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Icer battle
KryeedDate: Thursday, 2010-02-18, 2:57 AM | Message # 1
Less of a Noob
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The powerful winds of Icer battering across the ice palace Hachi called home, the daemon was ready to accept pupils and prospects to come to his palace in search of something, he was playing a man of all trades, yet without anything proving his evil intentions, people could feel on evil deep within his intentions. Hachi was training just beyond the door, his training exercise made his home shudder with power and strikes against the solid foundation. People had spread rumors of a daemon which could make things happen, by means similar to a mafia don or a hitman, however his expertise ranged far beyond money and a single killed person, he also dealt in information, that he was over ten feet tall and took the form of a giant ogre, along with a thousand other conflicting stories.
JezDate: Thursday, 2010-02-18, 3:44 AM | Message # 2
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Ander found himself in an extremely cold place, ice covered every surface he could see and the planet gave off a strange light blueish tinge. Ander looked around his current location and found himself in a cave of rock and ice. He looked out to find that the sky was clouded over and these clouds looked more or less permanent. An an icy wind bit at his skin and the ice started to blister and burn his bare feet. The planet he came from was much much warmer than this place. He had just learned to meditate and, following the instructions of the elder, he let his mind wander away. It seems that his mind had actually left his body and been drawn to this place for what ever reason.
As cliché as this sounds, he also knew that he needed to find out why he was here, before he would be allowed to get back to his training. And so, he set off into the icy blizzard that lay just beyond the cave he was in.

After what felt like many days of stiff legged walking, but was really only hours, Ander came to the crest of a hill. The blizzard had let up about a mile ago and he could now see for about a half a mile circle around himself. He spied a palace, made completely of ice. It shimmered in the little bit of light that actually made it through the clouds. This was good... it meant that there was some form of life in this place, and maybe he would find what he was sent here to find inside that palace. He set off a bit faster than before, now that he had a real direction, and in very little time, he was at the giant stair case at the foot of the front door. Climbing up these stairs one a t a time, the Namekian felt the ground shudder, not only once, but at almost regular intervals. As if a very powerful person was at a black smith's forge, beating a piece of metal into the proper shape. This just piqued his curiosity and made him walk even faster. In no time at all, he was standing out the front of the massive double doors. Without even a slight pause, Ander knocked on the door. Three sharp knocks and waited patiently, shirtless with his arms crossed in front of his chest, for whatever owned this palace to come and let him in.

KryeedDate: Thursday, 2010-02-18, 4:02 AM | Message # 3
Less of a Noob
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Three sharp knocks and Hachi was alerted to a guest, something that was rather odd for the powerful blizzard that ravaged the landscape, no one would dare leave their homes to step into certain death. Swiftly, the daemon got to the door, pulling the left side back, causing the layer of ice that formed across it to shatter. The figure Hachi had met in the tundra stood beside him, constantly talking “who would be brave enough to find you in this weather” and in a flash he was gone, on the other side of the door laughing “maybe he’s here to kill you!” the figure cackled, but no one but Hachi could see him, and thanks to the constant bothering of the being, he quickly controlled his reactions towards the specter as not to seem ‘off’.

When the daemon opened the door, he saw a modestly clothed being of bright green skin and what seemed to be muscle mass on the outside of the skin in places. Hachi spoke calmly as if nothing were amiss, not the skin color, not the weather, and especially not the cackling spirit which seemed to haunt his mind just to torture him “only fools tempt fate off worlder” he opened the door wide enough for him to gain passage “are you like the others who come to see me? Do you need some favor, have you heard some rumor about me and have come to learn something, or maybe..” he looked to the green man with a smile “maybe you’ve come to kill me?”

