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JonDate: Sunday, 2010-02-28, 12:14 PM | Message # 16
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ummm... stat cap at 15.000...?
Some sensing abilities aren't unlocked until 20.000 in that stat... <.<

Honestly... I just think you should stick with what the site got now, and then the pl caps based on who's number 10 (or maybe a higher number than that, as number 10 could, potentially, be rather inactive), at least up to a certain point.

Anyway... just my opinion on this

TenshiDate: Sunday, 2010-02-28, 12:16 PM | Message # 17
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I agree that Pl should cap. It doesnt just wither down to people who write alot get the advantage, keep in mind some of us are in school, have jobs that take up most of our time, have very little time to post, and some people just have more events in their life that will prevent them from posting. I think that eventually, there should be a cap to how powerful one can become, and I believe 15,000,000 should be that cap, so that once their stats max out at 10,000,000, the characters themselves will realize that they are nearing the peak of their power. Keep in mind, it's impossible to continuously keep gaining power. Eventually, everything reaches its peak.

As Hell opened its gates before me,
It was not to welcome in its next victim,
But to invite in its new ruler
Kyrt_RyderDate: Sunday, 2010-02-28, 12:39 PM | Message # 18
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Just to deal with the philosophical aspect of Tenshi's post, I don't agree with that.

I believe that people have unlimited potential, the only thing that stands in their way is how hard they are willing to work for it.

Now, does it get more difficult at times? Will growth sometimes slow down? Sure, but if you don't give up and push with everything you've got you will continue to evolve and become stronger.

ussjkennyDate: Sunday, 2010-02-28, 12:57 PM | Message # 19
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You know I'm all for this system. I recommended the cap be 15 mil, with 30 mil for fusions if any cap is in.
Kyrt_RyderDate: Sunday, 2010-02-28, 1:57 PM | Message # 20
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I volunteered in the chat to run up the minutes on who's supported which sides so far, and here are the results.

1: Training Caps - One voter


2: New Word Gains - Four Voters

Kryeed, Kyrt-Ryder, Shinigami, Kenny

Those who've posted but haven't clearly delinated a side (the first two of them stating they want a final cap but saying nothing about progressive caps):

Ehecatl, Tenshi, Jez(see below)

Additionally, an alternative option was proposed, by Jez, which I am posting below in it's basic state (lacking any numbers.)

3: No progressive caps, Same Gains, Gain penalties applied to exceptionally powerful players

In this system, the gains remain unchanged, and those who's power skyrockets above the rest gain penalties to their gains (two potential mathematical ideas were presented on this upthread.)

Personally, I think that may be the best solution. The people wanting caps are afraid they won't be able to keep up with the stronger people when they themselves reach the slow levels.

I know for a fact that myself (Kyrt-Ryder), Kryeed, Shinigami, and Jerry support this alternative as well.

And those are the minutes for this meeting so far smile

Added (02.28.2010, 10:57 Pm)
I realize that I should also point out that in the chat Ehe and Crystal expressed approval of option 3, and they (especially Ehecatl) had been heavy proponents of caps.

Message edited by Kyrt_Ryder - Sunday, 2010-02-28, 1:43 PM
That_Brazilian_GuyDate: Sunday, 2010-02-28, 1:58 PM | Message # 21
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Just a note on Jon-man's words. As i said in my post, those shall be fixed as well and brought down proportionally.
PeldorianDate: Sunday, 2010-02-28, 2:05 PM | Message # 22
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siding with Jon.

Kyrt_RyderDate: Sunday, 2010-02-28, 2:07 PM | Message # 23
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Could you please elaborate Peldorian? Why do you find both of the alternatives presented to be inadequate?
PeldorianDate: Sunday, 2010-02-28, 2:18 PM | Message # 24
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Ok, so lets look at both sides.

Either way, there is no need for Player to Player Interreaction, because there will be the people who rush forward on day one and reach the cap(or just continually grow) and leave other players who have other things to do behind in the dust, with no real way to catch up. With the Stat cap system, there has been no definitive way for people to break the cap, which is why before I went to bed I proposed the Saga Cap, meaning JUST LIKE THE SHOW, peoples PL would Cap According to Saga(In essence actually the sites PL Cap). Which would A. force people to interreact, and B. Force joint roleplay, which would allow those who are not quite at the cap, to catch up extremely quickly.

For now though, no one wants to meet with each other for fear of death, and destruction, which is another problem. I propose that if you write a Thread with someone's name in it, saying you are approaching them, they can either Run like a Bitch(-.2 PL) or fight you. Because seriously, we need something to make people PvP damnit!

Kyrt_RyderDate: Sunday, 2010-02-28, 2:24 PM | Message # 25
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I couldn't agree with you more Peldorian, there does seem to be a general atmosphere of fear among some of the players I've spoken to. Personally, I have absolutely no problem with PvP, and if I had the resources to buy a ship, and the rp'd reason (I'm a goody goody hero type, so it's easy for you to give me motivation if your willing to kill a few women and children lol) I'd be happy to fight you.

Or anyone for that matter. This is a game guys, characters come and go, and since this is DBZ even death isn't the end. A cap, of any kind, won't change that. It has to be a personal decision to just go all out and hold nothing back.

(also, I laughed pretty hard at the 'run like a bitch' penalty idea. .2 of their base might be a little extreme, but -.1 doesn't sound too bad actually, although there isn't any logic to support becoming weaker by running away)

PeldorianDate: Sunday, 2010-02-28, 2:28 PM | Message # 26
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There is Logic for Saiyans to become weaker by running away.
Kyrt_RyderDate: Sunday, 2010-02-28, 2:36 PM | Message # 27
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You know, that actually sounds right. It would probably be a racial thing though. If they run away they can't use their pride boost until they earn it back or something.
RianoDate: Sunday, 2010-02-28, 6:29 PM | Message # 28
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I'm all about making everything fair but... i say that we leave the whole system alone. I'm okay with changing the training gain system a bit, but this is about making fair for everyone, including the people who are on a lot. It's not fair for PlayerX to get capped and told "no" just because he is on more. Yeah, PlayerX probably has very little social life and is probably tired as hell in the mornings, but that's his right to do whatever the hell he wants. You know, the system has worked for a very long time. For many years, training was words /2. That's it. Then there came a system to make word training more valuable and keep emphasis off of meditation. As it sits now, it's perfectly fine.

It doesn't matter what amazingly awesome system is decided on, this game is a complicated powerlevel race.

ussjkennyDate: Sunday, 2010-02-28, 8:29 PM | Message # 29
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Powerlevel race perhaps, but it's not such an extreme gap that makes everyone uber weaker for not posting 50,000 words a week.
EhecatlDate: Sunday, 2010-02-28, 8:51 PM | Message # 30
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I like the idea Tenshi had. The pl capping at 15,000,000 and stats at 10. And Kenny's expansion on the idea.

I don't really care about how we get there, as long as we end up equals.

I'm remaining neutral on which I choose, however. Both has potential and potential problems.

Also, to counter Kyp's statement on no limits. We do have limits. No matter how hard you work at it, you will never exceed the optimum potential of YOUR body. Everyone is physically different. Some have weak hearts, some have slower minds ect. But in the end, You can only get so strong until you hit that wall. You will never be able to stop a train coming at you with your fist. You will never be able to leap over the empire state building. At least not with our limited lifespans and the aging proccess.

I will not back
a step away
from that hoard-guardian.
We two shall end
as fate decrees.

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