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The unique guest
KryeedDate: Wednesday, 2010-02-24, 7:12 PM | Message # 1
Less of a Noob
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Icer, a hellish wasteland of snow and ice, at the southern cap of the daemonic planet trained and rested Hachi. Some distance outside his ice palace, the cold hearted daemon exposed himself to the harsh, flesh rending winds and the soul numbing cold in order to train against nature itself, dressed only in sandals, loose ragged pants with flowing cloth bound around his waist. The daemon Hachi could be picked out of the white blizzard from quite a distance away, tanned skin and dark hair contrasting greatly in the sterile tundra.

Rumor had spread about a demon warrior offering work under him, the rewards being great but the risks were staggering, something that intrigued a number of Changelings. Notably, the best in many cities had taken on the tasks Hachi had for them, and most of them had died, but the ones that did survive came back with riches or anything else they could want, and because of that they didn’t call him evil nor good.

Hachi began to grow accustomed to Changelings and daemon finding their way to his home and asking for jobs they could do, and often trained just outside his palace in order to greet and converse with them. The idea was the meeting was a trial, to wait and casually deal with him while the natural cold seeped down to their bones, if the conversation finished before they got fed up with the cold, they would be given a job and if they did not finish, they were cast back.

OOC: 255

EhecatlDate: Wednesday, 2010-02-24, 7:33 PM | Message # 2
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The android known as Artificial Research and Exploration Unit Nine Nine Nine Six, or AREU fort short, walked in through the endless cold. He couldn’t see much beyond the sheet of snow in front of him as the torrential blizzard ran wild around him. The winds were cold, frosting over the android’s outer casing. He had to keep moving. Staying still could lead to his outer body frosting over to the point of incasing him in a tomb of frost. Luckily his internal body was still decently warm, protected from the bitter cold by his outer shell of a body, and the fact the machines and contraptions within him were in a constant state of motion, generating enough heat to keep the frost at bay.
Within a few hours of wandering the research android came across what appeared to be a palace. Or at least, the vague outline of a palace hidden behind the flurry of snow and winds. “This must be it..” He said, walking up to the front door. With his superior physical strength, or at least superior to a standard human, he pushed against the large, frozen door. Almost immediately there was a loud CRACK as the icy shell began to break, and finally shatter. The door flew open, raining ice shards across the ground and on top of the android. AREU however, did not seem to notice the ice shards as they came down and shattered on his robotic body. His eyes looked around the room, scanning the place. He couldn’t sense energy signatures like some other beings, but he had decently sharp eyes. If the rumors were true, a powerful demon resided here. And AREU was interested in finding out who this demon truly was.

words: 290

I will not back
a step away
from that hoard-guardian.
We two shall end
as fate decrees.
KryeedDate: Wednesday, 2010-02-24, 7:35 PM | Message # 3
Less of a Noob
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The crack and scraping sound of the palace doors alerted Hachi immediately, normally people who wished to get a job from him were less direct. The daemon walked from his place a dozen feet from the palace door and stood behind the intruder and found the situation quite peculiar, the intruder was not changeling as near as he could tell, and he didn’t think it was likely he was a demon either, an off worlder was the most likely. With a calm tone, Hachi welcomed his guest “You know it’s common to knock before entering someone’s home…but if you’ve walked all the way out here, you must be looking for me” the daemon said with a small smile, making sure both of them were exposed to the harsh elements.

“I offer people jobs to do, offer people help when they need it, I take it you’ve some need of me?” Hachi folded his arms with a dark air about him, He spoke almost kindly and didn’t have a look one would associate with evil, but the odd look of comfort in the icy cold coupled with an odd undertone to his words marked him as morally gray.

OOC: 197

EhecatlDate: Wednesday, 2010-02-24, 7:39 PM | Message # 4
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The research android looked over to the demon, his grayish green face void of emotion. Reaching up, AREU fixes his glasses so they sat on his face more comfortably. Although its true, AREU could not feel the glasses on his face, he still had a compulsion to make sure they were properly placed. “I apologies for the door. It was incased in a sheet of ice. The process of knocking would not have made a sound loud enough to notice, so I decided it would be more beneficial to simply enter.” He replied, his voice basic and monotone. Not even the slightest deviance in tone. “I am here to observe you. I have no need of a favor.” A cold breeze rushed through the room, carrying with it a flurry of snow and blowing the android’s white lab coat behind him, almost like a cape flowing in the wind. As the cold came in, AREU crossed his arms, but not from the cold. It was almost like he was becoming bored with the conversation, though his face did not show it. The cold air didn’t seem to affect the android at all, and the fact he wasn’t giving off any energy signature at all should give away some evidence as to what he really was.
words: 215

