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wandering the shadows.
BeowulfDate: Monday, 2010-03-22, 0:02 AM | Message # 31
Less of a Noob
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Messages: 152
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Looking at her he smiled as best he could under the mask ~its not proper for a person to go around naked on this planet, and if anyone walked by they could have and probably would have taken advantage of you, and because of my nature I would have left you here and kept going if I didn’t leave the coat. When I take that coat off I take damage but the further I get from it the more the damage increases until my body just about explodes from the punishment. I have seen it happen to others of my kind before.~ he said through the link, attempting to cover the fact that it was actually out of compassion rather than just duty.

OOC: 123 words

SemiDate: Monday, 2010-03-22, 0:37 AM | Message # 32
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She smiled at him and laughed softly “ you don’t have to worry about that I would have woken and shifted though I am going to have to get more clothing I don’t think I can get it back by shifting this time.” She smiled and stood pulling him up with her. Her silver eyes flashed as she started walking with him towards the town. Her Silver hair flowing down a little past her shoulders.

OOC:75 words

BeowulfDate: Monday, 2010-03-22, 1:13 AM | Message # 33
Less of a Noob
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~if we are to get you new clothes please take my coat and put it on, it will completely cover you till we can get to a shop and you can actually get dressed~ he said in her mind and stopped next to her motioning for her to take the robe that he was wearing. He didn’t much mind if she took it off of him and it didn’t affect him when she did so everything would be fine as far as he could tell. He smiled at her from beneath the mask ~and it would probably be a good idea for you to take my mask off of me too, at least then we can get some normal service unless you would rather have men’s hands all over you when we are in town because it is quite obvious you can’t go into town in any of your potential animal forms.

OOC: 152 words

SemiDate: Monday, 2010-03-22, 8:13 AM | Message # 34
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Amber looked at him and slowly nodded. She reached up with her right hand and tucked her hair behind her ear out of habit. She scanned over him her eyes filled with a little bit of worry. “ Are you sure im not going to hurt you if I take it off. You hurt yourself really badly when you did it to cover me.” She did however reach up carefully and remove his mask uniting it slowly and pulling it down. She had the weird feeling again as she saw his deep blue eyes. She smiled warmly and seeing that moving the mask did not hurt him she hesitantly started to move his coat. Her small hands shook a little as she started from the top and worked her way down un buttoning his coat and sliding it down and off his shoulders. She looked up at him as she flipped the coat around herself and fastened the buttons in place. “ Well we should get going so I can give you back your coat, but one thing, what do I do with your mask?” she asked as she held it up looking at it.

OOC: 195 words

BeowulfDate: Monday, 2010-03-22, 8:46 AM | Message # 35
Less of a Noob
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Messages: 152
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Holding up one finger he quickly unbuttoned three buttons around her stomach so he wouldn’t see anything and slipped the mask inside and then buttoned it up, but as he had slipped the mask in place it disappeared, completely vanishing as he set it in place. Smiling at her he took a couple paces forward in order to get in front of her and play the role of a guard. And a nice little bonus came from the role of being a guard, he could remain silent and no one would suspect him of having strange powers or not having any vocal cords. Every so often he would turn to look back and make sure she was following just fine and he would also pause to listen to and answer any questions of hers that arose.

OOC: 136 words

SemiDate: Monday, 2010-03-22, 11:05 PM | Message # 36
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Amber smiled at him and fallowed pulling her silver hair back into a ponytail. She looked around not liking the fact that they were going into town but she really needed clothing she could not run around naked. Her silver eyes kept flickering around her to see if there was any movement. “ I really hate going into town you know, and I don’t even know your name. mine is Amber.” She smiles staying behind him only 3 steps.

OOC: 79 words

BeowulfDate: Monday, 2010-03-22, 11:12 PM | Message # 37
Less of a Noob
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Resting a hand upon the pommel of his sword he watched the crowds carefully and kept a hand on a bag of coins resting on his hip. ~I guess you can call me Myou, it means destiny amongst the ‘japanese’ culture of this planet.~ he said to her as he continued to watch the crowds ~and on top of all of this, please refrain from actually speaking to me while we are in town, these people can’t hear my communications with you and it will only serve to confuse them, and confused humans are hostile. I would much rather be able to make it out of this town without having to hurt someone.~ he finished off and looked in her direction, his hand on both the bag and the blade tightening as he took his eyes off the crowd.

OOC: 139 words

SemiDate: Monday, 2010-03-22, 11:31 PM | Message # 38
Group: Users
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She nodded and directed her thoughts to him “ ok I can call you that but is it really your name and I don’t think me talking out loud really matters. Most guards from what I have seen don’t talk at all. They use little nods and things like that to answer. But ok we can just talk like this” she smiled and looked around not really liking the people looking at her. She knew by human standers that she was cute but she still did not like to be stared at.

