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Transformations go Bye Bye
MaxDate: Wednesday, 2010-02-24, 2:39 AM | Message # 16
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I'm unsure how one would go about deleting messages ^^ Felt mine was better left just sent to the boss man himself.

Message edited by Max - Wednesday, 2010-02-24, 2:52 AM
JonDate: Wednesday, 2010-02-24, 10:10 AM | Message # 17
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Honestly... yeah, following cannon, I can see how this would be implemented... but game balance, which, imo, is FAR more important... well... yeah. Not so much. Its just too unfair, since no other race would have even the faintest chance against saiyans and changelings, once they transform <.<

So yeah... agreeing with everyone else on this.

Kyrt_RyderDate: Wednesday, 2010-02-24, 11:43 AM | Message # 18
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Having had a chance to sleep on the subject, I just wanted to point out that we're all upset with the way this affects game balance (and future member races I hope you understand. Almost nobody would become anything else under the current rules) more than anything (although some/many of us are somewhat upset with the reduced variety between the races).

Please understand that even though some comments may have been harsh, I know none of mine have been intended as attacks against your general judgement or capabilities as a manager, and I don't think any of the others were. Everybody screws up from time to time and needs to be brought back into line. It's not a reflection of your overall ability to lead Brazil Guy.

That_Brazilian_GuyDate: Wednesday, 2010-02-24, 11:43 AM | Message # 19
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Yeah, I'm not done yet. If my internet stopped being gay, I would have finished it all yesterday... I couldn't even do my updates yesterday.

Well, unbalanced. I don't see it that way, specially concerning what I'm going to do for the other races aside from aliens, changelings and SSJ 4. I spend sometime yesterday doing calculations for this until i get to those numbers... SSJ 4 max out at x50 like it was before. Changelings max out at x45, like we did before. The other racxes would max out at x30 or x35. I calculated everything to never go over a maximum of x1.5 higher than another race. All I did is have all races finish at x30 equally.

Anyway, about what I was intending to do was have the Power Awakening and The Evil Within boost Powered Up / Unlocked Potential boosts aside from the pl increase. In this end, it would be like this:

All races: Final trans at pl x40, str&spd x5
Changelings: Final trans at pl x45, strx5, spd x6
Saiyans: pl x50; str x7, spd x6.

Kyrt_RyderDate: Wednesday, 2010-02-24, 11:48 AM | Message # 20
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That looks a little cleaner Brazilian Guy. Still a 'bit' extreme, but at least SSJ4 is tail dependent, so that helps. (Not gonna lie though, I'm one of the ones who favored the variaty in everybody getting transes xD)

EDIT: Also, humans kind of get screwed again, unless you have something else in mind for them.

(Oh, and as long as your here I do have one final question, was it intentional for one of the human abilities to stop working once they hit 500 int?)

Message edited by Kyrt_Ryder - Wednesday, 2010-02-24, 11:49 AM
That_Brazilian_GuyDate: Wednesday, 2010-02-24, 11:55 AM | Message # 21
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50 / 40 = x1.25
50 / 45 = roughly x1.1
45 / 40 = roughty x1.1

See? Never goes over x1.5, the difference between the transes.

And saiyans, remember they gotta be a Pure Breed in order to become SSJ4, else they finish at SSJ 3 max, whose boost is x40... the same as all other races can be ^^

That_Brazilian_GuyDate: Wednesday, 2010-02-24, 11:58 AM | Message # 22
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I gotta apologize for the mess first, though... Things would surely not get such a big magnitude if I had posted the intended final boosts for all... but again... blame my stupid internet that for no reason, decides to disconnect repeatedly at night always...
Kyrt_RyderDate: Wednesday, 2010-02-24, 11:59 AM | Message # 23
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Yeah, it's fairly reasonable. Not ideal in my mind but I can tolerate it. (But remember, this is a free registration site. As many people as want to, and with the shifted power up status many more people will, become saiyans)

By having everything roughly equal you get a better distribution of races, I'm sure nobody wants this site to turn into a mostly saiyan rpg lol.