I will not back
a step away
from that hoard-guardian.
We two shall end
as fate decrees.
KryeedDate: Wednesday, 2010-02-24, 7:39 PM | Message # 5
Less of a Noob
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“you’re a first, I’ll give you that” the daemon said offhandedly as he motioned inside shortly before walking in. Hachi looked around “you should know though, this entire castle is ice” stating casually before leading the android around the lengthy halls of the castle, along the way they went by a room made specifically for a child, and on the bed rested a frozen solid Changeling child with a look of sleeping. “Unfortunately” The daemon paused and glanced at the androids attire “doctor, sheltering you from the elements and allowing you to observe me would count as a favor” Hachi’s arms pressed against his lower back, forearms touching “unless you’re willing to do something for me, the door is very hard to miss…if you are willing, however, you may take a quick reprieve from the blizzard and trek to the city once more, but return with a changelings head. I don’t care how you get it, just return with it and you’re free to observe and stay as long as you want”
Hachi didn’t wait for an answer but rather led him to a narrow hallway, to his right was the sauna and to his left was seemingly a nondescript wall until Hachi called forth his ice manipulation to carve a doorway into the white abyss of the blizzard.

OOC: 219

EhecatlDate: Wednesday, 2010-02-24, 7:40 PM | Message # 6
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The android followed Hachi through the frozen fortress. Examining the arctic architecture. The frozen changeling child peeked the android’s curiosity, but he decided to keep quiet about that for now, as if was not entirely relevant to the situation at hand. Then the demon asked for a very strange thing. The head of a changeling. What possible use could the demon have with something like that? “Decapitation of a living creature is not possible.” He responded, his light green target symbols in the center of his eyes focused on the demon. As the ice door opened up, his eyes drifted to the storm outside. “Your abilities are ice based. That explains your place of residence, and partially explains the frozen changeling child. But I still do not compute why you would have a need for the head of a changeling.”
words: 140

I will not back
a step away
from that hoard-guardian.
We two shall end
as fate decrees.
KryeedDate: Wednesday, 2010-02-24, 7:41 PM | Message # 7
Less of a Noob
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Hachi watched the android logically work through the situation, though from a completely logical standpoint, it meant nothing. The daemon explained casually “My skills go beyond just ice, however It was shown to me by a particularly bitter Changeling, the frozen child is his son” he smiled “and nature took its course on the body, not me….as for the head, normally people have morality issues, and it’s a way to show they’re commited” the simple answer was given, as talk about morality would seem to be useless.

OOC: 87

EhecatlDate: Wednesday, 2010-02-24, 7:41 PM | Message # 8
Less of a Noob
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“To take a life is illogical, as it serves no purpose. To end one life has impact on countless others. Everything that creature knows is forgotten, data that can never be retrieved. Furthermore it lowers relations with every being that was close to the creature, greatly decreasing chances of being accepted into the society. This, of course, is not including the countless other ramifications that are not even fathomable.” Replied the gray-green skinned android, turning his attention back to the demon. “Well, fathomable to me. To sit here and list every single side effect would be a waste of time and energy. Suffice it to say that the murder of a living being, and the resultant head retrieval you requested is out of the question.” With that said, the android researcher waited for a response.
words: 135

I will not back
a step away
from that hoard-guardian.
We two shall end
as fate decrees.
KryeedDate: Wednesday, 2010-02-24, 7:42 PM | Message # 9
Less of a Noob
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“Well…the problem here is you’re not proving your worth, no reason to not reject you into the frozen abyss outside and let you wander the countless miles to the nearest life form other than us….maybe if you can prove yourself against me, there might be a place for you here” Hachi explained coldly, he had dropped all pretense of a gracious host the instant the man refused to carry out the rather simple task.
The voice and the shroud appeared to his side “disregard for people’s lives and needs is fine kid, but make sure you keep looking out for numero uno. And picking fights like this ain’t the best way..” this figure mocked, only to be seen and heard by Hachi alone. The daemon lifted his hand, letting a violent swirling orb of energy pulse in his palm “It’s up to you, either attack me or walk away…either way this attack will be released” Hachi said with a grim expression.
Should the android move forward in any way, Hachi would release the energy blast at the rather close range, and should it hit, the energy would be enough to show just how strong he was. If the attack missed, there would be a grand gaping hole in the far wall, which would let the freezing air course through the barren hallway.

