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wandering the shadows.
BeowulfDate: Sunday, 2010-03-14, 0:40 AM | Message # 1
Less of a Noob
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Messages: 152
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Randomly wandering through the forest Myou traveled between the trees, enjoying the peace that the shadows brought to the world. His mask was solidly in place and his hooded cloak swished with every step that he took until finally he stopped in the middle of the clearing. Sitting down suddenly he looked around and then formed a shield around himself by bending the local light rays to the point where they would create a solid enough defensive wall as he calmed his mind.

OOC: 83 words

SemiDate: Tuesday, 2010-03-16, 11:10 PM | Message # 2
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Amber ran though the trees her nose close to the ground smelling for any changes in the area. She kept her pace strong and avoided the trees making sure to glance up to not hit a tree. Her silver fur blew in the breeze and the sunlight gleamed off her fur making her seem to glow. She ran hard then all of a sudden his something hard. She looked up and winced her vision going blurry and saw nothing but sunlight ~ what the hell hit me~ she thought to herself just before she blacked out. As she hit the ground her body shifted back to her human state a small bruise forming on her forehead.

OOC: word count 116

Message edited by Semi - Tuesday, 2010-03-16, 11:14 PM
BeowulfDate: Tuesday, 2010-03-16, 11:23 PM | Message # 3
Less of a Noob
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Looking down at the small figure on the ground Myou arched a brow at the curiosity that was a little girl. She had changed from her a wolf state into a human state shortly after ramming into his shield… he stared at her in thought and then picking her up he casually carried her to the shadows of a tree, laid her down and floated up into its branches to watch what happened next. What kind of curiosity would come from this girl next. And how exactly had she gotten clothes on while transforming back, most animagi and shape shifters actually lost their clothing when they transformed between forms.

Casting his thoughts to the side he stared at her ever more intently, exploring the visible form for any slight change in her image, revealing a crystal that allowed her to transform or a spirit that allowed her to become it at the cost of her eventual sanity. He could see neither of which and so he leaned back in the tree and committed himself to the equivalent of closing his eyes as he patiently waited for the girl to awake, now pondering exactly how to manipulate this situation into the eventual advancement of his own powers, including regaining his form as the dominant good within the almighty Equinox, lord of time and space, traveler of dimensions, and master of the perfect harmony that humans constantly spoke of. Only problem was that the man, which he was half of, was driven half insane by the near requirement for everything to be balanced… which side was the insane side again?

OOC: 269 words, filled the requirement to know how to fly… contemplating my sanity.

SemiDate: Tuesday, 2010-03-16, 11:39 PM | Message # 4
Group: Users
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Amber’s head hurt like hell as she tried to open her eyes finding that she could not. She groaned and sat up her eyes still closed and felt around her feeling a tree. ~ What the hell his me I feel like I got punched in the face~ she said in her mind as she opened her silver eyes slowly wincing at the bright light. She slowly stood using the tree as a brace and looked around. She could not see clearly her head was still foggy from the hit. She put her hand to her forehead feeling the pain and shook her head trying to clear the fog.

OOC; word count 109

BeowulfDate: Tuesday, 2010-03-16, 11:52 PM | Message # 5
Less of a Noob
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Laughing in the girl’s head Myou just floated there in the tree and watched ~seems you took quite the blow young lady, you should probably watch out for more rays of sunlight when wandering through such dark woods, never know when one will be a trap…~ he said as he shifted his position and laid back in the tree itself, wondering exactly how she would react to the sudden voice popping into her mind… knowing how most reacted it would be too pretty, it was a good thing he couldn’t read her mind though. Just catch the thoughts that she happened to direct his way. That is if she could do so.

OOC: 112 words

SemiDate: Wednesday, 2010-03-17, 0:00 AM | Message # 6
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Amber looked around staying calm as the voice talked to her. She directed her thoughts to the voice thinking that maybe it was a spirit. “ Yes well one would think that in woods like this there would not be a large hard thing hidden in the sunlight.” She said her voice calm and her eyes searching for the one that was speaking to her “ and yes my head hurts a little and I am assuming by your humor that the thing I hit belonged to you.” She said her tone a little angry now. She searched her silver eyes angry and flashing.

OOC: word count 104

BeowulfDate: Wednesday, 2010-03-17, 0:04 AM | Message # 7
Less of a Noob
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~mine, yours, his, hers, does it really matter who it belonged to. The fact is if it had belonged to you, you still would have ran into it.~ came the voice again, he was actually enjoying himself but he had to cut his fun short as it seemed that she was starting to get angry. ~by the way, if you are looking for the source, I suggest you try doing what humans so often forget they can do. Look up.~

OOC: 80 words

SemiDate: Wednesday, 2010-03-17, 0:41 AM | Message # 8
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Amber growled in her head the sound purely like her tiger “ look I’m not human and I don’t look up because if I do I will throw up I can smell you and you smell strange.” She tried to clear her head so she could look up at the one talking she stood in a couch her mind slowly clearing as she looked up in the tree seeing the man in the dark cloak. She scanned him seeing his face and was a little shocked seeing that he did not really have a face but was wearing a mask. Well he might have a face but she could not see it. “ so who are you anyway and why would you put a shield up in the middle of the woods.” She asked her voice now toneless.

