Icer. King Cold himself ventured going the farthest up once, until he got off Icer’s atmosphere. All he saw was a vast darkness with several illuminated points everywhere. To his understanding, there was nothing else other than that white ice ball they lived in. Visitors that weren’t changelings or looked like demons was a certainly an intriguing thing and at the same time… annoying to King Cold. What would be their intentions in their planet. The iron people did say nothing; they grabbed some thingamajigs and started scanning through the terrain { literally }, while a few others of with a more respectable build { probably the soldier type } stared at the changelings reunited in the area { a lot; that wasn’t something that happened often… or ever } while this weird noise that you and I would recognize as beeping { though not the changelings as they didn’t really have high tech machinery } started to hit their eardrums. That was leaving King Cold a little nervous; specially being ignored. For about a minute they didn’t say anything and when they came close to King Cold with that strange iron box, his anger culminated. He slapped the iron box away which hit a wall, exploding.
– “Who the hell are you and what the hell are you doing in my territory?” – King Cold inquired. The poor being almost got slapped away with the machine. King Cold was very tall, much taller than any changeling in existence. He would measure probably something around fifteen to sixteen feet easily. The access of rage was followed by indistinct words in a robotized voice. Not to mention the guards who quickly drew their hands out of the concealment provided by their robes, revealing a strange glove with an opening in the distal part. You and I would recognize it as being a cannon. That left the changelings slightly alarmed, but the guards did nothing else… for now they wouldn’t at least. In the middle of those annoying robotized sounds, something came clearer { though still robotized } .
– “Hello” – The man-thing said in the changeling language.
– “Just a second, please… Synchronize your translators now… Mine recognized the native language” – He says again. Naturally, King Cold, nor his queen, nor his family, nor his people were understanding crap about what they were saying.
– “I’m sorry… where was I… Ah, right… I am the expedition leader Tekk { It’s a pun on “technology” if you didn’t get it }, representative of Arcose and the WTO. May I ask who you are.
– “I am King Cold and I demand explanations!” –
– “I just gave you” –
King Cold gritted his teeth; if there was something he couldn’t put up with was insolence. And for him, that was insolence as he was not used to hear something different than what he wanted to hear. He grabbed the little robo-man by the chest part of his robe and raised him up with one hand, staring deeply at the man’s eyes. Immediately the guards by the door of the ship reacted and shot the ground on the left and right of King Cold with their “gloves”. The small explosion raised snow and smoke and King Cold let go of the man, taking a step back. That left the changelings agitated and King Cold even less happy about his guests. Before the guards would do anything else, the little man raised his hand to them as telling them to stop.
– “I would advice you to not try that again. We have read your powers and even though it is quite impressive, it will do not good against our superior technology” –
Now the changelings and specially King Cold were rally startled. What the hell did he mean with read their power? They were bluffing of course. There couldn’t be such a thing. But in the other side, King Cold himself thought that couldn’t be other people other than those from Icer and he seemed to be wrong about that, so he thought twice.
– “What you mean you read our powers?” – He asked.
– “Our scouters… those devices in front of our eyes. They can read the energy inside a person’s body and tell the person’s battle power. That’s how we read your power level” –
They all were shocked. Something that tell an opponent’s level… with something like that it’s most likely that you would never lose a fight, knowing whether your opponent is weaker or stronger than you, in case they were really telling the truth.
– “If you don’t believe me I am going to prove you” – The man says, reaching the device in front of his eyes. After pressing a button, the beeping sound starts again as several numbers start to show up in the visor.
– “You are the strongest of your people, with a power level of twenty six thousands” – He says after brief seconds of analysis. King Cold was impressed. But deducing he was the most powerful wasn’t something that hard to come up with, as visually he was the most different { he was almost three times the size of a normal changeling } and was the most well clothed, which certainly any good observer would recognize as a sign of status. And status mean power. The Tekk person then proceeded.
