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wandering the shadows.
SemiDate: Friday, 2010-03-19, 5:24 PM | Message # 16
Group: Users
Messages: 73
Reputation: 1
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Amber fallowed the man a little annoyed that he would even dare to disturb a wild cat as he slept. She walked silently like her tiger form not even breaking a single twig on the way to the large fir. She watched him and felt a strange feeling in her lower gut as she saw the mask move she paused keeping her eyes on his face. ~ Wow I would not think that he would have looked like that under that mask I wonder why he hides his face~ she thought to herself as she jumped up in front of him and looked at him her eyes scanning every bit of him as she turned into a tiger and laid in front of myou her tail twitching slightly.

OOC:128 words

BeowulfDate: Friday, 2010-03-19, 6:36 PM | Message # 17
Less of a Noob
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Laying his head back against the tree Myou gently closed his eyes, keeping one hand on his sword and the other on his mask as he slept. As much as he wanted to protect these humans from whatever destruction that was bound to come to them, he rather didn’t trust them one bit and he knew that if he didn’t make it painfully obvious that he would kill just about anyone who tried to play the role of a thief and try to pick his pocket clean. That night he rested easily for the first time in probably a century, without a single dream of what his people had done to him and the others.

OOC: 115 words

SemiDate: Friday, 2010-03-19, 9:00 PM | Message # 18
Group: Users
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The next morning amber woke and looked at the sleeping man across from her. Her silver eyes scanning him as she stood slowly and walked close to him looked over his clothing and then to his mask. She looked up at his face and inched a little closer trying to see his eyes. Feeling stupid she growled low at herself for even thinking she could see his eyes while they were closed. She sat down and watched him sleep her tail twitching.

OOC: 82 words

BeowulfDate: Friday, 2010-03-19, 9:20 PM | Message # 19
Less of a Noob
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It was a few minutes of the girl sitting there before Myou fluttered open his brilliant blue eyes and looked at her. Though she only had a few moments to see them before he quickly lifted his hand and put the mask back on completely out of habit. ~my face is not something to stare at, just average for my people, and I am required to wear this mask as long as I wake, so I am doomed to walk the universe with everyone distrusting me because of a mask.~ he said in her mind and stood up, beginning to button up his cloak again to hide his clothes ~I am merely a banished citizen of a group that believes everyone should suffer for things that their ancestors committed~ he said as he stood up.

OOC: 135 words

SemiDate: Friday, 2010-03-19, 10:02 PM | Message # 20
Group: Users
Messages: 73
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Amber shifted human and walked up him he balance on the branch cat like. She quickly unbuttoned his coat and pushed it away and reached up taking off has mask and putting it in his hand. Her silver eyes looked him over examining every part of his face and his outfit. She looked up into his blue eyes and hesitantly put her hand to his cheek. She directed her thoughts to him “ What are you I have never seen anyone or anything that looks like you. And your eyes are a weird shade of blue is that normal for your people?” She kept looking into his eyes but then looked down at his outs fit running her hand over it lightly.

OOC: words 122

BeowulfDate: Friday, 2010-03-19, 10:10 PM | Message # 21
Less of a Noob
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~yes my eyes are quite natural for my race, and my outfit is made of different silks, some strands more expensive than a human slave girl goes for on the intergalactic black market.~ he said in her mind as he looked at her, completely unsure on what to do. The heads had said that he couldn’t remove the cloak and he couldn’t remove the mask while awake, but he hadn’t removed it, she had. Would that put his life in danger or hers? Or would it simply do nothing and his people stopped existing or maybe had stopped caring about what he did.

OOC: 103 words

SemiDate: Saturday, 2010-03-20, 0:26 AM | Message # 22
Group: Users
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Amber’s eyes were locked onto his her silver eyes flashing. She suddenly backed up and put his mask on his face and buttoning up his coat. She jumped down stretching and smiled back at him.

OOC: sorry really short one x.x 35 words

BeowulfDate: Saturday, 2010-03-20, 0:38 AM | Message # 23
Less of a Noob
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Messages: 152
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Smiling at her he tied his mask in place and buttoned up his jacket, placing his hands in opposite sleeves and started to walk down the path, giving absolutely no hint as to why he was here or what he had on his person. Looking back to her he spoke through the telepathic connection ~I can’t have you telling any other beings of how I look or what I wear or I will have to do some… unpleasant things to them.~ he said as he walked down the path.