OOC: word count 138

BeowulfDate: Wednesday, 2010-03-17, 7:39 AM | Message # 9
Less of a Noob
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Laughing again Myou jumped down from the tree and looked to the girl before him ~well, isn’t it obvious? I am a defender, my shield exists in order to protect myself and others, you were about to run into me… a wolf moving at that speed would have bowled me over instantly and I was too distracted with other matters to properly dodge so I placed up a shield… normally they wouldn’t cause harm, just block, would you by chance happen to be a demon?~ he said in her mind as he looked at her through the mask.

OOC: 98 words

SemiDate: Wednesday, 2010-03-17, 1:51 PM | Message # 10
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Amber glared at him the sprits in her head screaming not liking this defender. The wolf in her growled wanting her to run or attack or something. Amber shut her Silver eyes calming the voices in her head ~ do not worry friends I will keep my eyes on him and I will not allow myself to get hurt if I need you I will let you take over~ she thought and smiled as the voices calmed and they all stayed silent. She opened her eyes looking back at the man and directing her next set of thoughts to him “ Yes I am a demon but what dose that matter in the fact that if you did not want to have to worry about being knocked over you should have been somewhere you would have been in no danger.” Her angry silver eyes calmed as the pain in her head stopped hurting. She cleared any emotion from her face and looked at him

OOC: word count 164

BeowulfDate: Wednesday, 2010-03-17, 2:11 PM | Message # 11
Less of a Noob
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Laughing he looked at the woman and placed his hands on his hips. ~well, I am sorry that I upset you but it sort of is my job to be moving through the dangerous areas, otherwise I wouldn’t exactly be defending anyone now would I?~ he laughed again and kept moving, slowly walking across the path and leaning against a tree on the far side of the clearing and simply staring at her, wondering exactly what his people had done to all of the races that were in the universe. ~any reason why you are angry with me? I mean really, all I did was watch over you after you ran into my shield, and your simply angry because your demon blood cause you to get a concussion.~ he once again thought in her direction. Sitting down he fiddled with a small controller for his space pod, which he would eventually be trading in.

OOC: 154 words

Message edited by Beowulf - Wednesday, 2010-03-17, 2:21 PM
SemiDate: Wednesday, 2010-03-17, 10:58 PM | Message # 12
Group: Users
Messages: 73
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She looked him over and started to slowly back away from the man her mind still a little foggy but clear enough to know that she needed to stay at least a bit back from him. She wanted to run but for some reason her body would not move away. “ you did not answer my question I would like it answered” she said her thought directed towards him as she kept her eyes on him.

OOC: word count 76

BeowulfDate: Wednesday, 2010-03-17, 11:06 PM | Message # 13
Less of a Noob
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Myou looked at the woman and sighed ~you being a demon makes all the difference when it comes to the shield. It is made of condensed sunlight, demons don’t respond to light very well, especially when it is focused into a solid mass. I have had to kill a few in order to save many lives and light seems to be the most effective weapons.~ he said into her said as he sat down, exhausted from the day of exploring. ~you may stay or you may go, but me, I am staying here, in the forest, and sleeping in that large tree down the way.~

OOC: 105 words

SemiDate: Friday, 2010-03-19, 3:37 PM | Message # 14
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Amber sighed and fell backwards on her ass letting the pain in her head overtake her. She looked at the man and laughed a little. “ That tree is not a good idea there is a local cat around here that doesn’t like anyone in his tree pick a new one. He doesn’t let even me sit with him.” She said her voice soft as she rested her back agents the tree and closed her eyes.

OOC: 76 words

BeowulfDate: Friday, 2010-03-19, 3:47 PM | Message # 15
Less of a Noob
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~Yes, it may belong to a local cat but it’s the only wayward pine for miles around and the only proper shelter for a cloudy night, they will either understand or be scared off for the night.~ he spoke telepathically as he kept going ~my safety while I sleep is my first concern, then the safety of everything else because if I am not well while I wake I cant protect others.~ he finished and finally crept underneath the lowest branch of the tree, opening up his cloak to reveal near regal clothes and he pulled away his mask to show what could be considered the face of a prince. At his hip was a blade made of chemical treated metals to look golden.

OOC: 124 words

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