– “Right after you, we have that woman right there” –
I haven’t said before, only mentioned her briefly, but yes. Changelings aren’t asexual like you may have always thought. They have females and Queen Artika is the best example of this. And she is exactly whom Tekk is talking about. He proceeded again:
– “Her power level is twenty three thousands” –
Now King Cold was startled. There were lots of stronger looking changelings in the crowd than Artika, not to mention a queen should never be expected to be a good martial artist… Perhaps there was some level of truth in this man’s word. King Cold didn’t say a word. A sweat drop showed up on his head as he was trying to digest the idea of such a technology. Now scanning the crowd, Tekk adds:
– “After you two, the strongest is that one over there, with a power level of eighteen thousands” – He says, pointing to a random changeling.
– “Is this enough for you or should I continue?” –
King Cold signed with his head that he didn’t need to.
– “Good. As to our company’s power level, if you are interested in knowing and I bet you are, Our soldiers have a power of fifty one thousands. Our Elite soldiers are at about twice as much power. And we have a hundred of them onboard. Not to mention our great pride is Captain Pewter { pun on “computer”, if you also didn’t get it }, with the an impressive power level above a hundred thousands!” – The arcosian leader explained. That gave even King Cold the shivers as technically, this Pewter person was about four times stronger than him. If he only knew that scouters register only the current power and not the maximum potential of a person, he would know that the difference between their powers wasn’t that big in the end… Anyway, Pewter was the first of the soldiers that the changeling king ‘s eyes made contact with; the figure with the more respectable look. If that was true, there was nothing much King Cold could do to stray those visitants away { you know what stray away means, don’t you? } and that worried him more than anything. Could the outsiders be that powerful? King Cold thought.
– “Here, I will let you see for yourself” – The arcosian took his scouter of his eyes and handed to King Cold. It was small for the changeling, but would serve for a test.
– “Put it on your ear so it can attach. Then press the first button on the top, on the side of the scouter once after you face the woman behind you” – Tekk instructed. After King Cold did as he said, the beeping started and numbers started to appear in the visor, until they fixed themselves at twenty six thousand… just like Tekk said Queen Artika’s power was.
– “Now press the button below the one you just pressed, turn to Captain Pewter over there and press the button at the top again” –
King Cold had this small fit of hesitation suddenly. He didn’t want to know the truth for a reason… but he proceeded and pressed the damn button. The numbers fixed at a hundred and six thousands. Irritated and startled, King Cold removed the scouter from his ear and threw it on the floor, causing it to explode.
– “And that’s the second machinery you break from us… I think I’m going to charge you for these damages” – Tekk said.
– “What do you want from me?” –
– “I landed right here because our ship’s super scouter detected a considerable source of power coming from this puny planet. I was going to learn information about you and your civilization through that machine you broke at first, so we could talk better. Thankfully, we have another in our ship, that was brought in case of an accident” –
– “Geez… You just can answer my damn question, do you? I’m asking you one last time as I don’t care about your power reading strange things our your iron clothes… What the hell you want here?” –
– “Cease the hostility. I just want to talk about business” –
– “What kind of business?” –
– “One that will be very interesting for you. Well, I will be able to make it that way after I make my research, so if you let me do it without breaking the machine again, we can talk and I’m sure you won’t regret it. Shall we?” –
King Cold thought for a while and then nodded, signalizing approval. He wanted to see what they were offering. Negotiating with extraicerial beings could perhaps restore the civilization’s prosperity.
– “Bring the other machine!” – Tekk yelled and other arcosians quickly came out of the ship, bringing the rectangular machine. Tekk activates the machine and it then sent a bright and strange trail of light into the arcosian’s eyes. All cultural information he needed about the planet and the being standing in front of him that little machine would be able to provide; special arcosian research technology.
– “Hmmm… Interesting… So only you and demons live on this planet, right? And you are in the middle of a socio-economical crisis right now, am I correct? I got a very good proposal for you” –
King Cold lifted an eyebrow. Angels do bring solutions and blessings in a moment of need… but they don’t look like robots and come into spaceships. Certainly that would come with a great price. King Cold wondered what would it be.