OOC: 92 words

BeowulfDate: Monday, 2010-03-22, 11:40 PM | Message # 39
Less of a Noob
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~yes but a simple nod is to a yes or no answer, you were asking questions that actually required a worded answer, and we will be out of here as soon as I get some clothes for you considering it was sort of my fault that they disappeared~ he said in her mind as he kept going, gently shoving people out of the way when he got to large groups, making sure the path stayed open enough for Amber to get through. It wouldn’t be long before they came across a rather obviously expensive clothing store and he slipped in, unnoticed by the crowds but slow enough to make sure he caught the girls eye.

OOC: 115 words

SemiDate: Tuesday, 2010-03-23, 8:35 AM | Message # 40
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Amber watched the people pass by as their eyes went over her. She saw that more of them were staring at Myou though, She guessed that it was because he was so tall and his clothing but she didn’t see why humans had to stare. She got a little distracted by the children playing in the street smiling as they ran around. The children were sweet they were for the most part good to creatures and they really did not have the same wants as the adults. She looked back at Myou just in enough time to see him going into a shop that was rather expensive. She directed her thoughts to him as she slipped inside “Myou this place is expensive why would we go in here?” she looked around the shop

OOC:133 words

BeowulfDate: Tuesday, 2010-03-23, 9:52 AM | Message # 41
Less of a Noob
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Pointing to a crest that had just appeared on his cloak he smiled. ~That is a royal crest on this planet, we are merely filling the role, and I feel like I owe you at least something.~ he said in her mind as he walked around and picked out different pieces of clothing and then stopped ~see if the clerk has something of the quality that I wear and tell him that its essential that you only wear the best of what is available throughout the entire planet.~ he said once again and started to look around the entire store, trying to find the highest quality items he could find and really hoping that the clerk didn’t attempt to get her measurements. Even in this quality of shop a male would not be able to restrain themselves with a naked woman in front of them. He sorrowfully wished that he had picked a shop with a female clerk than a male.

OOC: 161 words

SemiDate: Tuesday, 2010-03-23, 9:37 PM | Message # 42
Group: Users
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Amber hesitated not really knowing how to talk to humans and tucked her hair behind her ears her silver eyes a little big with some fear. She slowly looked around and walked up to the counter and looked at the man. She hesitantly spoke trying to keep her tome the same “ Excuse me sir I need some items that are of the best quality of the planet.” Her tone was calm and she kept eye contact with the man. She spoke in her mind to myou still staring at the shop keep “ I have no idea what the hell I am doing I hope I said that right” she put on a half smile and waited for the response.

OOC: 121 words

BeowulfDate: Tuesday, 2010-03-23, 10:17 PM | Message # 43
Less of a Noob
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Messages: 152
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The shop keep seemed to not even notice her fear when she spoke, and he seemed to pay even less attention to any misgivings the girl may have after he heard how this girl was looking for the finest clothes on the planet and she was in his shop. A smile broke out on his face and he bowed deeply “Of course madam, and you have come to the right place, we carry the finest materials in the universe, all we need is your measurements…” he trailed off as a blade suddenly appeared in front of his face.

~the man is not telling the truth and he is beginning to think about doing some very… unsavory things, tell him that a woman needs to take your measurements or you will go elsewhere, and if he persists that your guard is more than happy to show him what happens to those who press their luck~ he said in her mind as he looked at her, his blade pressed carefully against the unfortunate man’s throat.

OOC: 173 words

SemiDate: Tuesday, 2010-03-23, 10:56 PM | Message # 44
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Amber put as much anger in her eyes as she could and she spoke “ I would like a woman to do my measurements and if you persist on taking them yourself my guard would be happy to show you what happens to those who press their luck and we will take our business to another shop.” Her voice had a hint of anger in it even though inside she was scared. She spoke to Myou though her thoughts “ what do you mean by that, I don’t know humans vary well? I don’t really know what you mean by that.” She looked to his sword and waited for the shop keep to answer.

OOC:114 words

BeowulfDate: Tuesday, 2010-03-23, 11:13 PM | Message # 45
Less of a Noob
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~I only mean that I will hit him…. I hope I don’t hit him hard enough to kill him, which would be a little messy.~ he said into her head and slowly pulled his blade away, placing it on his weapons belt and looked at the man, his blue eyes cold and deadly.

The shop keep vigorously nodded and backed away from the blade as quickly as he could move. “I will go get one of the ladies from the back to help.” He said and quickly disappeared from the back, returning with a woman who would take the measurements. ~walk with the lady to the back, out of public eye; I am right in communication distance if you need me. Until then I will be watching the shop keep. And when you come out with a dress or whatever you wish to wear, look to me and ask me to pay the man so you retain the noble look.~

OOC: 160 words


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