JezDate: Thursday, 2010-02-18, 10:21 PM | Message # 4
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Before he replied, Ander took a second to control himself and stop his shivering. This man was already talking about a fight so he had to tread carefully. Usually he would run head first into a fight with a stranger, it was the best kind of training, but this time because he had no idea why he had been sent here and what he needed to accomplish. He did not want to kill this men, just to find out that he was to teach him something. Anyways in all stories like these the hero would not be able to go home after he learned his designated lesson. Oh how he hoped it was a fight though.
"Good evening... Sir" Ander paused not knowing what to call the man.
"I am Ander and I do not know why I have been sent, I just found myself here, and seeing as you seem to be the only living thing within, forever, I figured that it is you that i have been sent here for"
Ander made a move to walk in the door, through the gap between this strange man. Wondering what else was in this palace thing.
KryeedDate: Thursday, 2010-02-18, 10:38 PM | Message # 5
Less of a Noob
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Hachi glanced at the green man’s posture and listened for anything that told him anything about where the being came from or why. Ander’s form of speech, or at least his choice of words spoke loudly to the daemon, it seemed there was an air of confusion about his being in the tundra and the blizzard “well…if you have been sent by someone, or felt fate has pushed you through my doors” Hachi stated, with a slight smile and a good natured tone “I have no other option but accommodate you, and the blizzard outside only adds to your need” the tone seemed sincere but there was a hollowness to his words, as if he were only playing a gracious host, as if his words were scripted.
The daemon showed him through the many halls and rooms of his palace, everything seemed well crafted and large, but it was completely empty save the two warriors. “My name is Hachi if you wish to know, Ander” the daemon smiled with his back to the man “I mainly train those who wish to do things for me…once they pay off the necessary fee…in blood of course…” he looked back “I train them personally…but since you feel pushed here for some reason, may I suggest a few options to you? You can have a civilized fight, and we see if training was your purpose, you could have no fighting potential and have been favored enough to rest for the night, or we see if you’ve been chosen to take over my little operation here”
JezDate: Friday, 2010-02-19, 7:24 AM | Message # 6
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Ander thoroughly enjoyed his tour through the palace. He had never seen a place so massive, just to accommodate one single being. He had a little chuckle to himself when he saw that one of Hachi's smallest bathrooms was almost twice the size of his hut.
After their tour was over Hachi explained that he himself was a trainer of warriors, and that he required a blood bond before any training could begin. But he did not say that he would be training Ander, his words had a way of implying something more than simply just what the man appeared to be saying. But then he lay down three simple options, a fight, a room for the night, or to take over the ownership of the castle.
His eyes flashed with excitement as soon as he heard the word 'fight,' but he contained himself and, out of respect for the stranger, let him finish his sentence.
Before replying with his answer, the namekian took a few steps off to the side and he paused for a little bit of dramatic tension.
"Taking over the operation? That does not seem very desirable, especially when i do not even know what this 'operation' does." Ander said in a slow and confident voice, but still speaking softly, as if he did not feel the need to put effort into his words. They could speak for themselves.
"On the other hand, being trained by you does intrigue me quiet a lot. But then there is the small issue of the 'payment.' I am not sure you understand what you are really asking for."
Ander turned and looked back at Hachi.
"The dominate race on my planet," he gestured to himself, "just so happened to evolve from the plant life rather than the mammals. We have an evolved form of sap instead of blood."
He turned away once more and resumed, "But if we come to that, we can jump that hurdle later."
Taking a few steps forward and then turning suddenly and assuming a fighting stance, Ander threw off his cloak, leaving his scarf and pants.
He spoke once more, his voice filled with a little bit more energy, "Before I ask you to be my master and agree to any conditions, I need to make sure you are actually worth training under."
Standing very still and concentrating on his new opponent, "you can make the first move."

Message edited by Jez - Friday, 2010-02-19, 7:25 AM
KryeedDate: Friday, 2010-02-19, 6:28 PM | Message # 7
Less of a Noob
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‘Well now…a Hand to hand fighter’ Hachi thought, wanting to pull a distinct advantage from the beginning, however he was being second guessed by the specter which tormented him “what, you afraid the plant man’s going to send you back to hell?” it chided, standing beside him “lure him into a false sense of security and then if your options are exhausted, use your weapon” the thing said as if Hachi were stupid. The daemon ignored the figment and focused on the plant man Ander, simply charging a navy blue energy blast and letting it fly straight forward, an introductory attack that the daemon figured would only be dodged.
Should the blast miss Ander, it would hurdle through the long room and collide with the far wall, exposing the horrid blizzard outside, should the blast hit Ander, it would act only as a basic blast and no more; Hachi was reserving his freezing blasts for later in the battle where it could turn the tides in his favor.
JezDate: Friday, 2010-02-19, 11:07 PM | Message # 8
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Ander noticed something strange before the battle actually began. His opponent was to make the first move, but before Hachi properly focused on the fight, his eyes turned inwards for a split second and then he refocussed his attention on the namekian. That was a little bit strange but before he had a chance to muse over what reasons the being had for the strangeness, Hachi stepped up to the fight and threw a palm sized, energy ball at Ander.
The ball was not very strong, nor was it traveling at him at any real speed, but it was a starting attack none the less. This was the first test for each of them to gauge where the other person was at power wise.