– “I will be honest with you… We came here with the intention of cleaning this planet for sale. The planet is isolated from pretty much anything else and there is lots of people who would pay for this snowy holiday paradise” – “
– “ “What the hell are you saying? You are here to kick us for our home planet??” – King Cold asked, pretty angered with such a “deal”.
– “But this is where the deal becomes interesting for you. Come work for the WTO. You will be given technology, will be provided proper housing and decadence won’t be a matter anymore” –
– “I’m not going to answer that until you explain what the hell is this WTO you keep talking about” – King Cold spat out, already prompt to a no despite what Tekk would say.
– “WTO refers to World Trade Organization. We started quite recently in the eastern quadrant and our main product is nothing else than planets. We clean planets and sell it to the highest bidder. Quite a lucrative market type, I dare to say” –
– “And what would we do in such a thing as that” –
– “You see, as I said already, we started quite recently. We have a decent amount of soldiers and weapons, but the more we can get is better for us. You changelings are quite an impressive race of warriors. The strongest we have seen so far in our travels, which already means a lot. When the super scouter on our ship revealed the average power level to us we became even more interested in Icer. To conclude, come clean planets for us, get paid… you, King Cold will be responsible for the whole changelings in the organization, meaning you have nothing to lose. You can stay here in this planet, decaying along with your society. It’s your call. Icer will be ours anyway” –
Now King Cold has up against a wall. The whole scouter thing really impressed here and dying a shameful quick battle in front of his family and subordinates would be more shameful than anything else. He decided to not accept the offer right away. He needed to think.
– “I’m not taking any decisions now… I need a day to think about your offer. I want to see this technology you are talking about too” –
– “Not that you are in any position of making any demands… but I will attend them. I’m going to request a fleet with some of the technology we offer for the races working for us. Armors, spacepods to cross the vast universe… and of course, the scouters” –
It will sound childish, but those scouters really amazed King Cold, like that toy you have never seem something like it, that you come across in a store. It was pretty much responsible for King Cold to ponder the idea and in the end, consent it and accept the deal as you will see.

Wow… such a long paragraph. The continuation of that night won’t be that long though. The arcosians were invited to the palace and the people were strayed away from the surrounding of the palace. King Cold would be alone with them. After long discussions where they got to know each other better, a bit of the hostility between them was broken. It seemed. Frieza found his father later at that night on his room with a big smile in his face. This is perhaps the most solid participation of Frieza in this story, even though this was supposed to be a story about him. I tend to divagate some times and run away from the focus I initially intended for something. This story ended up to be more about the changelings themselves than about Frieza specifically. Frieza’s story start years before this one, as he is a teen by the moments these events unfolded in Icer. Another curious thing I forgot to say about the changelings, which I’ll take the chance to talk about now that I touched on the Frieza age topic, is their life spam and growth. Due to not needing oxygen to survive, which is a toxic gas to all beings’ cells, oxidizing them accelerating the aging process, they have a way more extended period of life. They are not immortals, though, as we can see on the show itself; Frieza wanted the dragonballs to wish for immortality, which hints the fact that changelings do die. Changelings have an average lifespan ranging from a hundred and eighty years to two hundred, though some can live for even longer periods of life. In essence, that’s about twice as much as a normal human can live. They take one year to mature from baby to infant. Then five more years to become a teen and three more years to become a young adult. From that point on, Frieza’s stages of life tend to take longer to pass. The whole period of nine years old to sixty years old would be the same as a period of eighteen to thirty years old to a normal human. The sixty years old to a hundred years period for him is the thirty to fifty period to a common human { the age of eighty is their peak and physical condition and from that point on they start falling towards the third age slowly } . The following fifty years is the third age for changelings and above that, elder stage. In essence, in the first stages of life { from baby until they become young adults } , they mature twice as fast as the humans and in the following stages, they take twice as long to mature. Probably a mechanism of their body to become strong warriors early… and cease to be strong warriors really late.

So like I was saying, Frieza encountered his father, pretty happy about something.
“May I ask the reasons for that happiness, my father?”
