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Permits? For me? Epic ;)
MaxDate: Saturday, 2010-02-27, 8:59 PM | Message # 1
Uber Noob
Group: Users
Messages: 22
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Ok! First! Transformations! I need transformations ^^ And since you pretty much killed all the transformations i've been stuck for the last little while xD Came up with a solution to my problem though so i'm going to test it out here ^^

A little back story, basically i'm making Mirai Trunks, giving him a new name (Toran) and a slightly different past. (So someone else can also play Trunks if they wish to.) He is, and always was, going to be an alien.

Ok! To get this out of the way, here it is ^^ I wanted to get Spiritual blade for a learning move ^^

Learning Move: The alien creation can create a MOVE that is like a mini-form of a sig move. Does pl / stat x1.3 and counts as a lv 3 move.
~~ Spiritual Blade: When wielding a sword, may cause pl to go up by x1.3.

Now that thats done, we can move on to the transformations aspect ^^ Which to me is most imporant ^^

I've basically copied Henshin. The new Henshin thats on the OOC because i'm assuming thats what we're going to be using soon ^^ Otherwise i'll clearly edit these... anyway! xD

I've divided Henshin up into Positives and Negatives, Green and Red, take a look:

Henshin: Changelings can shapeshift in various forms to increase their power.

Changelings must transform in sequence { i.e: they cannot jump from their base form to their last form or from their second form to their last form } . They must do it periodically.

However, as they do so, they heal about 50% of their lost energy { all limited uses moves regain 1 usage, with the exception of ultimate } . When going from the Third Form to True Form and only in that case, they will regain 100% lost energy and will get healed from any damage as well.

The transformation is slow and takes a post to complete.

The changeling's defenses will be x1.5 times higher while transforming, against anyone trying to attack him during the process, nullifying anything up to as strong.
The transformations the changeling have will be listed below. Their pl boost vary with your lv: Can't be picked by Racial Trace

Woot! So! Basically i want... none of that, nothing in the Green or Red. I do want the Pl & Str x0.8 for the Base form. I think thats kind of nifty ^^ So thats one Negative point for me! happy 2nd point would be... i'm doing a mini quest for each transformation, 500, 750 and 1000 words ^^

Base Form
Pl & Str x0.8

Giji super saiyan: 500 word quest
Many have attempted to become a super saiyan before they where strong enough, the majority having failed, some however have found this strange form, the stage just before a super saiyan. Though due to the extreme circumstances generally surrounding the super saiyan transformation and the vast ki needed, this form is extremely wasteful and ineffective, giving the user momentary gain before burning them out. Toran however discovered a way around this fatal flaw and use this stage to its full potential. Instead of trying to push himself past this stage and to the super saiyan level, he supresses and focuses the vast amounts of Ki unlocked though this form, wasting very little, while gaining huge benefits.
Physical changes: Hair standing on end due to surging Ki. Gentle white aura with slight traces of gold.
Lv 1 - x1.5 pl; str x1.25
Lv 2 - x2 pl; str x1.5
Lv 3 - x3 pl; str x2
Lv 4 - x4 pl; str x2.5, spd x1.5
Lv 5 - x5 pl; str x3.5, spd x1.5
Lv 6 - x6 pl; str x3.5, spd x2.5

Full power super saiyan: 750 word quest
Toran has adopted a rather strange "Less is more" philosophy as demonstrated in his last transformation. Following this, He was able to unlock the full power of a super saiyan. Because he took a different approch to it, it took considerablly longer to obtain, though all in all easier to obtain as it did not require the normal emotional and mental stress. As such this form feels very natural to Toran, able to switch back and forth at will and due to the less conventional methods used
Physical changes: Teal eye color, Hair standing on end and turning gold, a glowing gold aura.
Lv 1 - x2 pl; strx1.5
Lv 2 - x3 pl; str x2
Lv 3 - x4 pl; str 2.5; spd x1.5
Lv 4 - x5 pl; str x3. spd x2
Lv 5 - x6 pl; str x3.5. spd x2.5
Lv 6 - x7pl; str x4, spd x3

Legendary status super saiyan: 1000 word quest
Having perviously proven that by forcing yourself to achieve a higher transformation is more often that not detrimental, causing more than one fatal flaw that if taken advantage of can prove deadly. Instead of trying to force into existance power that simply is not there, Toran uses his existing surplus of power. By modifying his Ki in a way that it becomes concentrated and dense, taking on a dark gold color and several times stronger than normal. Toran has developed a way to increase his natural power to levels beyond comprehension. Quality over quanity, with a balance of both,
Physical changes: Noticibly increased muscle mass. Solid gold aura. Several inches of hair growth, spikes become firm and take a solid gold color. Eyes turn a darker teal.
Lv 1 - x3 pl; str x1.5; spd x1.5
Lv 2 - x4 pl; str x2; spd x2
Lv 3 - x5 pl; str x2.5, spd x2.5
Lv 4 - x6 pl; str x3, spd x3
Lv 5 - x7 pl; str x3.5, spd x3.5
Lv 6 - x8 pl; str x4, spd x4

Now that you've read that, i wont be taking the changelings 5th form ^^ its cool yes, but overkill :P

All in all, i'm basically doing the awakened potential quest... without getting the perm pl x1.5... and i'm writing 750 more words than needed o.O i'm also taking a pretty big drop to my PL and Str... its more for the store and sheer awesomeness that i feel will come with the ability to transform ^^

I'll still have to do the Powered up quests, though only 6 of them and i'll be basing them on these transformations.

You might be wondering why i didnt just take the super saiyan transformation set? #1: I dont want to turn into a Giant monkey / a giant golden monkey :P #2: I dont want to turn into a fuzzy pink man :P I suppose i could have just not used those transformations, but then theres the whole tail thing and a host of other things i just didnt want to deal with ^^ Thus! I made my own thing yeps ^^

I'll post Techniques and the other Alien abilities later ^^

Oh, not sure if these transformations will count as a Racial ability like the Changelings, or a Racial Quest like the Saiyans o.O Either ways fine, just need to know what to categorize it as ^^

Thanks in advance! biggrin

That_Brazilian_GuyDate: Saturday, 2010-02-27, 9:31 PM | Message # 2
Less of a Noob
Group: Administrators
Messages: 168
Reputation: 2
Status: Offline
LM: Pl x1.3 for one attack. 5 times per battle =P

The transes, so you want a henshin with no 80% at base form, but to make up for that you're picking 1.000 words required for each form? Approved. cool

MaxDate: Saturday, 2010-02-27, 9:50 PM | Message # 3
Uber Noob
Group: Users
Messages: 22
Reputation: 0
Status: Offline
Uhhh... close enough i suppose o.O

Not exactly what i wrote down but i think i can make it work... o.O

Thanks ^^

RianoDate: Saturday, 2010-02-27, 10:16 PM | Message # 4
Less of a Noob
Group: Administrators
Messages: 140
Reputation: 1
Status: Offline
i'll approve what fellipe approved. More than originally intended but... they're one time things lol

and the learning move will be 5 times per battle

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