That_Brazilian_GuyDate: Wednesday, 2010-02-24, 12:00 PM | Message # 24
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And answering your question, Kyrt, if you meant the Learnign ability, yes. And that's human's prize for being so screwed up in power.

All races get 1 Learning Ability... Aliens reach 2. Humans are the only race that can get 3 learning abilities.

Kyrt_RyderDate: Wednesday, 2010-02-24, 12:02 PM | Message # 25
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Quote (That_Brazilian_Guy)
I gotta apologize for the mess first, though... Things would surely not get such a big magnitude if I had posted the intended final boosts for all... but again... blame my stupid internet that for no reason, decides to disconnect repeatedly at night always...

Totally understand B-G, heck last night my internet connection decided to pretend this site didn't exist for like an hour lol.

But yeah, this is a really big change, that probably would have been better handled by group discussion and coming to a concensus than an ambush-update.

(Also, am I the only one who thinks the changes to meditations makes them kind of... not worth doing at higher levels?)

That_Brazilian_GuyDate: Wednesday, 2010-02-24, 12:32 PM | Message # 26
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Wrong, they are not work doing in the beggining. Before the changes, all ppl did was leave their chars meditating for the month as the boost they got in 3 days of med was higher than if they trained for the same ammount of days. So I lowered the number of times and the meditation boosts and let meditations happen above 2 mil base pl., thoguh above 2 mil pl is only natural that they will suck. Yuo don't expecting reaching that mark and sitting back and do nothing and get lots and lots of power for that. Meditations are more meant as a way to give those membes who have to disappear for sometime a little boost so they don't get uberly stagnated behind anythign else.e. It isn't meant to be an easy way to become super powerful.
Kyrt_RyderDate: Wednesday, 2010-02-24, 12:42 PM | Message # 27
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I guess I have a different perspective on it.

Also, remember B-G, that as people become more powerful the value of their trainings skyrockets. What is 3 days for 1.3 times, when you could instead post for 100 times your wordcount, and apply a bunch of racial modifiers?

That_Brazilian_GuyDate: Wednesday, 2010-02-24, 12:58 PM | Message # 28
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And in response to some things brought up in this thread:

Customizations won't be disallowed. If you want to change descriptions of your appearance in the Powered Up / Unlocked Potential forms, you can do it.

And I didn't give Saiyan / Changelings a new transformation ability. For changelings, I weakened Henshin a little and put in the transformation progression. SSJ 4 is still their Racial Quest, with lower branches { the SSJ levels } below it. Thingsd were kept in the same proportions in that point, I believe.

So, to resume:
Final trans at x40 pl, x5 str / spd; Requires Power Awakening or The Evil Within Done. Unlock Potential is named Awakened Potential now.

Final trans at x45 pl, x5 str, x6 spd. When not transformed, are forced to fight at a maximum of 80% pl / str. Slow transformations { 1 form per post advance } . Last transformation require the Racial Move which can only be attained at 5.000.000 base pl to be able to control to full extent.

Final trans at x50 pl, x7 str and x5 spd. Needs tail, needs to be a pure breed, needs quests done for each of the SSJ levels and lose the capability of using one of their racial abilities { Saiyan Pride } while in this form.

In bold, i put the tradeoffs of each. I hope this sound better now for you all.

EnlightenedInsanityDate: Wednesday, 2010-02-24, 1:14 PM | Message # 29
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i actually have a question, because power awakening and the evil within are perminant pl increases that can be done by anyone, including changelings and saiyans, and neither says that they affect the awakened potential trans/ability. So I dont see how you get to a x40 pl and str/spd x5 result with that. Unless you're planning on changing them.

Kyrt_RyderDate: Wednesday, 2010-02-24, 1:17 PM | Message # 30
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Quote (EnlightenedInsanity)
i actually have a question, because power awakening and the evil within are perminant pl increases that can be done by anyone, including changelings and saiyans, and neither says that they affect the awakened potential trans/ability. So I dont see how you get to a x40 pl and str/spd x5 result with that. Unless you're planning on changing them.

From what I gather, he is planning to change them.

They're still going to grant the permanent increase (I think) but they'll also augment a character's power up ability (and while it still augment's a saiyan or changeling's power up, it would have no impact on their racial transes)


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