King Cold was sat down near a table. His hands where united in front of his chest, fingers in between each other, with his thumbs pointed towards him. He was resting his chin over them while slightly bent forward, with his elbows resting over his thighs. His eyes slowly moved towards his son.
– “I am happy, my son, because I decided to accept our visitor’s offer” –
“What? Are you really intending to serve those… walking pieces of iron? Us, the great changelings, the great royal family, servants to other people? What made you reach such a decision, my father”
– “See, Frieza. I have my reasons for doing so” –
“I don’t doubt you… but what are these reasons, if you let me ask?”
– “My reasons are resumed to my plan… You know… Those scouter things. They really interest me. Specially because they will let me know the time to strike back” –
“Strike back?”
– “Exactly, my son. These arcosians do not look like the warrior type to me. At least, not like our kind. To offer such a deal… is because they want to keep us close as if they wanted, they could have already killed us all. That’s a theory of course. But I’m going to trust my intelligence as I always did. Something tells me that soon, this mathematical difference between our levels will dilute as a warrior race like ours is bound to surpass any other in this universe… And when the time comes, these little machines will let me know. So yeah… I’m taking a step back now, to take two steps ahead, pretty soon. After all… why limit ourselves to simple planet… when we can own the whole universe? –
“I see… That’s brilliant my father”
– “Indeed I am… Indeed” –
A small close up on King Cold’s smile. He wouldn’t be able to smile as well when his other son Cooler got to know about King Cold’s plans. Cooler was more radical and didn’t even want to hear the plans. King cold didn’t even bothered to explain when Cooler started with the whole “This is crap” and “Are you insane” and “That’s cowardice! We should serve no one!” . For now King Cold simply throw in the usual “Shut the hell up. I’m your father, your king and you are going to do as I say” . Later on, with a cooler head { no pun intended… or perhaps there is }, he would get to know the whole plan and understand his father’s reasons. Perhaps that is one of the things that aggravated King Cold’s liking much more towards Frieza than towards Cooler.

The events that succeeded that are to be left for a new chapter on the story. In the following day, a fleet loaded with armours and scouters arrived. King Cold sealed the contract with the arcosians and though some changelings were reluctant about the deal, after King Cold blew up a discontent changeling { remember the random changeling Tekk scanned with his scouter? The one with a power of eighteen thousands? He was the poor miserable } . No one complained about anything. The arcosians’ new recruited military party then was given their first mission and gadgets: loaded with armors { not like the arcosians; these were made of an elastic and yet resistant fiber… you may recognize them as the generic “saiyan armors” we see on the show } they were sent in parties leaded by one of the royal family’s member to clean Icer from the demons in there so they could put the planet on sale already. Later, they would know that they efforts were useless. Icer had this little thing they didn’t know and neither could really diagnosticate, what explains how demons prospered after the changelings left and also explains Frieza’s return to Icer about eleven years later. No matter how much demons they killed or how many times they did the whole cleaning in there. The atmosphere in Icer is so evil, so negative that it alone is enough for demons to spawn here and there from time to time. A couple of years after the departure of the changelings and the arcosians from Icer, the first buyers of the planet got attacked by a demon and killed. This came to the WTO’s “ears” knowledge and they stopped paying the parcel missing only one to finish the selling. After sending units to collect the money, they figured out what happened and with close inspection they figured out about the whole spawning thing and decided to let Icer be forgotten in the vastness of the universe as it would bring too much trouble anyway.

Well, this brings us to the end of this one chapter. I might tell you sometime more specifically about noticeable events such as the cleaning of Icer in the future and obviously, the seizure of the World Trade Organization by the royal family. And I promise I will write you a story more centered around Frieza as his participation in this chapter didn’t extend for much more than a couple of dozens of lines. Until then…

To be continued…
That_Brazilian_GuyDate: Saturday, 2010-02-20, 8:28 PM | Message # 2
Less of a Noob
Group: Administrators
Messages: 168
Reputation: 2
Status: Offline
OOC: 4.603 words for this one. +2.300 pl.
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