Ander now had something to prove to Hachi, he needed to show the demon that he was not to be under estimated. Since he preferred close combat to any other type of fighting he quickly thought of a way to get in close before Hachi could react too much. When the energy ball had almost bridged half of the gap between the two warriors, Ander moved fast and threw his own ball of yellow energy at Hachi's blue one. Hoping they would collide in a puff of smoke.
But as soon as his energy ball left his right hand, Ander quickly stepped forward and attempted to run to his opponent, under the cover of the smoke left behind by the energy balls. Once there he would throw three basic punches, two to the body and one to the face. This was just to see what level of physical ability Hachi stood at.

Message edited by Jez - Friday, 2010-02-19, 11:09 PM
KryeedDate: Friday, 2010-02-19, 11:20 PM | Message # 9
Less of a Noob
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Things were going as expected for Hachi up until Ander had chosen to charge towards and negate the energy blast with his own, proving that his energy was at least on par with his own, and now the green skinned warrior was shrouded by the effects of the colliding energy. “oh ho, smart warrior that guy, better watch yourself Hachi, or else you’ll be dead” the specter hanging around the daemon mocked as Hachi scanned the smoke for any signs of movement.
A fraction of a second and Ander showed himself, close quarters and prepared, but Hachi reacted quickly. The first two strikes to the body were blocked easily enough, but he had been too slow to react to the third strike, and took the punch to the side of the face, causing him to skid back and bleed from the corner of his mouth. The specter cheered “damn! He’s fast, probably faster than you Hachi…and don’t try and bitch out and say you let him land that” but Hachi for the most part ignored him.
“So you like close range?” the daemon spoke calmly as he wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with a thumb, he knew trying to fight Ander in bare handed combat would put Hachi at a disadvantage, so he had to step it up. Hachi was the aggressor again, but when he pulled his arm back and punched, he did so a good three feet from his opponent, a tube of bone from his forearm protruded and rested against the top of his wrist, and from that shot a rifled bone needle.
JezDate: Saturday, 2010-02-20, 3:09 AM | Message # 10
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"What the crap???"
There was a moment's pause as Ander registered what had just happened and the shock subsided. He looked at his right hand and continued yelling.
Pulling him self back to his usual state of control the Namekian stood up straight once more, "I am terribly sorry, you will have to excuse my momentary lapse in control.. I've just never been... shot?? before in battle."

In his head he replayed what had just happened so that it would not be such a surprise next time.
It was all going to plan, his energy ball collided with his opponent's and created a cloud of smoke. He analysed that situation, the cloud of smoke was a little bit smaller than he expected, but there was nothing wrong with that scene. The next thing that happened was that the namekian pushed through the cloud and threw out three punches and in that flurry he managed to land a solid blow to the head.
Still nothing wrong.
The demon stepped back and was standing waay out of striking range, but he still threw a punch. His jaw dropped for a second as his mind showed him what looked like the head of an arrow coming out of the demon's extended fist. Here is where stuff went sideways as Ander instinctively raised his right hand to block the projectile.
It came soaring at his face, fast and his hand came up to meet it. The attack pierced right through the dead centre of his palm and the tip scraped a tiny gash into his cheek before coming to a halt halfway through his hand. Ander wondered what else his opponent could pull out during battle and he knew there was only one way to find out.
"Now that... was a COOL trick."
"I'm starting to see why students come to you for training"
Ander made it a point to control the pain coming out of his hand, it would come in very useful later on in the battle.
It was now his move and he knew that he needed to get in range again if he had any chance of winning this fight. While he searched for his opportunity he leapt up into the air and floated in a circle around his opponent, being very wary of any more projectiles. He shot three small energy balls at Hachi, hoping to lure him into making a move, or making a mistake.

