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KryeedDate: Thursday, 2010-03-11, 2:23 AM | Message # 1
Less of a Noob
Group: Users
Messages: 125
Reputation: 0
Status: Offline

Name: Fuhen
Race: Konat/ changeling/ android
Details: 5’11”; 130lbs; 26
Origins: Konat { Currently: Icer }
Alignment: neutral good
Personality: openly aggressive towards his cousin, smart ass towards others, but knows when to follow orders
Team: La Resurreccion
Health Rank: alive

Theme Song: a song that characterizes your character

Battle Statistics
Power Level: 300
-Strength: 240
-Speed: 240
-Intelligence: 10
-Sensing: 10

Real / BS battle Records: 0/0
-Wins: 0/0
-Draws: 0/0
-Losses: 0/0
-Kills: 0/0
-Deaths: 0/0

Upgrade: The ability to buy parts and upgrade yourself. See shop here.
Henshin: Changelings can shapeshift in various forms to increase their power. Changelings must transform in sequence { i.e: they cannot jump from their base form to their last form or from their second form to their last form } . They must do it periodically. However, as they do so, they heal about 50% of their lost energy { all limited uses moves regain 1 usage, with the exception of ultimate } . When going from the Third Form to True Form and only in that case, they will regain 100% lost energy and will get healed from any damage as well. The transformation is slow and takes a post to complete. The changeling's defenses will be x1.5 times higher while transforming, against anyone trying to attack him during the process, nullifying anything up to as strong. The transformations the changeling have will be listed below. Their pl boost vary with your lv: Can't be picked by Racial Trace
Conservative Form { Base Form } Second Form Third Form True Form
Lv 1 Pl & Str x0.8 Pl x1.5; Str x1.25 Pl x2; Str x1.5 Pl x3; Str x; spd x1.5
Lv 2 Pl & Str x0.8 Pl x2; Str x1.5 Pl x3; Str x2 Pl x4; Str x2; spd x2
Lv 3 Pl & Str x0.8 Pl x3; Str x2 Pl x4; Str x2; spd x1.5 Pl x5; Str x2.5; spd x2.5
Lv 4 Pl & Str x0.8 Pl x4; Str x2.5; spd x1.5 Pl x5; Str x2.5; spd x2 Pl x6; Str x3; spd x3
Lv 5 Pl & Str x0.8 Pl x5; Str x3.5; spd x1.5 Pl x6; Str x3; spd x3.5 Pl x7; Str x3.5; spd x3.5
Lv 6 Pl & Str x0.8 Pl x6; Str x3.5; spd x2.5 Pl 7; Str x4; spd x3 Pl x8; Str x4; spd x4
Spiritual Blade: When wielding a sword, may cause pl to go up by x1.3.

Legendary Sword: A special item given that only the greatest konat-jins wield. This sword is so powerful that it have uber piercing { x1.8 piercing / x1.5 slashing } and when the Spiritual Blade racial is on, the sword deals damage based off pl as well. A special effect can still be created for the sword. Only once per lifetime per character.
-Requirements: a 1.000 words story describing how you laid your handson this special artifact.

Mystic Powers: Spiritual Blade is now at pl x1.5. Can charge your body with one element as well and create a boostless custom lv 7 move to be used with your spiritual blade, based on that element. For the element, pick one from the listed below:
-Fire; Air, Water, Earth, Ice; Thunder; Negative Energy; Positive Energy
-Requirements: a 2.000 words story describing how you you learned your race's most powerful ability. Must have a base pl of at least 4 million.

Technique Name { Lv 1 }: your starting move
Technique Name { Lv 1 }: your lv 2 custom
Technique Name { Lv 1 }: your learning move
Technique Name { Lv 1 }: your lv 4 custom
Technique Name { Lv 1 }: your signature move
Technique Name { Lv 1 }: your lv 6 custom
Technique Name { Lv 1 }: your ultimate move

Quests: quests you completed
Sensei: trainers' moves you learned

Extra Uses: techniques you had the extra-uses through intelligence applied


I tems:
Transportation: { Upgrades: }

Life Story
Fuhen’s blood was not that of a pure Konat, his family tree on his mother side held the changeling taint. On the fathers side, it was a race of proud Konat warriors. The tainted line started with the grandfather and grandmother, the man was a changeling of a strong reputation in science, while the grandmother came from a legendary line of fierce swordsmen who were considered virtuoso with a blade even among the konat race. From the age of five to the age of eight, Fuhen and his cousin had been taught and trained on Konat under the stern and careful eye of their respective families, with their changeling grandfather keeping a cold calculating eye on them from afar.

At the age of eight, their grandfather appeared to them, offering in place of the traditional training grounds of Konat, the harsh lands of Icer to make real swordsmen out of them, noting not everyone followed chivalrous ways or held themselves to any kind of honor. Fuhen’s father agreed that the boy needed to become strong, and felt the young boy should know more about the only other culture in his bloodline, even if it was only a quarter of who he was. There was little training, rather than do what he promised, the elderly changeling that they called their grandfather had intended to use them for his twisted experiments and hoped to turn them into better warriors than nature could ever do.

On Fuhen, the old changeling grandfather had replaced the konat structures natural weak points, the joints, with metallic replacements to keep them strong. Constantly the bitter old man pushed Fuhen and his cousin to fight, to test the limits of both their skills and the metallic enhancements they received. On a number of occasions, Fuhen had lost and had to suffer serious revisions to his body and the tech within. The joints were no longer enough; it just created everything around it to become a ‘weak point’ and had to be made better than natural. All the mechanical revisions made to Fuhen’s body was meant to change and contort with the power fluxuation from transforming via henshin, allowing the mechanics to enhance and contort, even heal with the natural body. The bones were laced with cords of metal which made them naturally stronger, the tissues and muscles were aided with nanobots to rapidly repair and build dense muscles during rest, even the organs were aided through science.

The years piled on as the cycle continued itself, each one building on top of the other until at least he reached the pinnacle of the Konat race and the mechanical technology the elderly changeling had, making him no longer useful to Fuhen or his brother. After eighteen years of torture, having to fight his hated cousin and having to suffer through all the mechanical changes to his body, Fuhen and his cousin saw to it that the elderly man would make them suffer no more, and though he despised his cousin, he was the only one around he could even remotely depend on.

Message edited by Kryeed - Thursday, 2010-03-11, 2:50 AM
Hyuuga-NejiDate: Thursday, 2010-03-11, 5:12 PM | Message # 2
Less of a Noob
Group: Users
Messages: 158
Reputation: 0
Status: Offline
Bio's up but racials and what not must be posted on the permits board.
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