OOC: 222

EhecatlDate: Wednesday, 2010-02-24, 7:42 PM | Message # 10
Less of a Noob
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The android watched as the demon’s demeanor took a drastic change. The demon was already taking the offensive, and forming a sphere of dark energy in the palm of his hand. AREU considered his options, completing roughly an hour worth of thought in only a split second thanks to his advanced computing systems. Human minds, so slow and outdated. Once a decision had been drawn, the research android was ready to implement his course of action. Drawing energy to his feet, the android kicked off and almost immediately went slamming into the icy ceiling, his speed, strength, and android hardness making him act as an almost perfect torpedo. And as Hachi was already charging a blast, he would not have the time to solidify or effect the ice before it came shattering down on top of the demon, the android having broken the icy ceiling completely.
Once in the upper story, the android would be properly concealed from view by the falling debris, making him open for a sneak attack due to the fact he gave off no life signs. However, knowing the energy blast was still very much ready to go off, AREU kept up his defenses and flew backward after breaking the ceiling, instead of forward and over Hachi like most would expect him to do.
words: 218

I will not back
a step away
from that hoard-guardian.
We two shall end
as fate decrees.
KryeedDate: Wednesday, 2010-02-24, 7:43 PM | Message # 11
Less of a Noob
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In a display of quick thinking and reaction, the android proved itself on one regard very quickly, offering an offensive effect as well. Though Hachi was not capable of altering the ice which started falling, a slight shift let the largest and worst pieces land around him and the lighter ones could be suffered and shrugged off. The playing field shifted slightly, in the favor of the android, as Hachi cleared a path to the outside world, letting his energy blast loose on the section of palace a few feet behind the first hole and away from him with a plan in mind.

If the android were watching for him to follow, Hachi would give him a surprise. The daemon had charged his hand with energy again, launching himself into the sky as the android had done with the idea that should the android be above or behind him, rather anywhere he could not see, there would be a proper manner of counter attacks to use should he get close, while the energy blast was in case the android was before his own eyes. The daemon spoke loudly, his position was not to be hidden "no hesitation...something many lack" not expecting a reply.

OOC: 203

EhecatlDate: Wednesday, 2010-02-24, 7:59 PM | Message # 12
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The android hovered, watching the energy blast destroy more of the demon’s home, and it’s eventual rise to the next story of the building. An energy ball in the palm of his hand. AREU acted quickly, not taking the time to charge a full energy blast in hopes of getting off a strike before Hachi noticed AREU was down the new hall from him. With a quick thrust of his arm, AREU let off an invisible wave of force that was aimed for Hachi’s chest, hoping to knock the demon back and disrupt his attempt at launching the energy ball. At the same time, the research android quickly began forming his own ball of bright, green energy in the palm of his hand. Not launching it, but preparing for any counter attack should the kaiho miss or not work. The android did not respond to the demon’s words, not seeing any logical rationality behind it. In a battle, full concentration must be on actions. Not words.

words: 166

I will not back
a step away
from that hoard-guardian.
We two shall end
as fate decrees.
KryeedDate: Wednesday, 2010-02-24, 8:31 PM | Message # 13
Less of a Noob
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Hachi rose to the sky and looked swiftly before seeing the opponent in the hallway, before he could loose his energy blast, the gust of energy or wind had knocked him off center, so his aim was questionable. As soon as he could the daemon righted himself and quickly formed a tube, resting from his arm across the back of his hand, leaving it good for aiming. Within a moment three needles were grouped tightly together and headed towards the green glow, even though Hachi had no clue what the needles might do against an energy blast.
EhecatlDate: Wednesday, 2010-02-24, 8:50 PM | Message # 14
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The android didn’t miss a beat. The very second his attack landed, and he saw the demon’s posture was disrupted, the green energy ball was thrown down the hallway. But the demon didn’t give up just yet. From AREU’s perspective the energy attack would have just detonated prematurely, the angle making it impossible to view the bone needles be fired. Rather than stand there and be confused, however, the researcher used the newfound smoke screen, or should I say snow screen, as the explosion would have blasted away the walls, causing yet another ceiling collapse, to dive down into a near by room. The sound of the castle coming down preventing the android’s movements from being heard completely.

The structural integrity of the ice fortress would be under tremendous strain as much of the upper stories came crashing down on top of the area the battle was in. That section nearly completely crumbling. The room AREU was now in was cracking under the strain, but because most of the damage is right where Hachi was standing, most of the debris would likely end up falling on top of the demon. Not enough to kill anyone at the demon’s level, but certainly enough distraction. That combined with the fact the android can’t be sensed would prevent AREU’s location from being found.

words: 220

I will not back
a step away
from that hoard-guardian.
We two shall end
as fate decrees.
KryeedDate: Wednesday, 2010-02-24, 9:06 PM | Message # 15
Less of a Noob
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The daemon had enough of the run and hide tactic, the android had been too quick twice before and would not be given a third chance. With a grunt and explosion of his kaiho, he sent the debris flying in any other direction, it was time to level the playing field, literally. With all his effort, veins in the daemons arms and neck began to bulge through his skin as he rose his hands and brought them down violently, ice and snow slammed into the center of his ice palace to bring the entire thing down, either on top of the android or near it to clear the entire area for a more evened fighting arena.
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