Message edited by Jez - Saturday, 2010-02-20, 3:10 AM
KryeedDate: Saturday, 2010-02-20, 5:41 PM | Message # 11
Less of a Noob
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The green warrior acknowledged the attack and altered his strategy accordingly, after some humorous dialogue. Hachi knew now he had to choose the right moments to shoot if he were going to catch Ander with it, but rather than play the offensive this time, the daemon intended to test the waters more. The daemon took the same tactic Ander did when the energy blasts started flying, a simple collision of one was fine, but Hachi targeted and destroyed two, leaving him free to jump back and try to deliver an ice attack instead of rushing forward. The specter following Hachi and the fight was laughing all the while “should have pulled a bone sword out and wailed on him at close range, unarmed versus a bladed weapon…c’mon kid!” it laughed and swayed with the daemon as he prepared.
As soon as Hachi used the cover of the two, he was able to avoid the third and to send a powerful ice attack towards Ander’s location. The blast was formed quickly by orbiting shards of ice and snow to create what looked like a snarling wolf’s head, which if connected would bite into the green warrior and start to work its frigid effects. Should Ander dodge the attack however, it would make contact with a far wall, leaving a large formation of ice where it connected.
Hachi was wising up to Anders moves, as long as he tried to keep a bit of distance, he would have an advantage or at least even ground, he was also sure Ander couldn’t use this ice attack for a smoke screen like before. If attacks collided, it would have probably both stopped Anders attack and melt the ice.
JezDate: Sunday, 2010-02-21, 7:19 AM | Message # 12
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Ander saw Hachi narrowly dodge his third energy blast and throw forward an energy attack of his own. It was unlike most energy attacks however, starting off as a few shards and then those shards grew and joined up until there was now a wolf's head flying towards the namekian.
Ander's training in the past had stressed one main thing in battle, 'the element of surprise.' You have to do what the enemy least expects you to do to keep the upper hand in a fight. This philosophy comes even more into play when the fight is between to very evenly matched warriors such as the one going on at the moment.
He only had a little time to react before the wolf head clamped down on him so he moved fast but accurately.
Ander reached over to his right hand with his left, and in one quick movement, ripped the shard of bone out from his hand, making sure to pull it in the direction of his opponent.
This little detail was very important for after pulling the shard out, he let go of it and allowed the momentum to carry it a little way towards Hachi, before pushing his right hand forward once more and launching a kaiho into the back of the shard. Causing it to move faster than he could have thrown it straight into the open mouth of Hachi's wolf attack.
The shard caused a small hole to be punched through the wolf as it continued on it's path towards Hachi.
What Ander had not planned on was that the attack wouldn't even be phased by the hole that he caused and still keep coming at him as fast as before.
He attempted to move out of the way, even though he knew it was useless to even try to dodge it at this stage, and was not the least bit surprised to find the wolf clamp its jaws deep into his right fore arm. The effects of the ice attack began almost immediately. The cold numbed his muscles, rendering his bleeding right hand now completely useless. The ice from the attack started to spread from where it had bit him, coating the skin on his arm and growing up his skin towards his torso.
He realised that it wanted to completely engulf him and leave him frozen and defenseless for the next attack that was sent his way. Ander panicked, realising that if this happened, he would surely lose this fight and most likely be killed. Acting on pure adrenaline he grabbed the wrist of the 'infected' arm and yanked down on it as hard as possible, ripping the elbow out of the joint socket and tearing his arm off at the elbow joint. He screamed for a second at the sudden burst of pain but regained control of himself a moment later. He let his arm drop to the ground and watched it shatter on impact, for the ice had fully frozen it before it hit the floor.
His head re-assessed the battle. It was definitely a bad idea to continue on with only one arm, so he began concentrating his energy to regrow it as soon as possible. He just needed to do it as covertly as possible, the element of surprise would once more be his.
The namekian looked over to see what had happened to that shard of bone he shot back at his opponent, maybe he would not have to worry any more, maybe the shard had killed him...
KryeedDate: Sunday, 2010-02-21, 8:45 PM | Message # 13
Less of a Noob
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The namekian was very resourceful, using the shard of bone as his own weapon in hopes of negating the attack and to attack the opponent directly, but all was for naught. The ice attack was unscathed and Hachi brought his ‘gun’ arm up as a shield, though the attack was not stopped it lost a lot of momentum ricocheting off the tube and into his upper shoulder.
With one quick movement, Ander had earned Hachi’s respect. The green warrior had torn off his own arm in order to prevent further damage, meaning he was willing to do a great many things for the sake of hope. The effects were clear, and it seemed that Ander was trying something, though exactly what he wasn’t sure. “Taking the lesser of two evils…and at the loss of an arm” he motioned for Ander to take the attack, as a sign of respect for what he had just done.
JezDate: Sunday, 2010-02-21, 10:52 PM | Message # 14
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Hachi looked directly at the attack that was launched at him, through his own attack, and simply re-absorbed it, back into the arm that it came from. He floated a few meters up in the air, with one and a half arms. Given a little more time he would be able to grow it back and kick this humanoid's ass once and for all. He still had a few tricks up his sleeve, like his super stretchy limbs that would definitely get him in range next time.
But his opponent had other ideas. He apparently believed this fight to be over. That was ok, Ander had the knowledge that he could beat this man if he really needed to, but he did not believe in pointless killing.
"You fought well Hachi, until we meet again"
With that, the namekian flew off, back to his home to resume his training for when the saiyans attack.
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