OOCK 89 words

SemiDate: Sunday, 2010-03-21, 0:32 AM | Message # 24
Group: Users
Messages: 73
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Amber looked at him and directed her thoughts to his, as she walked next to him “don’t you mean to me I would have been the one that told.” She smiled and made sure that her dagger was on her thigh right. Her silver hair fell across her face like a calm waterfall she flipped it back as she stood and smiles at him stopping in front of him. She scanned him and smiled as she turned into a chipmunk walking next to him.

OOC: 84 words

Message edited by Semi - Sunday, 2010-03-21, 0:32 AM
BeowulfDate: Sunday, 2010-03-21, 0:39 AM | Message # 25
Less of a Noob
Group: Users
Messages: 152
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~in a quarantine you keep the disease from spreading and not kill the source. Think of the solution as that, in order to keep the information from spreading and to keep you from telling anyone again I would be forced to terminate the new carriers.~ he said as he looked to her chipmunk form and kept walking along the path, his motions carefully calculated to keep any of the metals that he carried completely silent as he walked but then he knelt down and gently picked her up. ~me and you need to pick up the pace, you are welcome to jump down but I am moving out of here.~ he paused then to let her respond.

OOC: 117 words

SemiDate: Sunday, 2010-03-21, 8:36 AM | Message # 26
Group: Users
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Amber trotted along side the man keeping his pace with her little paws. Her golden fur glinted every time she ran though a patch of sunlight the only part not glowing was the black strip in between the two white ones. She looked up at him sometimes her eyes still swirling silver. She squeaked and squirmed as the man picked her up. Lisaning to what he said she looked up at him and thought towards him “What do you mean move faster”

OOC:82 words

BeowulfDate: Sunday, 2010-03-21, 12:07 PM | Message # 27
Less of a Noob
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Messages: 152
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~we are getting out of these woods now, and I have the fastest way out~ he said as he suddenly created stairs of ki spiraling up and out of the forest, above the trees where he could look out for miles around and look for the edge. Holding her he then ran up those steps and stopped at the very top, looking out over the tree tops. ~hold on tight cause things are about to get a little hectic, hope this doesn’t scare you too much~ and then the world seemed to fade around them, blurring and swirling in color and then suddenly it all changed back. He repeated this process two more times and finally he was standing about a hundred feet above solid ground at the edge of the forest where a lake could be seen in the distance, and a town not much further beyond that.

OOC: 149 words

Message edited by Beowulf - Sunday, 2010-03-21, 1:41 PM
SemiDate: Sunday, 2010-03-21, 3:00 PM | Message # 28
Group: Users
Messages: 73
Reputation: 1
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She looked up at him a little surprised. As he did whatever he did he mind spun. The first time they came out of it she was shaking in her chipmunk form her silver eyes wide with fear and not understanding. The second time she nearly lost her mind and the voices were screaming because she was near passing out from being scared and they were trying to get her to stay awake. The third time he did it was the last she could take she passed out shifting back to her human from. The only bad thing was this time when she shifted her fur did not right so she was stark naked.

OOC: 114 words

BeowulfDate: Sunday, 2010-03-21, 3:05 PM | Message # 29
Less of a Noob
Group: Users
Messages: 152
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~damn the rules~ was all he thought as he let himself fall to the ground while bracing her in his arms. He laid her down upon the soft grass carefully to make sure she would be comfortable while she slept and then he began to unbutton his cloak and take it off, feeling a twinge of pain that doubled in intensity with each motion he made in removing it. By the time he placed it over her body he was sweating and breathing heavily, blood leaking from multiple points on his head and a few on his arms, any spot where his skin was thin enough for the blood to push through. At this point he practically collapsed against the tree, unable to keep himself upright due to the pain surging through his body.

OOC: 134 words

SemiDate: Sunday, 2010-03-21, 11:43 PM | Message # 30
Group: Users
Messages: 73
Reputation: 1
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Amber woke her mind feeling like it was going to split into many pieces. She sat up slowly feeling a strange weight on her body. Looking down she saw the mans coat draped over her. She started to move it and blushed deeply seeing she was naked. She looked up at the man and gasped seeing him breathing hard and bleeding. The stood quickly forgetting about her nude body and quickly put his coat back on him and buttoning him up. She directed her thoughts at him “ why did you take that off it causes you pain my nudeness doesn’t bother me it has happened before.” She looke dat him that weird feeling in her gut again. She offered to help him to his feet asking the spirets in her head to be silent.

OOC:135 words


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